# README - slf4j-reference This project gives an example of ONAP-compliant logging using SLF4J logging. ## Adapter In ```org.onap.logging.ref.slf4j```, there are TWO classes: 1. ```org.onap.logging.ref.slf4j.ONAPLogConstants```, providing declarations of standard ONAP Markers, MDCs and HTTP headers. 2. ```org.onap.logging.ref.slf4j.ONAPLogAdapter```, providing a lightweight, compliant implementation of the ONAP logging spec. The adapter provides: 1. A loosely-coupled SLF4j logging wrapper: * To be used for logging ONAP ```entry```, ```exit``` and ```invoke``` behavior. * Devolving all *application* logging to the component, via the regular SLF4J ```Logger``` facade. 2. Customization options: * *Cheap*, by way of bean properties. This is suited to most Use Cases. * *Sophisticated*: * By OPTIONALLY implementing one of a number of adapters: * ```RequestAdapter``` to read incoming headers. * ```ServiceDescriptor``` for reporting attributes of the current service. * ```ResponseDescriptor``` for reporting outcomes. * ```RequestBuilder``` for setting southbound request headers. * By OPTIONALLY overriding methods like ```ONAPLogAdapter#setMDCs(RequestAdapter)```. Note that: * The adapter implementation uses static inner classes in order to fit in a single source file. This was an objective. The purpose of the WAR is to demonstrate minimalist ONAP-compliant logging for web components, but a secondary purpose is to demonstrate that the call graph can be generated for a (mostly) representative set of interacting REST services. ## Configuration Note that the bundled SLF4J configuration *isn't* meant to be normative. Close enough as makes no difference for the purposes of tests, but be aware that it might not always be up-to-date. ## Tests TestNG tests for contract + output of SLF4J reference impl.