.. Copyright 2018 (Huawei) .. This file is licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE .. Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode Class: VnfdElementGroup ========================= +--------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | **Attribute | **Type** | **Multiplicity** | **Description** | **Applied | | Name** | | | | Stereotypes** | +====================+=====================+==================+====================+===============+ | vnfdElementGroupId | Identifier | 1 | Unique | support: | | | | | identifier | MANDATORY | | | | | of this | | | | | | group in | | | | | | the VNFD. | | +--------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | description | String | 1 | Human | support: | | | | | readable | MANDATORY | | | | | description | | | | | | of the | | | | | | group. | | +--------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | vdu | Identifier | 0..N | References | support: | | | (Reference | | to Vdus | MANDATORY | | | to Vdu) | | that are | | | | | | part of | | | | | | this group. | | +--------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | virtualLinkDesc | Identifier | 0..N | References | support: | | | (Reference | | to | MANDATORY | | | to | | VnfVirtualLinkDesc | | | | VnfVirtualLinkDesc) | | that are part of | | | | | | this group. | | +--------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------+