path: root/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext')
15 files changed, 1565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/msbinit.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/msbinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf943c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/msbinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local modulename = "msbinit"
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+_M.systemConf = {
+ ["defaultport"] = "10080",
+ ["defaultprefix"] = "msb:routing",
+ ["enablefullsearch"] = true, --whether test against the custom services after common match processing
+ ["enablerefercheck"] = true, --whether use refer to test against the service names as the last solution
+ ["enableauthcheck"] = true, --whether add custom auth header or not
+ ["useconsultemplate"] = false --whether using consul template or not
+_M.redisConf = {
+ ["host"] = "",
+ ["port"] = 6379,
+ ["poolsize"] = 100,
+ ["idletimeout"] = 90000,
+ ["timeout"] = 1000,
+ ["dbid"] = 0
+_M.cacheConf = {
+ ["positive_ttl"] = 60, --shcache use,in seconds
+ ["negative_ttl"] = 2, --shcache use,in seconds
+ ["lru_ttl"] = 10 --in seconds
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/svcconf.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/svcconf.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6356e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/conf/svcconf.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+_M.apiRelatedTypes = {
+ ["api"] = true,
+ ["admin"] = true,
+ ["apijson"] = true
+_M.urlfieldMap = {
+ ["api"] = "url",
+ ["admin"] = "metricsUrl",
+ ["apijson"] = "apijson",
+ ["iui"] = "url",
+ ["custom"] = "url"
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/dao.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/dao.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb47cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/dao.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+--This module integrates the shcache with an abstraction for various databases(redis and so on)
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+local shcache = require("vendor.shcache")
+local cjson = require "cjson"
+local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
+local DB = require('dao.redis_db')
+local options = msbConf.redisConf
+local cacheConf = msbConf.cacheConf
+local positive_ttl = cacheConf.positive_ttl or 60
+local negative_ttl = cacheConf.negative_ttl or 2
+local svc_shcache = ngx.shared.svc_cache
+local function load_serviceinfo(key)
+ -- closure to perform external lookup to redis
+ local fetch_svcinfo_from_db = function ()
+ local _db = DB:new(options)
+ return _db:getserviceinfo(key)
+ end
+ local svcinfo_cache_table = shcache:new(
+ svc_shcache,
+ { external_lookup = fetch_svcinfo_from_db,
+ --encode = cmsgpack.pack,
+ encode = cjson.encode,
+ --decode = cmsgpack.unpack
+ decode = cjson.decode
+ },
+ { positive_ttl = positive_ttl, -- default cache good data for 60s
+ negative_ttl = negative_ttl, -- default cache failed lookup for 5s
+ name = 'svcinfo_cache' -- "named" cache, useful for debug / report
+ }
+ )
+ local serviceinfo, from_cache = svcinfo_cache_table:load(key)
+ return serviceinfo
+_M.load_serviceinfo = load_serviceinfo
+local function load_backservers(keypattern)
+ -- closure to perform external lookup to redis
+ local fetch_servers_from_db = function ()
+ local _db = DB:new(options)
+ return _db:getbackservers(keypattern)
+ end
+ local servers_cache_table = shcache:new(
+ svc_shcache,
+ { external_lookup = fetch_servers_from_db,
+ --encode = cmsgpack.pack,
+ encode = cjson.encode,
+ --decode = cmsgpack.unpack
+ decode = cjson.decode
+ },
+ { positive_ttl = positive_ttl, -- default cache good data for 60s
+ negative_ttl = negative_ttl, -- default cache failed lookup for 5s
+ name = 'servers_cache' -- "named" cache, useful for debug / report
+ }
+ )
+ local servers_table, from_cache = servers_cache_table:load(keypattern)
+ return servers_table
+_M.load_backservers = load_backservers
+local function load_customsvcnames(keypattern)
+ -- closure to perform external lookup to redis
+ local fetch_svcnames_from_db = function ()
+ local _db = DB:new(options)
+ return _db:getcustomsvcnames(keypattern)
+ end
+ local svcnames_cache_table = shcache:new(
+ svc_shcache,
+ { external_lookup = fetch_svcnames_from_db,
+ --encode = cmsgpack.pack,
+ encode = cjson.encode,
+ --decode = cmsgpack.unpack
+ decode = cjson.decode
+ },
+ { positive_ttl = positive_ttl, -- default cache good data for 60s
+ negative_ttl = negative_ttl, -- default cache failed lookup for 5s
+ name = 'svcnames_cache' -- "named" cache, useful for debug / report
+ }
+ )
+ local service_names, from_cache = svcnames_cache_table:load(keypattern)
+ return service_names
+_M.load_customsvcnames = load_customsvcnames
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/db_access.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/db_access.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4848a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/db_access.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+-- unified layer to access back DB, using two levels of cache mechanism(LRUCache and shcache)
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+local cache = require('lib.tools.db_cache')
+local dao = require('dao.dao')
+local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
+local cacheConf = msbConf.cacheConf
+local lru_ttl = cacheConf.lru_ttl or 10
+function _M.load_serviceinfo(key)
+ local value, err
+ -- Try to get from cache
+ value = cache.get(key)
+ if not value then
+ -- Get from shcache or backend redis
+ value = dao.load_serviceinfo(key)
+ cache.set(key,value,lru_ttl)
+ end
+ if cache.is_empty(value) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return value
+function _M.load_backservers(keypattern)
+ local value, err
+ -- Try to get from cache
+ value = cache.get(keypattern)
+ if not value then
+ -- Get from shcache or backend redis
+ value = dao.load_backservers(keypattern)
+ cache.set(keypattern,value,lru_ttl)
+ end
+ if cache.is_empty(value) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return value
+function _M.load_customsvcnames(keypattern)
+ local value, err
+ -- Try to get from cache
+ value = cache.get(keypattern)
+ if not value then
+ -- Get from shcache or backend redis
+ value = dao.load_customsvcnames(keypattern)
+ cache.set(keypattern,value,lru_ttl)
+ end
+ if cache.is_empty(value) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return value
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/redis_db.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/redis_db.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5b75c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/dao/redis_db.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+-- the client for redis, include the connection pool management and api implements
+local redis = require('resty.redis')
+local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
+local _M = {
+_M._VERSION = '0.0.1'
+_M._DESCRIPTION = 'msb_redis_module'
+local mt = { __index = _M }
+local tbl_insert = table.insert
+local tbl_sort = table.sort
+local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
+function _M.new(self, conf)
+ self.host = conf.host
+ self.port = conf.port
+ self.timeout = conf.timeout
+ self.dbid = conf.dbid
+ self.poolsize = conf.poolsize
+ self.idletimeout = conf.idletimeout
+ local red = redis:new()
+ return setmetatable({redis = red}, mt)
+function _M.connectdb(self)
+ local host = self.host
+ local port = self.port
+ local dbid = self.dbid
+ local red = self.redis
+ if not (host and port) then
+ return nil, 'no host:port avaliable provided'
+ end
+ --set default value
+ if not dbid then dbid = 0 end
+ local timeout = self.timeout
+ if not timeout then
+ timeout = 1000 -- 1s
+ end
+ red:set_timeout(timeout)
+ local ok, err
+ if host and port then
+ ok, err = red:connect(host, port)
+ if ok then return red:select(dbid) end
+ end
+ return ok, err
+function _M.keepalivedb(self)
+ local max_idle_timeout = self.idletimeout --ms
+ local pool_size = self.poolsize
+ if not pool_size then pool_size = 100 end
+ if not max_idle_timeout then max_idle_timeout = 90000 end --90s
+ local ok, err = self.redis:set_keepalive(max_idle_timeout, pool_size)
+ if not ok then
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "redis pool keepalive error",err)
+ return
+ end
+ return
+--inner function,only used in this module
+local function _hgetall(red,key)
+ local resp,err = red:hgetall(key)
+ --if not resp or next(resp) == nil then
+ if tbl_isempty(resp) then
+ return nil, "key "..key.." not found"
+ end
+ local hashinfo = red:array_to_hash(resp)
+ return hashinfo,nil
+function _M.getserviceinfo(self,key)
+ if not key then
+ return nil,'no key is provided'
+ end
+ local c, err = self:connectdb()
+ if not c then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ local red = self.redis
+ local resp,err = red:hgetall(key) --the key will create dynamically
+ --if not resp or next(resp) == nil then
+ if tbl_isempty(resp) then
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return nil, "key "..key.." not found"
+ end
+ local serviceinfo = red:array_to_hash(resp)
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return serviceinfo,nil
+function _M.getbackservers(self,keypattern)
+ if not keypattern then
+ return nil,'no keypattern is provided'
+ end
+ local c, err = self:connectdb()
+ if not c then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ local red = self.redis
+ local resp, err = red:keys(keypattern)
+ if tbl_isempty(resp) then
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return nil, "no server matched"
+ end
+ local servers = {}
+ for i, v in ipairs(resp) do
+ local serverinfo,err = _hgetall(red,v)
+ if serverinfo then
+ tbl_insert(servers,serverinfo)
+ end
+ end
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return servers,nil
+function _M.getcustomsvcnames(self,keypattern)
+ if not keypattern then
+ return nil,'no keypattern is provided'
+ end
+ local c, err = self:connectdb()
+ if not c then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ local red = self.redis
+ local resp, err = red:keys(keypattern)
+ if tbl_isempty(resp) then
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return {}, "no custome service name found"
+ end
+ local svcnames = {}
+ --store svc names into the Set
+ local key_set={}
+ local name
+ for key, value in ipairs(resp) do
+ local m, err = ngx.re.match(value, "^.+:custom:([^:]+):.*", "o")
+ if m then
+ name = m[1]
+ key_set[name]=true
+ end
+ end
+ for key,_ in pairs(key_set) do
+ tbl_insert(svcnames,key)
+ end
+ --sort the key_table in reverse order
+ tbl_sort(svcnames, function (a, b)
+ return a > b
+ end)
+ self:keepalivedb()
+ return svcnames,nil
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/tools/db_cache.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/tools/db_cache.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f40590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/tools/db_cache.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+-- db cache over LRUCache, used within one worker processes
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+local lrucache = require "resty.lrucache"
+local EMPTY_DATA = '_EMPTY_'
+-- we need to initialize the cache on the lua module level so that
+-- it can be shared by all the requests served by each nginx worker process:
+local cache,err = lrucache.new(200) -- allow up to 200 items in the cache
+if not cache then
+ return ngx.log(ngx.ERR,"failed to create the cache: " .. (err or "unknown"))
+function _M.get(key)
+ return cache:get(key)
+function _M.set(key,value)
+ return _M:set(key, value, nil)
+function _M.set(key,value,ttl)
+ if not value then
+ value = EMPTY_DATA
+ end
+ return cache:set(key, value, ttl)
+-- check if the data returned by get() is considered empty
+function _M.is_empty(data)
+ return data == EMPTY_DATA
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/log_util.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/log_util.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b0e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/log_util.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+function _M.log(k, v)
+ --if empty,initialize it
+ if not ngx.ctx.logtbl then ngx.ctx.logtbl = {} end
+ ngx.ctx.logtbl[k] = v
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/svc_util.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/svc_util.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..224b321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/svc_util.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
+local msbConf= require('conf.msbinit')
+local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
+local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
+local enableauthcheck = msbConf.systemConf.enableauthcheck
+local log = log_util.log
+function _M.isactive(svcinfo)
+ if tbl_isempty(svcinfo) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if svcinfo["status"] == "1" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function _M.isautodiscover(svcinfo)
+ if tbl_isempty(svcinfo) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if svcinfo["autoDiscover"] == "1" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function _M.setauthheader(svcinfo)
+ --if auth check enabled and this service is inter-system then add sth
+ if enableauthcheck and svcinfo["visualRange"] == "0" then
+ ngx.req.set_header("Z-EXTENT", "C012089CF43DE687B23B2C0176B344EE")
+ log("add Z-EXTENT",true)
+ end
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/table_util.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/table_util.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ddbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/lib/utils/table_util.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+function _M.isempty(t)
+ if t == nil or next(t) == nil then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/balancer.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/balancer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd9f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/balancer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local b = require "ngx.balancer"
+local policymodule = require "loadbalance.policy.roundrobin"
+local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
+local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
+local log = log_util.log
+local doservernil = function()
+ ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ ngx.say("no on-line server found!")
+ return ngx.exit(ngx.status)
+local servers = ngx_ctx.backservers
+local svckeypattern = ngx_ctx.svcserverpattern
+local server,err = policymodule.get_backserver(servers,svckeypattern)
+if not server then
+ doservernil()
+log("upstreamserver",server["ip"]..":"..server["port"]) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/policy/roundrobin.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/policy/roundrobin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986d04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/loadbalance/policy/roundrobin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local _M = {}
+_M._VERSION = '1.0.0'
+local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
+local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
+function _M.get_backserver(servers,svckey)
+ if tbl_isempty(servers) then return nil,"input server list is empty" end
+ local length = #servers
+ if length==1 then
+ -- return it directly if there is only one server
+ return servers[1],nil
+ end
+ local resty_lock = require "resty.lock"
+ local roundrobin_cache = ngx.shared.rr_cache
+ --step1:acquire lock
+ local opts = {["timeout"] = 0.002,["exptime"] = 0.05}--this can be set using the conf file
+ local rrlock = resty_lock:new("rr_locks",opts)
+ local elapsed, err = rrlock:lock(svckey)
+ if not elapsed then
+ --return fail("failed to acquire the lock: ", err)
+ end
+ --step2:lock successfully acquired!incr the index
+ local index, err = roundrobin_cache:get(svckey)
+ if not index then
+ index = 0
+ end
+ index = index%length+1
+ --step3:update the shm cache with the new index
+ roundrobin_cache:set(svckey,index)
+ --step4:release the lock
+ local ok, err = rrlock:unlock()
+ return servers[index],nil
+return _M \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/log/logger.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/log/logger.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86452ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/log/logger.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local cjson = require "cjson"
+local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
+if ngx_ctx.logtbl then
+ local jsonData = cjson.encode(ngx_ctx.logtbl)
+ ngx.log(ngx.WARN, string.gsub(jsonData,"\\/","/"))
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c57880d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
+local svcConf = require('conf.svcconf')
+local dbclient = require('dao.db_access')
+local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
+local svc_util = require('lib.utils.svc_util')
+local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
+local tbl_concat = table.concat
+local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
+local svc_isactive = svc_util.isactive
+local svc_setauthheader = svc_util.setauthheader
+local svc_isautodiscover = svc_util.isautodiscover
+local str_sub = string.sub
+local str_len = string.len
+local str_low = string.lower
+local ngx_var = ngx.var
+local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
+local log = log_util.log
+local defaultport = msbConf.systemConf.defaultport
+local defaultprefix = msbConf.systemConf.defaultprefix
+local enablefullsearch = msbConf.systemConf.enablefullsearch
+local useconsultemplate = msbConf.systemConf.useconsultemplate
+local apiRelatedTypes = svcConf.apiRelatedTypes
+local urlfieldMap = svcConf.urlfieldMap
+local donotfound = function()
+ if enablefullsearch then
+ -- test against the custom services after the commonrewrite phase
+ ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_GONE
+ else
+ ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ ngx.say("service info not found!")
+ end
+ return ngx.exit(ngx.status)
+-- determine whether it is websocket request
+-- and do internal redirect
+local http_upgrade = ngx_var.http_upgrade
+if(ngx_var.websocket_internal_redirect == "on") and http_upgrade and str_low(http_upgrade) == "websocket" then
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Websocket request and redirect to @commonwebsocket")
+ return ngx.exec("@commonwebsocket");
+-- svc_info_key
+-- svc_server_keypattern
+local svc_name = ngx_var.svc_name
+local req_res = ngx_var.req_res
+local svc_type = ngx_var.svc_type
+local sys_prefix = ""
+local server_port = ngx_var.server_port
+if(server_port == defaultport) then
+ sys_prefix = defaultprefix
+ sys_prefix = server_port
+local svc_info_key = ""
+local svc_server_keypattern = ""
+local upstream_name_consultemplate = ""
+if(apiRelatedTypes[svc_type]) then
+ -- process version info first
+ local version1 = ngx_var.svc_version1
+ local version2 = ngx_var.svc_version2
+ local version = ""
+ -- check version info appearing befor or after
+ if(not version2) then version2 = "" end --convert nil to empty sting avoiding throw error
+ if(not version1 or version1 == "") then
+ version = version2
+ else
+ version = version1
+ req_res = version2..req_res
+ end
+ -- remove the slash in front of the version (e.g. /V1.0)
+ local svc_version=str_sub(version,2,str_len(version))
+ svc_info_key = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"api",svc_name,svc_version,"info"},":")
+ svc_server_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"api",svc_name,svc_version,"lb:server*"},":")
+ upstream_name_consultemplate = svc_name
+ svc_info_key = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"iui",svc_name,"info"},":")
+ svc_server_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"iui",svc_name,"lb:server*"},":")
+ upstream_name_consultemplate = "IUI_"..svc_name
+--step1:query the service info from share memory or back db
+-- svcinfo: the requested service information
+local svcinfo = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
+if not svc_isactive(svcinfo) then
+ donotfound()
+local svc_url = svcinfo[urlfieldMap[svc_type]]
+if not svc_url then
+ donotfound()
+--step2:rewrite the request uri using the svcinfo
+local rewrited_uri = svc_url..req_res
+--special handling: avoid throws internal error when it is empty
+if (rewrited_uri == "") then rewrited_uri = "/" end
+--step2.1:if this service is inter-system,add custom http header
+--step3:process the proxy upstream part
+-- con1-using consul template:set the upstream name
+-- con2-using msb balancer:query the server list and store in the ctx
+if useconsultemplate and svc_isautodiscover(svcinfo) then
+ ngx_var.backend = upstream_name_consultemplate
+ local backservers = dbclient.load_backservers(svc_server_keypattern)
+ if tbl_isempty(backservers) then
+ donotfound()
+ end
+ ngx_ctx.backservers = backservers
+ ngx_ctx.svcserverpattern = svc_server_keypattern
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564a52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
+local svcConf = require('conf.svcconf')
+local dbclient = require('dao.db_access')
+local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
+local svc_util = require('lib.utils.svc_util')
+local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
+local tbl_concat = table.concat
+local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
+local svc_isactive = svc_util.isactive
+local svc_setauthheader = svc_util.setauthheader
+local svc_isautodiscover = svc_util.isautodiscover
+local str_sub = string.sub
+local str_len = string.len
+local str_low = string.lower
+local ngx_var = ngx.var
+local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
+local log = log_util.log
+local defaultport = msbConf.systemConf.defaultport
+local defaultprefix = msbConf.systemConf.defaultprefix
+local enablerefercheck = msbConf.systemConf.enablerefercheck
+local useconsultemplate = msbConf.systemConf.useconsultemplate
+local urlfieldMap = svcConf.urlfieldMap
+local donotfound = function()
+ ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ ngx.say("service info not found!")
+ return ngx.exit(ngx.status)
+-- determine whether it is websocket request
+-- and do internal redirect
+local http_upgrade = ngx_var.http_upgrade
+if(ngx_var.websocket_internal_redirect == "on") and http_upgrade and str_low(http_upgrade)== "websocket" then
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Websocket request and redirect to @customwebsocket")
+ return ngx.exec("@customwebsocket");
+-- svcnames:service names registered under this port
+local sys_prefix = ""
+local server_port = ngx_var.server_port
+if(server_port == defaultport) then
+ sys_prefix = defaultprefix
+ sys_prefix = server_port
+local custom_svc_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom","*"},":")
+local get_svcinfokey_custom = function(svcname)
+ return tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom",svcname,"info"},":")
+local get_svcserverpattern_custom = function(svcname)
+ return tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom",svcname,"lb:server*"},":")
+local svcnames,err = dbclient.load_customsvcnames(custom_svc_keypattern)
+if not svcnames then
+ donotfound()
+--step1:run the match process(check whether the request
+-- match the name in the svcnames one by one)
+-- and return the matched serice info
+local req_res = ngx_var.uri
+local svc_type = ngx_var.svc_type
+local matchedsvcname
+local svcinfo
+--add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+local matched_usingrefer = false
+--end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+for _, svcname in ipairs(svcnames) do
+ if (svcname == "/") then
+ local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
+ local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
+ if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info)then
+ matchedsvcname = svcname
+ svcinfo = svc_info
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(req_res, "^"..svcname.."(/(.*))?$", "jo")
+ --check whether svcname is the prefix of the req uri
+ if from then
+ local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
+ local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
+ if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info) then
+ matchedsvcname = svcname
+ svcinfo = svc_info
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ --do nothing
+ end
+--step1.1:additional process,test against the refer
+-- similar to step1
+--add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+if not matchedsvcname and enablerefercheck then
+ local refer = ngx_var.http_referer
+ if(refer and refer~="") then
+ for _, svcname in ipairs(svcnames) do
+ local urlreg ="^(https://|http://|)(([1-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))\\.)(([0-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))\\.){2}([1-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))(:\\d{1,5})?"..svcname.."(/(.*))?$";
+ local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(refer, urlreg, "jo")
+ ----check whether svcname is the prefix of the req refer
+ if from then
+ local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
+ local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
+ if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info) then
+ matchedsvcname = svcname
+ svcinfo = svc_info
+ matched_usingrefer = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+if not matchedsvcname or tbl_isempty(svcinfo) then
+ donotfound()
+local svc_url = svcinfo[urlfieldMap[svc_type]]
+if not svc_url then
+ donotfound()
+--step2:rewrite the request uri using the svcinfo
+local rewrited_uri =""
+if (matchedsvcname == "/") then
+ --special handling: if "/" matched, contact directly
+ rewrited_uri = svc_url..req_res
+ --rewrited_uri = ngx.re.sub(req_res, "^"..matchedsvcname.."(.*)", svc_url.."$1", "o")
+ local newuri,n,err = ngx.re.sub(req_res, "^"..matchedsvcname.."(/.*)?", svc_url.."$1", "o")
+ --add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+ if(n==0 and matched_usingrefer) then newuri = svc_url..req_res end --special handling if matched using refer
+ --end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
+ rewrited_uri = newuri
+if (rewrited_uri == "") then rewrited_uri = "/" end --avoid throws internal error when it is empty
+--set the matched service info,used in the proxy_redirect directive
+ngx_var.svc_name = matchedsvcname
+ngx_var.svc_url = svc_url
+--log the route info
+if(matched_usingrefer) then log("matched_usingrefer",true) end
+--step2.1:if this service is inter-system,add custom http header
+--step3:process the proxy upstream part
+-- con1-using consul template:set the upstream name
+-- con2-using msb balancer:query the backserver list and store in the ctx
+if useconsultemplate and svc_isautodiscover(svcinfo) then
+ --FIX ME:if svcname contains "/", the upstream name may be illegal
+ ngx_var.backend = ngx.re.sub(matchedsvcname, "^/(.*)", "$1", "o")
+ local svc_server_keypattern = get_svcserverpattern_custom(matchedsvcname)
+ local backservers,err = dbclient.load_backservers(svc_server_keypattern)
+ if tbl_isempty(backservers) then
+ donotfound()
+ end
+ ngx_ctx.backservers = backservers
+ ngx_ctx.svcserverpattern = svc_server_keypattern
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/shcache.lua b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/shcache.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a9b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msb-core/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/shcache.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2013 Matthieu Tourne
+-- @author Matthieu Tourne <matthieu@cloudflare.com>
+-- small overlay over shdict, smart cache load mechanism
+local M = {}
+local resty_lock = require("resty.lock")
+local DEBUG = false
+-- defaults in secs
+local DEFAULT_POSITIVE_TTL = 10 -- cache for, successful lookup
+local DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_TTL = 2 -- cache for, failed lookup
+local DEFAULT_ACTUALIZE_TTL = 2 -- stale data, actualize data for
+-- default lock options, in secs
+local function _get_default_lock_options()
+ return {
+ exptime = 1, -- max wait if failing to call unlock()
+ timeout = 0.5, -- max waiting time of lock()
+ max_step = 0.1, -- max sleeping interval
+ }
+local function prequire(m)
+ local ok, err_or_module = pcall(require, m)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, err_or_module
+ end
+ return err_or_module
+local conf = prequire("conf")
+if conf then
+local band = bit.band
+local bor = bit.bor
+local st_format = string.format
+-- there are only really 5 states total
+ -- is_stale is_neg is_from_cache
+local MISS_STATE = 0 -- 0 0 0
+local HIT_POSITIVE_STATE = 1 -- 0 0 1
+local HIT_NEGATIVE_STATE = 3 -- 0 1 1
+local STALE_POSITIVE_STATE = 5 -- 1 0 1
+-- stale negative doesn't really make sense, use HIT_NEGATIVE instead
+-- local STALE_NEGATIVE_STATE = 7 -- 1 1 1
+-- xor to set
+local NEGATIVE_FLAG = 2
+local STALE_FLAG = 4
+local STATES = {
+local function get_status(flags)
+ return STATES[flags] or st_format('UNDEF (0x%x)', flags)
+local EMPTY_DATA = '_EMPTY_'
+-- install debug functions
+if DEBUG then
+ local resty_lock_lock = resty_lock.lock
+ resty_lock.lock = function (...)
+ local _, key = unpack({...})
+ print("lock key: ", tostring(key))
+ return resty_lock_lock(...)
+ end
+ local resty_lock_unlock = resty_lock.unlock
+ resty_lock.unlock = function (...)
+ print("unlock")
+ return resty_lock_unlock(...)
+ end
+-- store the object in the context
+-- useful for debugging and tracking cache status
+local function _store_object(self, name)
+ if DEBUG then
+ print('storing shcache: ', name, ' into ngx.ctx')
+ end
+ local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
+ if not ngx_ctx.shcache then
+ ngx_ctx.shcache = {}
+ end
+ ngx_ctx.shcache[name] = self
+local obj_mt = {
+ __index = M,
+-- default function for callbacks.encode / decode.
+local function _identity(data)
+ return data
+-- shdict: ngx.shared.DICT, created by the lua_shared_dict directive
+-- callbacks: see shcache state machine for user defined functions
+-- * callbacks.external_lookup is required
+-- * callbacks.encode : optional encoding before saving to shmem
+-- * callbacks.decode : optional decoding when retreiving from shmem
+-- opts:
+-- * opts.positive_ttl : save a valid external loookup for, in seconds
+-- * opts.positive_ttl : save a invalid loookup for, in seconds
+-- * opts.actualize_ttl : re-actualize a stale record for, in seconds
+-- * opts.lock_options : set option to lock see : http://github.com/agentzh/lua-resty-lock
+-- for more details.
+-- * opts.locks_shdict : specificy the name of the shdict containing the locks
+-- (useful if you might have locks key collisions)
+-- uses "locks" by default.
+-- * opts.name : if shcache object is named, it will automatically
+-- register itself in ngx.ctx.shcache (useful for logging).
+local function new(self, shdict, callbacks, opts)
+ if not shdict then
+ return nil, "shdict does not exist"
+ end
+ -- check that callbacks.external_lookup is set
+ if not callbacks or not callbacks.external_lookup then
+ return nil, "no external_lookup function defined"
+ end
+ if not callbacks.encode then
+ callbacks.encode = _identity
+ end
+ if not callbacks.decode then
+ callbacks.decode = _identity
+ end
+ local opts = opts or {}
+ -- merge default lock options with the ones passed to new()
+ local lock_options = _get_default_lock_options()
+ if opts.lock_options then
+ for k, v in pairs(opts.lock_options) do
+ lock_options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ local name = opts.name
+ local obj = {
+ shdict = shdict,
+ callbacks = callbacks,
+ positive_ttl = opts.positive_ttl or DEFAULT_POSITIVE_TTL,
+ negative_ttl = opts.negative_ttl or DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_TTL,
+ -- ttl to actualize stale data to
+ actualize_ttl = opts.actualize_ttl or DEFAULT_ACTUALIZE_TTL,
+ lock_options = lock_options,
+ locks_shdict = opts.lock_shdict or "locks",
+ -- STATUS --
+ from_cache = false,
+ cache_status = 'UNDEF',
+ cache_state = MISS_STATE,
+ lock_status = 'NO_LOCK',
+ -- shdict:set() pushed out another value
+ forcible_set = false,
+ -- cache hit on second attempt (post lock)
+ hit2 = false,
+ name = name,
+ }
+ local locks = ngx.shared[obj.locks_shdict]
+ -- check for existence, locks is not directly used
+ if not locks then
+ ngx.log(ngx.CRIT, 'shared mem locks is missing.\n',
+ '## add to you lua conf: lua_shared_dict locks 5M; ##')
+ return nil
+ end
+ local self = setmetatable(obj, obj_mt)
+ -- if the shcache object is named
+ -- keep track of the object in the context
+ -- (useful for gathering stats at log phase)
+ if name then
+ _store_object(self, name)
+ end
+ return self
+M.new = new
+-- acquire a lock
+local function _get_lock(self)
+ local lock = self.lock
+ if not lock then
+ lock = resty_lock:new(self.locks_shdict, self.lock_options)
+ self.lock = lock
+ end
+ return lock
+-- remove the lock if there is any
+local function _unlock(self)
+ local lock = self.lock
+ if lock then
+ local ok, err = lock:unlock()
+ if not ok then
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to unlock :" , err)
+ end
+ self.lock = nil
+ end
+local function _return(self, data, flags)
+ -- make sure we remove the locks if any before returning data
+ _unlock(self)
+ -- set cache status
+ local cache_status = get_status(self.cache_state)
+ if cache_status == 'MISS' and not data then
+ cache_status = 'NO_DATA'
+ end
+ self.cache_status = cache_status
+ return data, self.from_cache
+local function _set(self, ...)
+ if DEBUG then
+ local key, data, ttl, flags = unpack({...})
+ print("saving key: ", key, ", for: ", ttl)
+ end
+ local ok, err, forcible = self.shdict:set(...)
+ self.forcible_set = forcible
+ if not ok then
+ local key, data, ttl, flags = unpack({...})
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, 'failed to set key: ', key, ', err: ', err)
+ end
+ return ok
+-- check if the data returned by :get() is considered empty
+local function _is_empty(data, flags)
+ return flags and band(flags, NEGATIVE_FLAG) and data == EMPTY_DATA
+-- save positive, encode the data if needed before :set()
+local function _save_positive(self, key, data)
+ if DEBUG then
+ print("key: ", key, ". save positive, ttl: ", self.positive_ttl)
+ end
+ data = self.callbacks.encode(data)
+ return _set(self, key, data, self.positive_ttl, HIT_POSITIVE_STATE)
+-- save negative, no encoding required (no data actually saved)
+local function _save_negative(self, key)
+ if DEBUG then
+ print("key: ", key, ". save negative, ttl: ", self.negative_ttl)
+ end
+ return _set(self, key, EMPTY_DATA, self.negative_ttl, HIT_NEGATIVE_STATE)
+-- save actualize, will boost a stale record to a live one
+local function _save_actualize(self, key, data, flags)
+ local new_flags = bor(flags, STALE_FLAG)
+ if DEBUG then
+ print("key: ", key, ". save actualize, ttl: ", self.actualize_ttl,
+ ". new state: ", get_status(new_flags))
+ end
+ _set(self, key, data, self.actualize_ttl, new_flags)
+ return new_flags
+local function _process_cached_data(self, data, flags)
+ if DEBUG then
+ print("data: ", data, st_format(", flags: %x", flags))
+ end
+ self.cache_state = flags
+ self.from_cache = true
+ if _is_empty(data, flags) then
+ -- empty cached data
+ return nil
+ else
+ return self.callbacks.decode(data)
+ end
+-- wrapper to get data from the shdict
+local function _get(self, key)
+ -- always call get_stale() as it does not free element
+ -- like get does on each call
+ local data, flags, stale = self.shdict:get_stale(key)
+ if data and stale then
+ if DEBUG then
+ print("found stale data for key : ", key)
+ end
+ self.stale_data = { data, flags }
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ return data, flags
+local function _get_stale(self)
+ local stale_data = self.stale_data
+ if stale_data then
+ return unpack(stale_data)
+ end
+ return nil, nil
+local function load(self, key)
+ -- start: check for existing cache
+ local data, flags = _get(self, key)
+ -- hit: process_cache_hit
+ if data then
+ data = _process_cached_data(self, data, flags)
+ return _return(self, data)
+ end
+ -- miss: set lock
+ -- lock: set a lock before performing external lookup
+ local lock = _get_lock(self)
+ local elapsed, err = lock:lock(key)
+ if not elapsed then
+ -- failed to acquire lock, still proceed normally to external_lookup
+ -- unlock() might fail.
+ ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to acquire the lock: ", err)
+ self.lock_status = 'ERROR'
+ -- _unlock won't try to unlock() without a valid lock
+ self.lock = nil
+ else
+ -- lock acquired successfuly
+ if elapsed > 0 then
+ -- elapsed > 0 => waited lock (other thread might have :set() the data)
+ -- (more likely to get a HIT on cache_load 2)
+ self.lock_status = 'WAITED'
+ else
+ -- elapsed == 0 => immediate lock
+ -- it is less likely to get a HIT on cache_load 2
+ -- but still perform it (race condition cases)
+ self.lock_status = 'IMMEDIATE'
+ end
+ -- perform cache_load 2
+ data, flags = _get(self, key)
+ if data then
+ -- hit2 : process cache hit
+ self.hit2 = true
+ -- unlock before de-serializing cached data
+ _unlock(self)
+ data = _process_cached_data(self, data, flags)
+ return _return(self, data)
+ end
+ -- continue to external lookup
+ end
+ -- perform external lookup
+ data, err = self.callbacks.external_lookup()
+ if data then
+ -- succ: save positive and return the data
+ _save_positive(self, key, data)
+ return _return(self, data)
+ else
+ ngx.log(ngx.WARN, 'external lookup failed: ', err)
+ end
+ -- external lookup failed
+ -- attempt to load stale data
+ data, flags = _get_stale(self)
+ if data and not _is_empty(data, flags) then
+ -- hit_stale + valid (positive) data
+ flags = _save_actualize(self, key, data, flags)
+ -- unlock before de-serializing data
+ _unlock(self)
+ data = _process_cached_data(self, data, flags)
+ return _return(self, data)
+ end
+ if DEBUG and data then
+ -- there is data, but it failed _is_empty() => stale negative data
+ print('STALE_NEGATIVE data => cache as a new HIT_NEGATIVE')
+ end
+ -- nothing has worked, save negative and return empty
+ _save_negative(self, key)
+ return _return(self, nil)
+M.load = load
+return M \ No newline at end of file