# Logging-Filter The base project is meant to have very minimal dependencies for maximum re-use. The spring artifact is provided for any clients already using spring. ## Current Layout - logging-filter (houses the parent pom) - **base** this artifact should only depend on javax.servlet-api, javax.ws.rs-api, slf4j-api and org.onap.logging-analytics:logging-slf4j - **spring** this artifact depends on base as well as spring. ## Design Principles - minimize dependencies for maximum re-use - code to APIs jaxrs vs jersey, slf4j vs logback, etc... - no application specific code in this library - write extensible code so applications can add on application specific code - target Casablanca logging spec ## Code Formatting ONAP code formatting standards are validated on builds. If you find a build failing due to a formatting issue, format your code by running `mvn process-sources -P format`