# Set common variables for the environment. This is automatically pulled in in the root terragrunt.hcl configuration to # feed forward to the child modules. locals { environment = "stage" # name of the environment you use. e.g stage, prod or qa network = "" # name of the network to connect with the Internet # Rancher and Kubernetes # To access a VM, 'ssh -i ssh_private_key_path kubernetes_user@one-of-the-external-ips' # a key pair for accessing VMs ssh_public_key = "" ssh_private_key_path = "" kubernetes_version = "v1.17.3-rancher1-1" kubernetes_user = "ubuntu" kubernetes_cluster_name = "rke_cluster" kubernetes_home = "${get_parent_terragrunt_dir()}" # Helm service_account = "tiller" namespace = "kube-system" # NFS provisioner for kubernetes nfs_enabled = true # Keycloak keycloak_enabled = false olm_version = "0.16.1" # Version of Operator Lifecycle Manager # Concourse CICD concourse_enabled = false }