# Smoke use cases ## Goal The goal of this docker is to run End to End use cases on ONAP in order to check the solution. The testcases defined in this docker MUST be PASS to validate the release. The test cases can be run using Robot framework or onap-test (ONAP python SDK). Bash, python and unit test drivers also exist. Additionnal drivers can be added but the Dockerfile must be adapted accordingly. The tests are: - basic_vm: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a single Ubuntu VM in ONAP using GR-API (A la Carte SO BPMN). The components used are SDC, SO, AAI, SDNC. - basic_cnf: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a single nginx pod in ONAP using GR-API (A la Carte SO BPMN) and K8s module. The components used are SDC, SO, AAI, SDNC, MultiCloud. - basic_network: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a Neutron network ## Usage Tests are performed through test cases [2] consuming the Python ONAP SDK [1]. ### Configuration Mandatory: Assuming that these use cases were based on onap-tests, the service descriptions must be overwritten with the right cloud informations as well as the onap-tests configuration. pythonsdk-tests configuration is given by a file whose path is specified in env variables. It is therefore needed to setup env files and precise the test configuration. There are optional and mandatory env variables Mandatory: - OS_TEST_CLOUD: it specifies the Openstack cloud you are using (declared in the clouds.yaml) - ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS: the configuration to be considered for the tests. See pythonsdk-tests README for details Optional: - INSTALLER_TYPE: the name of the installer (used for results) - TEST_DB_URL: the url of the DB you want to push the results - NODE_NAME: the name of the lab or CI chain (used for results) - BUILD_TAG: an id used for CI to group tests in a CI run - DEBUG: by default xtesting logs are not enables An example of env file is given herefater: ``` INSTALLER_TYPE=oom TEST_DB_URL=http://testresults.opnfv.org/onap/api/v1/results NODE_NAME=onap_daily_pod4_master-ONAP-oom BUILD_TAG=gitlab_ci-functest-kubespray-baremetal-daily-master-209039216-onap DEBUG=True OS_TEST_CLOUD=onap-master-daily-vnfs-ci ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS=onaptests.configuration.ubuntu16_nomulticloud_settings ``` The generic configuration file settings.py can be also specified to overwritte default values. ``` """Specific settings module.""" # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace ###################### # # # ONAP INPUTS DATAS # # # ###################### # Variables to set logger information # Possible values for logging levels in onapsdk: INFO, DEBUG , WARNING, ERROR LOG_CONFIG = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { "default": { "class": "logging.Formatter", "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d:%(filename)s(%(process)d) - %(message)s" } }, "handlers": { "console": { "level": "INFO", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "default" }, "file": { "level": "DEBUG", "class": "logging.FileHandler", "formatter": "default", "filename": "/var/lib/xtesting/results/pythonsdk.debug.log", "mode": "w" } }, "root": { "level": "DEBUG", "handlers": ["console", "file"] } } # SOCK_HTTP = "socks5h://" REPORTING_FILE_PATH = "/var/lib/xtesting/results/reporting.html" K8S_REGION_TYPE = "k8s" ``` You can specify the log level, the log file, and the path for the reporting page. You may then indicate several volumes when launching the xtesting docker. Please note it can be run from anyplace assuming that the configuration and the connectivity are properly set. You then need to hav access to ONAP endpoints, you can either copy a /etc/hosts in the docker or add the hosts in the docker command. The different needed volumes are: - The local result directory path: to store the results in your local environement. It shall corresponds to the internal result docker path /var/lib/xtesting/results - The openstack cloud.yaml for use cases interacting with Openstack infrastructures (basic_vm, basic_network) - The customization of your service. You can overwrite the model datas by the values matching your environement. In this case you need to replace the default service configuration file - The kubernetes .kube/config configuration for use cases interacting with kubernetes (basic_cnf) - The target kubernetes .kube/config configuration for basic_cnf, it shall be in the templates/artifacts directory of onaptests An example of clouds.yaml ``` clouds: onap-master-daily-vnfs-ci: auth: auth_url: https://vim.pod4.opnfv.fr:5000 password: yGiJDEh82K9x0T69iIJJRPeUqVRPFnIR project_id: 978ec1ae58ac492a936e0bcec22dfee9 project_name: onap-master-daily-vnfs user_domain_name: Default username: onap-master-daily-vnfs-ci compute_api_version: '2.15' identity_api_version: '3' interface: public project_domain_name: Default region_name: RegionOne ``` A example of basic_vm customization is provided hereafter. You can customize this file according to your cloud environment (key, flavor name,..). The data will be preloaded to overwrite the default model values. ``` --- ubuntu16test: tosca_file_from_SDC: service-Ubuntu16tha-template version: "1.0" vnfs: - vnf_name: ubuntu16test heat_files_to_upload: onaptests/templates/heat-files/ubuntu16/ubuntu16.zip vnf_parameters: [ {"name": "ubuntu16_image_name", "value": "ubuntu-16.04-daily" }, {"name": "ubuntu16_key_name", "value": "cleouverte" }, {"name": "ubuntu16_pub_key", "value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAA\ BAQDY15cdBmIs2XOpe4EiFCsaY6bmUmK/GysMoLl4UG51JCfJwvwoWCoA+6mDIbymZxhxq9IGx\ ilp/yTA6WQ9s/5pBag1cUMJmFuda9PjOkXl04jgqh5tR6I+GZ97AvCg93KAECis5ubSqw1xOCj4\ utfEUtPoF1OuzqM/lE5mY4N6VKXn+fT7pCD6cifBEs6JHhVNvs5OLLp/tO8Pa3kKYQOdyS0xc3r\ h+t2lrzvKUSWGZbX+dLiFiEpjsUL3tDqzkEMNUn4pdv69OJuzWHCxRWPfdrY9Wg0j3mJesP29EBh\ t+w+EC9/kBKq+1VKdmsXUXAcjEvjovVL8l1BrX3BY0R8D imported-openssh-key" }, {"name": "ubuntu16_flavor_name", "value": "m1.small" }, {"name": "VM_name", "value": "ubuntu16test-VM-01" }, {"name": "vnf_id", "value": "ubuntu16test-VNF-instance" }, {"name": "vf_module_id", "value": "ubuntu16test-vfmodule-instance" }, {"name": "vnf_name", "value": "ubuntu16test-VNF" }, {"name": "admin_plane_net_name", "value": "admin" } ] ``` ### Commands If you specify all the hosts ``` docker run --env-file -v :/root/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml -v :/root/.kube/config -v :/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/ubuntu16test-service.yaml -v :/var/lib/xtesting/results --add-host="portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.api.be.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="aai.api.sparky.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="so.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.workflow.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.dcae.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="msb.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-pythonsdk:master /bin/sh -c "run_tests -t basic_vm" ``` ``` docker run --env-file -v :/root/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml -v :/root/.kube/config -v :/src/onaptests/src/onaptests/templates/artifacts/config -v :/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/ubuntu16test-service.yaml -v :/var/lib/xtesting/results --add-host="portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.api.be.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="aai.api.sparky.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="so.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.workflow.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="sdc.dcae.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:" --add-host="msb.api.simpledemo.onap.org:" nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-pythonsdk:master /bin/sh -c "run_tests -t basic_cnf" ``` Unkike the other xtesting dockers, 1 docker = 1 use case, the target -t all is not usable. Note you can run also the docker interactivly ``` docker run -it -env-file -v :/root/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml -v :/root/.kube/config -v :/var/lib/xtesting/results nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-pythonsdk:master sh ``` Inside the docker you can edit the /etc/hosts and indicate the different hosts). You can also edit the configuration file /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/ubuntu16test-service.yaml. You can also edit the tester and test settings in /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests. Then you can run the test with the following command: ``` run_tests -t basic_vm ``` you can modify the env variable to run any of the use cases. ### Output ``` +-------------------+---------------------+------------------+----------------+ | TEST CASE | PROJECT | DURATION | RESULT | +-------------------+---------------------+------------------+----------------+ | basic_vm | integration | 09:52 | PASS | +-------------------+---------------------+------------------+----------------+ ``` ### references [1]: https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/python-onapsdk "Python ONAP SDK repository" [2]: https://git.onap.org/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests/tree/ "Scenario consuming Python SDK" [3]: https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/onap-tests/-/blob/master/onap_tests/onap-conf/onap-testing.yaml "onap-test configuration" [4]: https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/xtesting-onap/-/tree/master/roles/xtesting-onap-vnf "File and templates of service descriptions"