.. Copyright 2018 (China Mobile) .. This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE .. Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode .. contents:: :depth: 3 .. Class: VirtualCpuData/VirtualCPUDesc ==================================== +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | **Attribute Name** | **Type** | **Multiplicity** | **Description** | **Applied Stereotypes** | +====================+=============+==================+=================+=========================+ | cpuArchitec | String | 0..1 | CPU | support: | | ture | | | architectur | MANDATORY | | | | | e | | | | | | type. | | | | | | Examples | | | | | | are x86, | | | | | | ARM. The | | | | | | cardinality | | | | | | can be 0 | | | | | | during the | | | | | | allocation | | | | | | request, if | | | | | | no | | | | | | particular | | | | | | CPU | | | | | | architectur | | | | | | e | | | | | | type is | | | | | | requested. | | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | numVirtualC | Integer | 1 | Number of | support: | | pu | | | virtual | MANDATORY | | | | | CPUs. | | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | virtualCpuC | Number | 0..1 | Minimum | support: | | lock | (recommende | | virtual CPU | MANDATORY | | | d | | clock rate | | | | DM type: | | (e.g. in | | | | Scalar-Unit | | MHz). The | | | | -Freq) | | cardinality | | | | | | can be 0 | | | | | | during the | | | | | | allocation | | | | | | request, if | | | | | | no | | | | | | particular | | | | | | value is | | | | | | requested. | | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | virtualCpuO | String | 0..1 | The CPU | support: | | versubscrip | | | core | MANDATORY | | tionPolicy | | | oversubscri | | | | | | ption | | | | | | policy e.g. | | | | | | the | | | | | | relation of | | | | | | virtual CPU | | | | | | cores to | | | | | | physical | | | | | | CPU | | | | | | cores/threa | | | | | | ds. | | | | | | The | | | | | | cardinality | | | | | | can be 0 | | | | | | during the | | | | | | allocation | | | | | | request, if | | | | | | no | | | | | | particular | | | | | | value is | | | | | | requested. | | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | vduCpuRequi | KeyValuePai | 0..N | Array of | support: | | rements | r/NameValue | | key-value | MANDATORY | | | Pair | | pair | | | | | | requirement | | | | | | s | | | | | | on the | | | | | | Compute | | | | | | (CPU) for | | | | | | the VDU. | | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+ | virtualCpuP | VirtualCpuP | 0..1 | The virtual | support: | | inning | inningData | | CPU pinning | MANDATORY | | | | | configurati | | | | | | on | editor's | | | | | for the | note: need | | | | | virtualised | to check | | | | | compute | whether can | | | | | resource. | be optional | +--------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+