#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2020 by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # # This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Samsung Electronics co., Ltd. # ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use # it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with Samsung. """Cli application for ONAP DCAE Dashboard for managing DCAE Microservices. Implements core parts of the API defined here: https://git.onap.org/ccsdk/dashboard/tree/ccsdk-app-os/src/main/resources/swagger.json """ import argparse import base64 import json import os import re import sys import time from datetime import datetime import requests import yaml try: from urllib.parse import quote except ImportError: from urllib import pathname2url as quote # Suppress https ignoring warning to be printed on screen # InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made... requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) ROOT_PATH = "/ccsdk-app/nb-api/v2" BLUEPRINTS_URL = ROOT_PATH + "/blueprints" DEPLOYMENTS_URL = ROOT_PATH + "/deployments" EMPTY_CHAR = "-" # Deployment operations (used in executions) DEPLOYMENT_INSTALL = "install" DEPLOYMENT_UNINSTALL = "uninstall" DEPLOYMENT_UPDATE = "update" USER_LOGIN = "su1234" USER_PASSWORD = "fusion" def get_url(postfix): return args.base_url.strip('/') + postfix def read_json_file(file_path): with open(file_path) as f: return json.load(f) def read_yaml_file(file_path): with open(file_path) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) def print_rows_formatted(matrix): """Prints 2 dimensional array data (matrix) formatted to screen. """ col_width = max(len(word) for row in matrix for word in row) + 2 # padding for row in matrix: print("".join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row)) print def str_2_date(_str): return datetime.strptime(_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def create_filter(_filter): return quote(json.dumps(_filter)) def http(verb, url, params=None, body=None): print(verb + " to " + url) if args.verbose: if params: print("PARAMS: ") print(params) print if body: print("BODY: ") print(body) print headers = {'Authorization': "Basic " + base64_authorization_value, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} r = s.request(verb, url, headers=headers, params=params, # accept all server TLS certs verify=False, json=body) if r.status_code != 200 and r.status_code != 202: print("Request params:") print("Headers: " + str(r.request.headers)) print print("Body: " + str(r.request.body)) print raise RuntimeError('Response status code: {} with message: {}' .format(r.status_code, str(r.content))) if args.verbose: print("RESPONSE: ") print(r.json()) print print("SUCCESSFUL " + verb) print return r def list_blueprints(): r = http('GET', get_url(BLUEPRINTS_URL)) total_items = r.json()['totalItems'] items = r.json()['items'] list_headers = ['Blueprint Id', 'Blueprint Name', 'Blueprint version', 'Application/Component/Owner'] data = [list_headers] for bp in items: application = bp.get("application", EMPTY_CHAR) component = bp.get("component", EMPTY_CHAR) row = [bp['typeId'], bp['typeName'], str(bp['typeVersion']), application + '/' + component + '/' + bp['owner']] data.append(row) # Print it print_rows_formatted(data) print("Total " + str(total_items) + " blueprints.") return r def create_blueprint(body): r = http('POST', get_url(BLUEPRINTS_URL), body=body) if "error" in r.json(): err_msg = json.loads(r.json()['error'])["message"] if re.match('^DCAE services of type.*are still running:.*', err_msg): print("Blueprint already exists and cannot update it as there are deployments related to that running. First delete deployments for this blueprint!") else: print(r.json()['error']) sys.exit(1) print("typeId: " + str(r.json()['typeId'])) return r def get_blueprint(blueprint_name): blueprint_filter = create_filter({ "name": blueprint_name }) return check_error(http('GET', get_url(BLUEPRINTS_URL) + "/?filters=" + blueprint_filter)) def delete_blueprint(blueprint_id): return check_error(http('DELETE', get_url(BLUEPRINTS_URL) + "/" + blueprint_id)) def list_deployments(): r = http('GET', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL)) total_items = r.json()['totalItems'] r_json = r.json() list_headers = ['Service Id', 'Created', 'Modified'] data = [list_headers] if "items" in r_json: for dep in r_json["items"]: row = [dep['id'], str_2_date(dep['created_at']), str_2_date(dep['updated_at'])] data.append(row) print_rows_formatted(data) print("Total " + str(total_items) + " deployments.") return r def get_deployment(deployment_id): return check_error(http('GET', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL) + "/" + deployment_id)) def get_deployment_inputs(deployment_id, tenant): return check_error(http('GET', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL) + "/" + deployment_id + "/inputs?tenant=" + tenant)) def create_deployment(body): return check_error(http('POST', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL), body=body)) def update_deployment(deployment_id, body): return check_error(http('PUT', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL) + "/" + deployment_id + "/update", body=body)) def delete_deployment(deployment_id, tenant): return check_error(http('DELETE', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL) + "/" + deployment_id + "?tenant=" + tenant), fail_msg="Cannot delete deployment if install still ongoing.") def executions_status(deployment_id, tenant): return check_error(http('GET', get_url(DEPLOYMENTS_URL) + "/" + deployment_id + "/executions?tenant=" + tenant)) def deployment_exists(deployment_id, print_non_existence=True, fail_it=True): """Checks if deployment with given deployment-id exists. """ r = get_deployment(deployment_id) exists = check_deployment_exists(deployment_id, r.json()) msg = "Given deployment '" + deployment_id + "' " + ("does not exist!" if print_non_existence else "already/still exists!") if bool(print_non_existence) != bool(exists): # Separate checking of deployment existence is needed as API DELETE operation is success even if deployment does not exist. print(msg) if fail_it: sys.exit(1) return exists def check_deployment_exists(deployment_id, deployments): """deployments is the json [{deployment}, ...] payload of get_deployment method """ if not deployments: return False exists = False for dep in deployments: if "id" in dep and dep["id"] == deployment_id: exists = True return exists def check_error(response, fail_it=True, fail_msg=""): if "error" in response.json(): print(response.json()['error']) print(fail_msg) if fail_it: sys.exit(1) return response def print_get_payload(payload): print(json.dumps(payload.json()['items'], indent=2)) def get_executions_items(payload, key, value=None): """Executions array may have e.g. following content [ { "status": "terminated", "tenant_name": "default_tenant", "created_at": "2020-07-16T14:09:34.881Z", "workflow_id": "create_deployment_environment", "deployment_id": "dcae_k8s-datacollector", "id": "fb66d5f7-e957-4c75-bc11-f9ef9e2ae2ac" }, { "status": "failed", "tenant_name": "default_tenant", "created_at": "2020-07-16T14:10:05.933Z", "workflow_id": "install", "deployment_id": "dcae_k8s-datacollector", "id": "75dfe2e9-929a-46d0-9a8d-06e0e435051c" } ] This function returns array of maps filtered (with key and optional value) from the given source executions array. """ executions = payload.json()['items'] results = [] for execution in executions: if key in execution: if value: if execution[key] == value: results.append(execution) else: results.append(execution) return results class Timeout: def __init__(self, timeout, timeout_msg, sleep_time=2): self.counter = 0 self.timeout = timeout self.timeout_msg = timeout_msg self.sleep_time = sleep_time def expired(self): if self.counter > self.timeout: print("Timeout " + str(self.timeout) + " seconds expired while waiting " + self.timeout_msg) return True time.sleep(int(self.sleep_time)) self.counter += int(self.sleep_time) return False def wait_deployment(deployment_id, operation, timeout=240): def get_workflow_id(deployment_id, operation): r = executions_status(deployment_id, args.tenant) print_get_payload(r) print("Get status for operation: %s" % operation) return get_executions_items(r, "workflow_id", operation) failed = False op_timeout = Timeout(timeout, "deployment " + deployment_id + " operation " + operation) while True: wf = get_workflow_id(deployment_id, operation) if wf: status = wf[0]["status"] print("Operation status is %s" % status) if status in ["terminated", "failed"]: result = "SUCCESS" if status == "terminated" else "FAILED" if status == "failed": failed = True break if op_timeout.expired(): failed = True result = "FAILED" break # For uninstall wait executions to be removed by Cloudify as it will bother re-cretion of same deployment # There would be also "workflow_id": "delete_deployment_environment" state we should follow, but that can be disappearing so fast # so better to just wait all executions are removed. if operation == DEPLOYMENT_UNINSTALL and not failed: ex_timeout = Timeout(timeout, "deployment " + deployment_id + " operation " + operation + " executions to be removed.") while True: if not get_workflow_id(deployment_id, operation): if not deployment_exists(args.deployment_id, print_non_existence=False, fail_it=False): # Still wait a moment as deployment-handler may still have the deployment and # would return "409 Conflict" in case of creating again deployment with same name. time.sleep(7) break if ex_timeout.expired(): failed = True result = "FAILED" break print("Deployment " + deployment_id + " operation " + operation + " was " + result) if failed: sys.exit(1) def append_deployment_inputs_key_values(key_values, inputs): pairs = key_values.split(",") for key_value in pairs: key, value = key_value.split("=", 1) inputs[key] = value return inputs def parse_deployment_inputs(deployment_inputs, deployment_inputs_key_value): inputs = {} if deployment_inputs: inputs = read_json_file(deployment_inputs) if deployment_inputs_key_value: inputs = append_deployment_inputs_key_values(deployment_inputs_key_value, inputs) return inputs def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=''' Example commands: python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation create_blueprint --blueprint_file my-blueprint.yaml python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation create_blueprint --body_file create_blueprint.json --blueprint_file my-blueprint.yaml python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation list_blueprints python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation get_blueprint --blueprint_name my-blueprint python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation delete_blueprint --blueprint_id bf31992b-8643-44ed-b9d1-f6f5a806e505 python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation create_deployment --blueprint_id bf31992b-8643-44ed-b9d1-f6f5a806e505 --deployment_id samuli-testi --deployment_inputs inputs.yaml python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation list_deployments python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation delete_deployment --deployment_id dcae_samuli-testi python dcae-cli.py --base_url https://infra:30983 --operation executions_status --deployment_id dcae_samuli-testi ''') parser.add_argument('-u', '--base_url', required=True, help='Base url of the DCAE Dashboard API (e.g.') parser.add_argument('-o', '--operation', required=True, choices=['list_blueprints', 'create_blueprint', 'get_blueprint', 'delete_blueprint', 'list_deployments', 'get_deployment', 'get_deployment_inputs', 'get_deployment_input', 'create_deployment', 'update_deployment', 'delete_deployment', 'executions_status'], help='Operation to execute towards DCAE Dashboard') parser.add_argument('-b', '--body_file', help="""File path for the body of the DCAE Dashboard operation. Json format file Given as file path to a file having the main body parameters for blueprint creation as json format. Example: { "typeName": "my-blueprint", # this is the blueprint name "typeVersion": 12345, # this is blueprint version "application": "DCAE-app", # OPTIONAL "component": "dcae-comp", # OPTIONAL "owner": "Samsung Guy" # Blueprint owner } Used for create_blueprint operation. Parameter is optional and by default following values are used: { "typeName": Filename of --blueprint_file parameter "typeVersion": 1, "application": "DCAE", "component": "dcae", "owner": "Samsung" } """) parser.add_argument('-bp', '--blueprint_file', help='File path for the Cloudify Blueprint file used as payload in DCAE Dashboard operation. Yaml format file') parser.add_argument('-id', '--blueprint_id', help='Blueprint Id (typeId) string parameter e.g. for delete_blueprint and create_deployment operations') parser.add_argument('-name', '--blueprint_name', help='Blueprint name string parameter given as "typeName" in --body_file when creating Blueprint. If --body_file is not given blueprint name is by default the name of the given blueprint file.') parser.add_argument('-tag', '--deployment_id', help='''Deployment tag / Service Id / Deployment Ref / Deployment Id. Many names for the identification of the deployment started from the blueprint. Used for create_deployment operation and for delete_deployment. Needs to uniquely identify deployment. This identification is labeled to Kubernetes resources e.g. PODs with key cfydeployment''') parser.add_argument('-prefix', '--deployment_id_prefix', default="samsung", help='Deployment Id Prefix is the optional component name prefixed to cfydeployment with underscore. If not given string "samsung" used by default.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--deployment_inputs', help='''Deployment input parameters for the Coudify blueprint. Given as file path to a file having input parameters as json format. Parameters given depends on the blueprint definition. Example: { "host_port": "30243", "service_id_name": "samsung-ves-rapp", "component_type_name": "samsung-rapp-service" } Used for create_deployment and update_deployment operations. Parameter is optional and by default no input parameters given for the blueprint.''') parser.add_argument('-kv', '--deployment_inputs_key_value', help='''Deployment input parameters for the Coudify blueprint. Same as --deployment_inputs but given on command line parameter with format of key value. key=value,key2=value2 Parameters given depends on the blueprint definition. Example: "host_port=30243,service_id_name=samsung-ves-rapp,component_type_name=samsung-rapp-service" Used for create_deployment and update_deployment operations. Parameter is optional and by default no input parameters given for the blueprint.''') parser.add_argument('-k', '--deployment_input_key', help='''Deployment input parameter key for the Coudify blueprint. Key string used for the deployment input. Used in get_deployment_input operation to identify what input parameter is wanted. ''') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tenant', default='default_tenant', help='''Tenant used for Cloudify. Optional, if not given default value "default_tenant" is used. Used for create_deployment and delete_deployment operations.''') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Output more') args = parser.parse_args() if args.blueprint_id is None and args.operation in ['create_deployment', 'delete_blueprint']: parser.error("--operation " + args.operation + " requires --blueprint_id argument.") if args.blueprint_name is None and args.operation in ['get_blueprint', 'update_deployment']: parser.error("--operation " + args.operation + " requires --blueprint_name argument.") if args.operation == 'create_blueprint' and args.blueprint_file is None: parser.error("--operation create_blueprint requires --blueprint_file arguments. Note also optional --body_file can be given.") if args.deployment_id is None and args.operation in ['create_deployment', 'get_deployment', 'get_deployment_inputs', 'get_deployment_input', 'update_deployment', 'delete_deployment', 'executions_status']: parser.error("--operation " + args.operation + " requires --deployment_id argument.") if (args.deployment_inputs is None and args.deployment_inputs_key_value is None) and args.operation in ['update_deployment']: parser.error("--operation " + args.operation + " requires --deployment_inputs or --deployment_inputs_key_value argument.") if args.deployment_input_key is None and args.operation in ['get_deployment_input']: parser.error("--operation " + args.operation + " requires --deployment_input_key argument.") return parser.parse_args() def get_authorization_value(user_login=USER_LOGIN, user_password=USER_PASSWORD): base64_bytes = base64.b64encode((user_login + ":" + user_password).encode('ascii')) return base64_bytes.decode('ascii') def main(): global args, s, base64_authorization_value args = parse_args() s = requests.Session() base64_authorization_value = get_authorization_value() if args.operation == "list_blueprints": list_blueprints() elif args.operation == "create_blueprint": bp_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.blueprint_file))[0] body = { "typeName": bp_name, "typeVersion": 1, "application": "DCAE", "component": "dcae", "owner": USER_LOGIN } if args.body_file: body = read_json_file(args.body_file) blueprint = read_yaml_file(args.blueprint_file) # create/replace blueprint part in body body['blueprintTemplate'] = yaml.dump(blueprint) create_blueprint(body) elif args.operation == "get_blueprint": print_get_payload(get_blueprint(args.blueprint_name)) elif args.operation == "delete_blueprint": delete_blueprint(args.blueprint_id) elif args.operation == "create_deployment": full_deployment_id = args.deployment_id_prefix + "_" + args.deployment_id deployment_exists(full_deployment_id, print_non_existence=False) inputs = parse_deployment_inputs(args.deployment_inputs, args.deployment_inputs_key_value) body = { # component (deployment_id_prefix) will be prefixed to Kubernetes resources # label key cfydeployment with underscore. # E.g. cfydeployment=samsung_ # where is the given args.deployment_id. "component": args.deployment_id_prefix, "tag": args.deployment_id, "blueprintId": args.blueprint_id, "tenant": args.tenant, "inputs": inputs } create_deployment(body) print("DeploymentId: " + full_deployment_id) wait_deployment(full_deployment_id, DEPLOYMENT_INSTALL) elif args.operation == "list_deployments": list_deployments() elif args.operation == "get_deployment": deployment_exists(args.deployment_id) print_get_payload(get_deployment(args.deployment_id)) elif args.operation == "get_deployment_inputs": deployment_exists(args.deployment_id) print_get_payload(get_deployment_inputs(args.deployment_id, args.tenant)) elif args.operation == "get_deployment_input": deployment_exists(args.deployment_id) r = get_deployment_inputs(args.deployment_id, args.tenant) print(r.json()[0]["inputs"][args.deployment_input_key]) elif args.operation == "update_deployment": deployment_exists(args.deployment_id) inputs = parse_deployment_inputs(args.deployment_inputs, args.deployment_inputs_key_value) body = { "component": args.deployment_id_prefix, "tag": args.deployment_id, "blueprintName": args.blueprint_name, "blueprintVersion": 1, "tenant": args.tenant, "inputs": inputs } update_deployment(args.deployment_id, body) wait_deployment(args.deployment_id, DEPLOYMENT_UPDATE) elif args.operation == "delete_deployment": if deployment_exists(args.deployment_id, fail_it=False): delete_deployment(args.deployment_id, args.tenant) wait_deployment(args.deployment_id, DEPLOYMENT_UNINSTALL) elif args.operation == "executions_status": print_get_payload(executions_status(args.deployment_id, args.tenant)) else: print("No operation selected.") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()