Red items - need input from ExtAPI team.
action - an enumeration?
Quantity an add from TMF Model
Discuss ServiceOrderItem to ServiceDesc / Service Insance Multiplicity
The NSD class is a deployment template whose instances are used by the NFVO for the lifecycle management of NSs.
Identifier of this NSD class. It globally uniquely identifies an instance of the NSD
Identifies the designer of the NSD.
Identifies the version of the NSD.
Provides the human readable name of the NSD.
Identifies an NSD in a version independent manner. This attribute is invariant across versions of NSD.
Identifies either a virtualised resource-related performance metric or a VNF Indicator.
Specifies a rule to trigger a scaling action on a NS instantiated according to the NSD.
NOTE 1: The rule is based on a combination of assertions on the values of virtualised resource-related performance metrics and VNF Indicators identified by the monitoredInfo attribute.
NOTE 2: There may be multiple data sources (each identified as monitoredInfo) per rule
Provides a life cycle management script written in a Domain Specific Language (DSL).
Provides a signature to prevent tampering.
Identifies a DF within the scope of an NSD.
Provides the descriptor of a SAP of the NS.
Provides the descriptors of the applicable forwarding graphs.
Cardinality of 0 means that the NS is a NF set with unspecified connectivity.
Provides the constituent VLDs.
Cardinality of 0 means that the NS is a NF set with unspecified connectivity.
References the VNFD of a constituent VNF.
References the PNFD of a constituent PNF.
References the NSD of a constituent nested NS.
The Pnfd class is a deployment template enabling on-boarding PNFs and referencing them from an NSD. It focuses on connectivity aspects only.
Identifier of this Pnfd class. It uniquely identifies the PNFD.
Identifies the provider of the PNFD.
NOTE: The provider of the PNFD might be different from the provider of the PNF.
Identifies the version of the PNFD
Provides a signature to prevent tampering.
Specifies the characteristics of one or more connection points where to connect the PNF to a VL.
Describes the PNF function
Identifies a PNFD in a version independent manner. This attribute is invariant across versions of PNFD.
Name to identify the PNFD.
It provides information about the geographical location (e.g. geographic
coordinates or address of the building,
etc.) of the PNF.
Describes the software the PNF supports.
The NsVirtualLinkDesc class provides general information enabling the instantiation of virtual links.
Defines the organization generating the VLD.
Specifies the version of the VLD.
Specifies properties for instantiating a VL according to a specific flavour.
Provides a signature to prevent tampering.
The Vnffgd class specifies a topology of connectivity of a NS and optionally forwarding rules applicable to the traffic conveyed over this topology.
Identifier of this Vnffgd class. It uniquely identifies a VNFFGD.
References the VNFD of a constituent VNF.
NOTE 1: The list of constituent VNFs, PNFs, and nested NS SAPs of a VNFFG can be identical to the list of constituent VNFs, PNFs and nested NSs of the parent NSD, or can be a subset of it.
NOTE 2: The presence of a VNFD or PNFD identifier in a VNFFGD does not imply that all connection points instantiated from all embedded CPDs are connected to the VNFFG instantiated using the VNFFGD.
A reference to a pool of descriptors of connection points attached to one of the constituent VNFs and PNFs and/or one of the SAPs of the parent NS or of a nested NS.
The network forwarding path associated to the VNFFG.
References the VLD of a constituent VL.
NOTE: The presence of a VLD identifier in a VNFFGD does not imply that all connection points of the VLs instantiated using this VL are connected to the VNFFG instantiated using the VNFFGD.
References the PNFD of a constituent PNF.
NOTE 1 : The list of constituent VNFs, PNFs, and nested NS SAPs of a VNFFG can be identical to the list of constituent VNFs, PNFs and nested NSs of the parent NSD, or can be a subset of it.
NOTE 2: The presence of a VNFD or PNFD identifier in a VNFFGD does not imply that all connection points instantiated from all embedded CPDs are connected to the VNFFG instantiated using the VNFFGD.
The Nfpd class associates traffic flow criteria to a list of descriptors associated to the connection points and service access points to be visited by traffic flows matching these criteria.
Identifies this nfpd class within a VNFFGD.
Provides an NFP classification and selection rule.
The rule may be expressed as a criteria constructed out of atomic assertions linked by Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.
NOTE: Examples of atomic assertions are assertions on packet header fields’ values, date and time ranges, etc.
References the descriptor of a connection point to be traversed by the traffic flows matching the criteria. This shall be a connection point attached to one of the constituent VNFs and PNFs of the parent VNFFG, or a SAP of one of the constituent nested NSs of the parent VNFFG.
NOTE: When multiple values are provided, the order is significant and specifies the sequence of connection points to be traversed.
The NsDf class specifies the properties of a variant of an NS.
NOTE: Every VNF, VL and nested NS whose descriptor is referenced by the NS DF shall be involved in an NS instantiation level of the parent NS. If no instances of a given VNF/nested NS have to be deployed at NS instantiation time, the numberOfInstances attribute in the corresponding VnfToLevelMapping/NsToLevelMapping datatype shall be set to 0.
Assurance parameter against which this flavour is being described. The key can be a combination of multiple assurance parameters with a logical relationship between them. The parameters should be present as a monitoredInfo attribute in the NSD.
Identifies the NS level which represents the default NS instantiation level for this DF.
It shall be present if there are multiple "nsInstantiationLevel" entries.
Describes the details of an NS level.
NOTE: Every VNF, VL and nested NS whose descriptor is referenced by the NS DF shall be involved in an NS instantiation level of the parent NS. If no instances of a given VNF/nested NS have to be deployed at NS instantiation time, the numberOfInstances attribute in the corresponding VnfToLevelMapping/NsToLevelMapping datatype shall be set to 0.
Specifies affinity or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the VNF instances created using different VNFDs, the Virtual Link instances created using different NsVirtualLinkDescs or the nested NS instances created using different NSDs in the same affinity or anti-affinity group.
The scaling aspects supported by this DF of the NS.
PNF profile to be used for the NS flavour.
Specifies a NS Profile supported by this NS DF.
Identifies this NsDf class. It identifies a NS DF within the NSD.
The SAPD class specifies the information used to instantiate the service access points of an NS. A Sapd inherits from the Cpd class. All attributes of the Cpd are also attributes of the Sapd.
Specify whether the SAP address assignment is under the responsibility of management and orchestration functions or not.
If it is set to True, management and orchestration functions are responsible for assigning addresses to the access points instantiated from this SAPD.
References the descriptor of VNF or PNF external connection points the SAPs instantiated from this SAPD are mapped to.
The VnfProfile class specifies a profile for instantiating VNFs of a particular NS DF according to a specific VNFD and VNF DF.
Identifier of this vnfProfile class. It uniquely identifies a VnfProfile.
Identifier of the instantiation level of the VNF DF to be used for instantiation.
If not present, the default instantiation level as declared in the VNFD shall be used.
Minimum number of instances of the VNF based on this VNFD that is permitted to exist for this VnfProfile.
Maximum number of instances of the VNF based on this VNFD that is permitted to exist for this VnfProfile.
Specifies affinity and anti-affinity rules applicable between VNF instances created from this profile.
Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VnfProfile belongs to.
NOTE: Each identifier references an affinity or anti-affinity group which expresses affinity or anti-affinity relationships between the VNF instance(s) created using this VnfProfile and the VNF instance(s) created using other VnfProfile(s) in the same group.
Defines the connection information of the VNF, it contains connection relationship between a VNF connection point and a NS virtual Link.
Identifies a flavour within the VNFD.
Reference to the VNFD.
The VirtualLinkProfile class specifies a profile for instantiating VLs of a particular NS DF according to a specific VLD and VL DF.
Uniquely identifies this VirtualLinkProfile class.
Identifies a flavour within the VLD.
Specifies affinity and anti-affinity rules applicable between VLs instantiated from the referenced VLD.
Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group the VLs instantiated according to the VlProfile belong to.
NOTE : Each identifier references an affinity or anti-affinity group which expresses affinity or anti-affinity relationship between the VL(s) using this VirtualLinkProfile and the VL(s) using other VirtualLinkProfile(s) in the same group.
Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile.
NOTE: These attributes are used to control scaling boundaries.
Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile.
NOTE: These attributes are used to control scaling boundaries.
Uniquely references a VLD.
The CpdPool class specifies a pool of descriptors of connection points and service access points.
Identifier of this CpdPool class. It identifies a pool of descriptors of connection points and NS SAPs.
The PnfProfile class describes additional data for a given PNF instance used in a DF.
Identifier of this PnfProfile class. It uniquely identifies a PnfProfile.
Defines the connection information of the PNF, it contains connection relationship between a PNF connection point and a NS virtual Link.
The NsScalingAspect class describes the details of an NS scaling aspect. An NS scaling aspect is an abstraction representing a particular "dimension" or "property" along which a given NS can be scaled.
Defining NS levels, in this context also known as NS scale levels, within an NS scaling aspect allows to scale NS instances "by steps", i.e. to increase/decrease their capacity in a discrete manner moving from one NS scale level to another.
Scaling by a single step does not imply that exactly one instance of each entity involved in the NS scale level is created or removed.
Identifier of this NsScalingAspect class. It Uniquely identifies the NS scaling aspect in an NSD.
Provides a human readable name of the NS scaling aspect.
Provides a human readable description of the NS scaling aspect.
Describes the details of an NS level.
NOTE: Only a subset of the VNFs, VLs and nested NSs whose descriptor is referenced by the NS DF may be involved in an NS scale level of the parent NS.
The NsLevel class describes the details of an NS level. An NS level consists of a list of involved entities, i.e. VNFs, VLs and/or nested NSs.
For each involved VNF/nested NS, the number of instances required by the NS level is specified. For each involved VL, the bitrate requirements corresponding to the NS level are specified.
NS levels shall be used in the context of NS instantiation and in this case they are referred to as NS instantiation levels.
Every VNF, VL and nested NS whose descriptor is referenced by the NS DF shall be involved in an NS instantiation level of the parent NS. If no instances of a given VNF/nested NS have to be deployed at NS instantiation time, the numberOfInstances attribute in the corresponding VnfToLevelMapping/NsToLevelMapping datatype shall be set to 0.
NS levels may be used in the context of NS scaling and in this case they are referred to as NS scale levels.
Only a subset of the VNFs, VLs and nested NSs whose descriptor is referenced by the NS DF may be involved in an NS scale level of the parent NS.
Identifier of this NsLevel class. It uniquely identifies an NS level within the DF.
Human readable description of the NS level.
Specifies the profile of the VNFs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the required number of instances.
Specifies the profile of the VLs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the needed bandwidth.
Specifies the profile of the nested NSs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the required number of instances.
The NsProfile class specifies the profile to be used for a nested NS.
Identifies an NS profile.
Minimum number of nested NS instances based on the referenced NSD that is permitted to exist for this NsProfile.
Maximum number of nested NS instances based on the referenced NSD that is permitted to exist for this NsProfile.
Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group the NSs created according to this NsProfile belong to.
Identifies the applicable NS DF within the scope of the NSD.
Identifies the NS level within the referenced NS DF to be used in the context of the parent NS instantiation. If not present, the default NS instantiation level as declared in the referenced NSD shall be used.
Identifies the NSD applicable to NS instantiated according to this profile.
A PnfExtCpd is a type of Cpd and describes the characteristics of an external interface, a.k.a external CP, where to connect the PNF to a VL.
A PnfExtCpd inherits from the Cpd Class.
This is an abstract proxy class, allowing to provide reference to either NsProfile or VnfProfile.
The Dependencies class provides indications on the order in which VNFs associated to different VNF Profiles and/or nested NSs associated to different NS Profiles are to be instantiated.
References a VnfProfile or NsProfile.
NOTE: NFV Management and Orchestration functions shall instantiate VNFs from the VnfProfile and/or nested NSs from the NsProfile referenced in the primary attribute before instantiating VNFs from the VnfProfile and/or nested NSs from the NsProfile referenced in the secondary attribute.
References a VnfProfile or NsProfile.
NOTE: NFV Management and Orchestration functions shall instantiate VNFs from the VnfProfile and/or nested NSs from the NsProfile referenced in the primary attribute before instantiating VNFs from the VnfProfile and/or nested NSs from the NsProfile referenced in the secondary attribute
A composition of Network Functions and defined by its functional and behavioural specification.
NOTE: The Network Service (NS) contributes to the behaviour of the higher layer service, which is characterized by at least performance, dependability, and security specifications. The end-to-end network service behaviour is the result of the combination of the individual network function behaviours as well as the behaviours of the network infrastructure composition mechanism.
Identifier of this NetworkService, identifying the NS instance.
Human readable name of the NS instance.
Human readable description of the NS instance
Reference to consistituent VNFs and PNFs on this NS.
NOTE: Cardinality of zero is only valid for a non-instantiated NS.
Information on the VLs of this NS.
NOTE: Cardinality of zero is only valid for a non-instantiated NS.
Information on the SAPs of this NS.
Reference to information on nested NSs of this NS.
Information on the VNFFGs of this NS.
Provides information on a Service Access Point (SAP) of a NS
A graph of logical links connecting NF nodes,where at least one node is a VNF, for the purpose of describing traffic flow between these network functions
Identier of this Vnffg class.
Identifier of the constituent NFs of the VNFFG
Identifier(s) of the constituent VL instance(s) of the VNFFG.
Identifiers of the CP instances attached to the constituent VNFs and PNFs or the sap instances of the VNFFG.
NOTE: It indicates an exhaustive list of all the CP instances and SAP instances of the VNFFG.
Information on the NFPs of this VNFFG.
This class provides run-time information about an NS VL instance.
Virtualised network resource(s) realizing this VL.
An implementation of a NF via a tightly coupled software and hardware system.
External CP of the PNF.
External CP of the PNF.
Cpd used to deploy this PNF CP.
Respresents the port of a NS VL.
ServiceDescriptor is used to model the design time representation of a service.
Constant identifier of the service model.
Versioned identifier of the service model (this uuid is changed for every major version of the service)
The name of the service model designed.
The description of the service model designed.
A predefined list which identifies the construct's category. There is a predefined list of service categories.
The service model version.
An optional string field defining a generic type (like category) of the service. E.g. this field can be used for defining the service as “TRANSPORT”.
An optional string field for shortcode that defines the function that the service is providing. E.g. “MISVPN” or “AIM”.
The icon path of the service.
The service component descriptor UUIDs that the service includes (relationhip to Service Component).
ServiceInstance is used to model the run time representation of a service.
Uniquely identifies this instance of a service.
The name assigned to the service-instance.
The description assigned to the service-instance.
Constant identifier of the service model (relationship to service model).
Versioned identifier of the service model (relationship to service model).
The service model version in SDC catalog.
An optional string field defining a generic type (like category) of the service. E.g. this field can be used for defining the service as “TRANSPORT”.
An optional string field for shortcode that defines the function that the service is providing. E.g. “MISVPN” or “AIM”.
URL to endpoint where more details can be gotten.
Orchestration status of the service instance.
The service component instance ID that the service instance includes.
ServiceComponentInstance is used to model the run time representation of a service component.
Uniquely identifies this instance of a service component.
The name assigned to the service component instance.
Constant identifier of the service component model.
Versioned identifier of the service component model (this uuid is changed for every major version of the service component).
The service version in SDC catalog.
URL to endpoint where more details can be gotten.
Orchestration status of the service component instance.
The description of service component instance.
A type of Request that represents a Customer Order's products decomposed into the services through which the products are realized.
Unique identifier for Interaction.
Narrative that explains the interaction and details about the interaction, such as why the interaction is taking place.
State of the order
The date on which an interaction is closed or completed.
The date that was requested to start processing the order.
The date on which an interaction is closed or completed.
The date on which an interaction is expected to be completed.
The date on which an interaction is started.
The date the order was placed.
The purpose for the ServiceOrder expressed in terms of a ServiceSpecification or a Service.
The action to take for an InteractionItem, such as add, change, remove.
Quantity of an interaction item involved in an interaction.
The VirtualLinkDf datatype specifies properties for instantiating a VL according to a specific flavour.
Identifies this VirtualLinkDF datatype within a VLD.
Specifies quality of service parameters applicable to a VL.
Specifies one of the three levels defined in ETSI GS NFV-REL 001:
• Level 1
• Level 2
• Level 3
The MonitoredData datatype identifies information to be monitored during the lifetime of a network service instance.
Uniquely identifies the VNF Indicator class.
One and only one of the attributes shall be included (i.e. there is a XOR relationship between the attributes).
Specifies the virtualised resource related performance metric to be monitored on an NS level or VNF level.
One and only one of the attributes shall be included (i.e. there is a XOR relationship between the attributes).
The VnfIndicatorData datatype identifies a VNF indicator in a VNFD.
Identifies a VNFD.
Identifies a VNF indicator within the VNFD.
The NsVirtuallLinkConnectivity datatype describes connection information between a connection point and a NS virtual Link.
Reference an NS VL profile.
References the descriptor of a connection point on a VNF/PNF or a SAP which connects to virtual links instantiated from the profile identified in the virtualLinkProfileId attribute.
The VnfToLevelMapping datatype specifies the profile to be used for a VNF involved in a given NS level and the required number of instances.
Identifies the profile to be used for a VNF involved in an NS level.
Specifies the number of VNF instances required for an NS level.
NOTE 1: It shall be in the range of minNumberOfInstances-maxNumberOfInstances, as specified in the referenced VnfProfile.
NOTE 2: When the corresponding NS level is used in the context of NS instantiation, the numberOfInstances attribute specifies the number of VNF instances to be deployed.
NOTE 3: When the corresponding NS level is used in the context of NS scaling, the numberOfInstances attribute does not specify the number of VNF instances to be added/removed when reaching that NS scale level. The actual number of VNF instances to be added/removed can be derived by subtracting the numberOfInstances declared in the source NS scale level from the numberOfInstances declared in the target NS level of the scaling request.
The VirtualLinkToLevelMapping datatype specifies the profile to be used for a VL involved in a given NS level and bitrate requirements.
Identifies the profile to be used for a VL involved in an NS level.
Specifies the bit rate requirements for the NS level.
NOTE: It shall be in the range of minBitrateRequirements - maxBitrateRequirements, as specified in the referenced VirtualLinkProfile.
The NsToLevelMapping datatype specifies the profile to be used for a nested NS involved in a given NS level and the required number of instances.
Identifies the profile to be used for a nested NS involved in the NS level.
Specifies the number of nested NS instances required for the NS scale level.
NOTE 1: It shall be in the range of minNumberOfInstances-maxNumberOfInstances, as specified in the referenced NsProfile.
NOTE 2: When the corresponding NS level is used in the context of NS instantiation, the numberOfInstances attribute specifies the number of nested NS instances to be deployed.
NOTE 3: When the corresponding NS level is used in the context of NS scaling, the numberOfInstances attribute does not specify the number of nested NS instances to be added/removed when reaching that NS scale level. The actual number of nested NS instances to be added/removed can be derived by subtracting the numberOfInstances declared in the source NS scale level from the numberOfInstances declared in the target NS level of the scaling request.
The NsQoS datatype specifies quality of service parameters applicable to a NS VL.
Specifies the priority level in case of congestion on the underlying physical links.
The LifeCycleManagementScript information element specifies a script for the NS.
Describes NS lifecycle event(s) or an external stimulus detected on an NFVO reference point.
NOTE 1: A minimum set of NS lifecycle events triggered internally by the NFVO includes: start instantiation, end instantiation, start scaling, end scaling, start healing, end healing, start termination, end termination, start update, end update.
NOTE 2: A minimum set of external stimulus includes: the receipt of request message of instantiation, scaling, healing, termination, update of NS.
Includes an NS LCM script (e.g., written in a DSL) triggered to react to one of the events listed in the event attribute.