# ONAP RAN-SIM # Introduction : RAN-SIM is a Radio Access Network Simulator, it is used to simulate the various functionalities of an eNodeB. # Compilation Steps : RAN-SIM can be compiled with `mvn clean install`. By default it executes: - the standard unit tests - the Spring integration tests - BUT *does not build the docker images* You can disable the integration tests by executing: `mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true` # Building Docker images : You can build docker images by executing profile "docker": `mvn clean install -P docker` # Running RAN-SIM : - After successful build navigate to 'ran-simulator/ransim/docker' directory. - Use docker-compose up -d to start RAN-SIM - Access the GUI using the following url in the web browser: 'http://:8081/ransimui' # Logging : - Login to ransim pod and you can get the logs from /opt/app/policy/servers/ransim/logs/ransim-rest.log # Configuration : The following capabilities can be modified in the 'ransim.properties' file based on user capabilities and configurations. File directory: ran-simulator/ransim/ransimctrlr/packages/base/src/files/install/servers/ransim/bin/ransim.properties a) serverIdPrefix: Netconf server common prefix (use default value present in the file) b) numberOfCellsPerNCServer: Maximum number of cells that can be handled in a single netconf server(use default value present in the file). c) numberOfProcessPerMc: Maximum number of netconf servers that can run in a single machine(use default value present in the file, which is for a machine of 8 GB RAM) (A single netconf server uses approximately 350MB). d) numberOfMachines: Maximum number of machines available(use default value present in the file). e) GridSize: (Applicable only for HONEYCOMB representation) The number of cells that can be accommodated along one side of the cluster for an auto-generated layout. However, it has no relevance now, as the initial layout is generated from a file. So use default value as 1. f) strictValidateRansimAgentsAvailability: A boolean value to check if any RAN-Sim agents are running (use default value present in the file). g) sdnrServerIp: SDNR IP address h) sdnrServerPort: SDNR port number i) sdnrServerUserid: SDNR user ID j) sdnrServerPassword: SDNR user password k) maxPciValueAllowed: maximum value of the physical cell Id. (Default is 503). l)dumpFileName Location of the dumpfile to load the topology. The dump file is loaded from 'ran-simulator/ransim/docker/config'. A sample dump file - 'sample.json' contains deatils of 1000 cells. For the controller to access the dump file from the the above location use the path - /tmp/ransim-install/config/sample.json