# Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 description: sdno basic types metadata: version: 0.1 vendor: sdno template_author: Huawei # ***************************************************************************** # macros # **************************************************************************** dsl_definitions: BaseServiceInfo: &BaseServiceInfo adminStatus: type: AdministrationStateType description: Used to administratively activate or deactivate already deployed service object default: 'none' operStatus: type: OperationalStateType description: Used to indicate if the service entity is operational. default: 'none' syncStatus: type: SyncStateType description: Used to indicate of the service entity is in sync or out of sync with the network default: 'none' actionState: type: ActionStateType description: Stores the result of the last action on the service object. default: 'none' statusReason: type: string description: In case of ERROR actionState, it will have the reason for the error. Otherwise its empty. It is required to make create process to be asynchronous. default: 'none' createTime: type: string description: create time default: 'none' updateTime: type: string description: update time default: 'none' ownerID: type: string description: ID of the owner of the object, can contain controllerID default: 'sdno' tenantID: type: string description: ID of the tenant default: 'none' location: type: string description: Location if on single location default: 'none' additionalInfo: type: list #max size = 1000 entry_schema: type: AdditionalInfoRow required: false # ***************************************************************************** # data types # ***************************************************************************** data_types: ActionType: derived_from: string description: >- Generic API operations for Connectivity Service lifecycle management. The specific REST requests would be mapped to these generic ones. constraints: - valid_values: ['create','deploy','get','update','undeploy','delete'] ActionStateType: derived_from: string description: State and/or result of the generic API operations. In the case of the exception, additional information may be present in the statusReason property. constraints: - valid_values: ['none', 'normal', 'creating', 'deleting', 'updating', 'create_exception', 'update_exception','delete_exception','deploying', 'deploy_exception', 'undeploying', 'undeploy_exception', 'checking', 'check_exception'] LifecycleStateType: derived_from: string description: >- Currently supported lifecycle states for connectivity service. Connectivity Service can either be created in the inventory or deployed on the network. constraints: - valid_values: ['none','created','deployed'] AdministrationStateType: derived_from: string description: >- Administrative State that indicates if already deployed connectivity service object or its component is activated or not. constraints: - valid_values: ['none', 'active', 'inactive', 'partially_inactive'] OperationalStateType: derived_from: string description: >- Operational State that indicates if already deployed and activated connectivity service object or its component is operational or not. constraints: - valid_values: ['none','up','down', 'partially_down'] SyncStateType: derived_from: string description: >- Sync State that indicates if already deployed and activated connectivity service object is in sync or out of sync with the network. constraints: - valid_values: ['none', 'sync', 'out-sync'] DirectionalityType: derived_from: string description: Directionality of the connectivity service flow in the endpoint or port. constraints: - valid_values: ['input','output','bidirectional'] AdditionalInfoRow: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Row in the additional info list properties: id: type: string default: 'none' name: type: string default: 'none' value: type: string default: 'none' firstParentUuid: type: string default: 'none' StateMachineRow: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Row in the state transition table properties: apiOperation: type: ActionType currentState: type: LifecycleStateType transitionWorkflow: type: string newState: type: LifecycleStateType StateMachineType: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Connectivity Service State Engine properties: rows: type: list entry_schema: type: StateMachineRow # ***************************************************************************** # capability types # ***************************************************************************** capability_types: # ConnectionEndPoint can be derived from tosca.capabilities.Endpoint ? sdno.capability.ConnectionEndPoint: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root # ServiceEndPoint can be derived from tosca.capabilities.Endpoint ? sdno.capability.ServiceEndPoint: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root sdno.capability.Realizes: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root sdno.capability.Host: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node sdno.capability.Bindable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node # ***************************************************************************** # interface_types # ***************************************************************************** interface_types: sdno.interfaces.lifecycle.Standard: create: description: Standard lifecycle create operation. update: description: Standard lifecycle configure and update operation. deploy: description: Standard lifecycle deploy operation. undeploy: description: Standard lifecycle undeploy operation. delete: description: Standard lifecycle delete operation. get: description: Standard lifecycle get operation. # ***************************************************************************** # relationship types # ***************************************************************************** relationship_types: sdno.relationship.ServiceEndPoint: description: >- The relationship specifies which ServiceEndPoints are terminating the ConnectivityService. The association of the ConnectivityService to ServiceEndPoints is made via the Ports of the ConnectivityService, where each Port of the ConnectivityService has a role and directionality in the context of the ConnectivityService. derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root properties: # This is initial simple ConnectivityServicePort model, this may be enhanced later via separate Nodes and/or Types connectivityServicePort: type: string required: false role: type: string required: false directionality: type: DirectionalityType required: false valid_target_types: [sdno.capability.ServiceEndPoint] sdno.relationship.ConnectionEndPoint: description: >- The relationship specifies which ConnectionEndPonts are terminating the Connection. The association of the Connection to ConnectionEndPoints is made via the Ports of the Connection, where each Port of the Connection has a role and directionality in the context of the Connection. derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root properties: # This is initial simple ConnectionPort model, this may be enhanced later via separate Nodes and/or Types connectionPort: type: string required: false role: type: string required: false directionality: type: DirectionalityType required: false valid_target_types: [sdno.capability.ConnectionEndPoint] sdno.relationship.RealizedBy: description: >- The relationship specifies what Connenctions are Connectivity Services or Connections realized from. derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root valid_target_types: [sdno.capability.Realizes] sdno.relationship.HostedOn: description: >- The relationship specifies what Node the Endpoint is hosted on. derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root valid_target_types: [sdno.capability.Host] sdno.relationship.BindsTo: description: >- The relationship represents a network association relationship between NodeEdgePoint and Network Node types derived_from: tosca.relationships.DependsOn valid_target_types: [sdno.capability.Bindable] # ***************************************************************************** # artifact types # ***************************************************************************** artifact_types: sdno.artifacts.Implementation.Swagger: derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Implementation description: swagger API document mime_type: application/x-jaml file_ext: [jaml] sdno.artifacts.Implementation.ToscaSwaggerMapper: derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Implementation description: mapping between property of TOSCA node instance and data model used by swagger API mime_type: application/x-tsmap file_ext: [tsmap] # ***************************************************************************** # node types # ***************************************************************************** node_types: sdno.node.Root: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: The SDNO Node Type all other SDNO base Node Types derive from properties: id: type: string required: true default: 'none' name: type: string required: true default: 'none' description: type: string required: true default: 'none' version: type: string required: true default: '1.0' sdno.node.Node: derived_from: sdno.node.Root description: >- It represents a network element which can be managed remotely (through controller or not). Sometimes called managed element. properties: ipAddress: type: string default: logicID: type: string default: 'none' phyNeID: type: string default: 'none' nativeID: type: string default: 'none' controllerID: type: string default: 'none' siteName: type: string default: 'none' capabilities: host: type: sdno.capability.Host binding: type: sdno.capability.Bindable sdno.node.NodeEdgePoint: derived_from: sdno.node.Root description: >- It represents the inward network-facing aspects of the edge-port functions that access the forwarding capabilities provided by the Node. properties: mgrIP: type: string default: requirements: - binding: node: sdno.node.Node capability: sdno.capability.Bindable relationship: sdno.relationship.BindsTo sdno.node.ServiceEndPoint: derived_from: sdno.node.Root description: >- It represents the outward customer-facing aspects of the edge-port functions that access the forwarding capabilities provided by the Node. Hence it provides a limited, simplified view of interest to external clients, that enable the clients to request connectivity without the need to understand the provider network internals. properties: *BaseServiceInfo capabilities: endPoint: type: sdno.capability.ServiceEndPoint requirements: - node: node: sdno.node.Node capability: sdno.capability.Host relationship: sdno.relationship.HostedOn occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED] sdno.node.ConnectivityService: derived_from: sdno.node.Root description: >- It represents an “intent-like” request for connectivity between two or more ServiceEndPoints. As such, ConnectivityService is a container for connectivity request details and is distinct from the Connection that realizes the request # properties: *BaseServiceInfo properties: adminStatus: type: AdministrationStateType description: Used to administratively activate or deactivate already deployed service object default: 'none' operStatus: type: OperationalStateType description: Used to indicate if the service entity is operational. default: 'none' syncStatus: type: SyncStateType description: Used to indicate of the service entity is in sync or out of sync with the network default: 'none' actionState: type: ActionStateType description: Stores the result of the last action on the service object. default: 'none' statusReason: type: string description: In case of ERROR actionState, it will have the reason for the error. Otherwise its empty. It is required to make create process to be asynchronous. default: 'none' createTime: type: string description: create time default: 'none' updateTime: type: string description: update time default: 'none' ownerID: type: string description: ID of the owner of the object, can contain controllerID default: 'sdno' tenantID: type: string description: ID of the tenant default: 'none' location: type: string description: Location if on single location default: 'none' additionalInfo: type: list #max size = 1000 entry_schema: type: AdditionalInfoRow required: false templateId: type: string default: 'none' lifecycleState: type: LifecycleStateType default: 'none' state_machine: type: StateMachineType default: rows: - {apiOperation: create, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: create, newState: created} - {apiOperation: create, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: error, newState: created} - {apiOperation: create, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: error, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: deploy, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: deploy, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: deploy, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: deployCreated, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: deploy, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: get, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: none} - {apiOperation: get, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: get, newState: created} - {apiOperation: get, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: get, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: update, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: none} - {apiOperation: update, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: updatecreated, newState: created} - {apiOperation: update, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: updateDeployed, newState: deployed} - {apiOperation: undeploy, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: none} - {apiOperation: undeploy, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: created} - {apiOperation: undeploy, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: undeploy, newState: created} - {apiOperation: delete, currentState: none, transitionWorkflow: ERR, newState: none} - {apiOperation: delete, currentState: created, transitionWorkflow: deleteCreated, newState: none} - {apiOperation: delete, currentState: deployed, transitionWorkflow: deleteDeployed, newState: none} interfaces: standard: type: sdno.interfaces.lifecycle.Standard create: implementation: primary: 'POST /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns' delete: implementation: primary: 'DELETE /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns/{instanceid}' get: implementation: primary: 'GET /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns/{instanceid}' deploy: implementation: primary: 'POST /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns/{instanceid}/instantiate' undeploy: implementation: primary: 'POST /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns/{instanceid}/terminate' update: implementation: primary: 'PUT /openoapi/sdnonslcm/v1/ns/{instanceid}' requirements: - endPoint: node: sdno.node.ServiceEndPoint capability: sdno.capability.ServiceEndPoint relationship: sdno.relationship.ServiceEndPoint # check aria processing for the min=2 occurrences: [2, UNBOUNDED] - realizes: node: sdno.node.Connection capability: sdno.capability.Realizes relationship: sdno.relationship.RealizedBy occurrences: [1, UNBOUNDED] sdno.node.ConnectionEndPoint: derived_from: sdno.node.Root properties: *BaseServiceInfo interfaces: standard: type: sdno.interfaces.lifecycle.Standard description: >- It represents the ingress/egress port aspects that access the forwarding function provided by the Connection. capabilities: endPoint: type: sdno.capability.ConnectionEndPoint requirements: - node: node: sdno.node.Node capability: sdno.capability.Host relationship: sdno.relationship.HostedOn occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED] sdno.node.Connection: derived_from: sdno.node.Root properties: *BaseServiceInfo interfaces: standard: type: sdno.interfaces.lifecycle.Standard description: >- The Connection represents an enabled potential for forwarding between two or more connectionEndPoints capabilities: realizes: type: sdno.capability.Realizes requirements: - endPoint: node: sdno.node.ConnectionEndPoint capability: sdno.capability.ConnectionEndPoint relationship: sdno.relationship.ConnectionEndPoint # check aria processing for the min=2 occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED] - realizes: node: sdno.node.Connection capability: sdno.capability.Realizes relationship: sdno.relationship.RealizedBy occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]