A Party represents an individual or an organization, or an organization unit that are of interest, involved or that provide value directly or indirectly from an enterprise perspective (Enterprise is to be understood here as provider, service provider or operator). The time period that the Party is valid for Represents a single human being (a man, woman or child). The individual could be a customer, an employee or any other person that the organization needs to store information about. An Individual is a type of Party. A group of people identified by shared interests or purpose. Examples include business, department, enterprise. Because of the complex nature of many businesses, both organizations and organization units are represented by the same business entity in this model. An Organization is a type of Party. An Organization might be composite or atomic. The OrganizationDecompositionComponent specifies the valid period for the relationship between CompositeOrganization and Organization. The period during which the OrganizationDecompostionComponent is applicable. AtomicOrganization is a type of Organization that does not have any subordinate Organization. That is, an AtomicOrganization is a leaf-level Organization. CompositeOrganizaiton is a type of Organization that is formed by aggregating other Organizations, which may be atomic or composite Organizations. The part played by a party in a given context with any characteristics, such as expected pattern of behavior, attributes, and/or associations that it entails.PartyRole is an abstract concept that should be used in places where the business refers to a Party playing a Role Used to track the lifecycle status, e.g. existing, prospective or former customers. The time period that the PartyRole is valid for A person or organization that buys products and services from the enterprise or receives free offers or services. This is modeled as a Party playing the role of Customer. A Customer is a type of PartyRole. Customers can also be other service providers who resell the enterprises products, other service providers that lease the enterprise's resources for utilization by the other service provider's products and services, and so forth. An individual or organization that sells goods or services to somone else in the value fabric. An organization or individual which offers services and products to others in exchange for payment in some form. The definition of a role a party may play. A word, term, or phrase by which an organization is known and distinguished from other organizations.A name is an informal way of identifying an object [Fowler]An OrganizationName is a type of PartyName. A word, term, or phrase by which a party (individual or organization) is known and distinguished from other parties.A name is an informal way of identifying an object [Fowler].PartyName is an abstract concept that should be used in places where the business refers to an organization name, organization unit name or individual name A word, term, or phrase by which an individual is known and distinguished from other individuals.A name is an informal way of identifying an object [Fowler]This entity allows for international naming variations. An IndividualName is a type of PartyName.