#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2019 by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # # This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Samsung Electronics co., Ltd. # ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use # it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with Samsung. # # Onboard R-APP blueprint and deploy R-APP as DCAE Microservice. # set -e NODE_IP=${NODE_IP:-$(../scripts/k8s_get_node_ip.sh)} DCAE_DASHBOARD_NODEPORT=${DCAE_DASHBOARD_NODEPORT:-30418} BASE_URL=https://${NODE_IP}:${DCAE_DASHBOARD_NODEPORT} dcae_cli(){ local parameters=("$@") python -u dcae-cli.py --base_url ${BASE_URL} --operation "${parameters[@]}" } create_blueprint() { local blueprint_file_path=$1 dcae_cli create_blueprint --blueprint_file ${blueprint_file_path} } delete_blueprint() { local blueprint_name=$1 local blueprint_id=$(dcae_cli get_blueprint --blueprint_name ${blueprint_name} | grep typeId | cut -d '"' -f 4) if [[ "$blueprint_id" != "" ]]; then dcae_cli delete_blueprint --blueprint_id ${blueprint_id} else echo "Given blueprint '$blueprint_name' does not exist!" fi } create_deployment() { local blueprint_id=$1 local deployment_id=$2 local deployment_id_prefix=$3 local deployment_inputs_key_value=$4 local deployment_inputs="" if [[ "$deployment_inputs_key_value" != "" ]]; then deployment_inputs="--deployment_inputs_key_value ${deployment_inputs_key_value}" fi dcae_cli create_deployment --blueprint_id ${blueprint_id} --deployment_id ${deployment_id} --deployment_id_prefix ${deployment_id_prefix} ${deployment_inputs} } deploy() { local blueprint_file_path=$1 local deployment_id=$2 local deployment_id_prefix=$3 local deployment_inputs_key_value=$4 out=$(create_blueprint ${blueprint_file_path}) echo "$out" blueprint_id=$(echo "$out" | grep typeId | cut -d ' ' -f 2) create_deployment ${blueprint_id} ${deployment_id} ${deployment_id_prefix} ${deployment_inputs_key_value} } undeploy() { local deployment_id=$1 dcae_cli delete_deployment --deployment_id ${deployment_id} } operation=$1 case "$operation" in -h|--help|help|?|"") echo "Script usage:" echo "$0 deploy - Deploy Blueprint" echo "$0 undeploy - Undeploy deployment instantiated from blueprint" echo "$0 redeploy - Redeploy deployment" echo "$0 delete - Delete blueprint" echo "$0 list - List blueprints and deployments" echo "$0 list_blueprints - List blueprints" echo "$0 list_deployments - List deployments" echo "$0 get_deployment_inputs - List all deployment input parameters given to a deployment" echo "$0 get_deployment_input - List only single deployment input value with given key." ;; deploy) blueprint_file_path=$2 deployment_id=$3 deployment_id_prefix=$4 deployment_inputs_key_value=$5 deploy ${blueprint_file_path} ${deployment_id} ${deployment_id_prefix} ${deployment_inputs_key_value} ;; undeploy) undeploy $2 ;; redeploy) blueprint_file_path=$2 deployment_id=$3 deployment_inputs_key_value=$4 undeploy ${deployment_id} # Note that deployment_id in creation does not have yet the prefix # Split full deployment id in format "myprefix_mydeploymentid" to prefix and id part deployment_id_prefix="${deployment_id%%_*}" deployment_id_for_create="${deployment_id#*_}" deploy ${blueprint_file_path} ${deployment_id_for_create} ${deployment_id_prefix} ${deployment_inputs_key_value} ;; delete) blueprint_name=$2 delete_blueprint ${blueprint_name} ;; list) dcae_cli list_blueprints dcae_cli list_deployments ;; list_blueprints) dcae_cli list_blueprints ;; list_deployments) dcae_cli list_deployments ;; get_deployment_inputs) deployment_id=$2 dcae_cli get_deployment_inputs --deployment_id ${deployment_id} ;; get_deployment_input) deployment_id=$2 input_key=$3 dcae_cli get_deployment_input --deployment_id ${deployment_id} --deployment_input_key ${input_key} | tail -1 ;; *) echo "Wrong usage, check '$0 -h'" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac