Standalone PNF Simulator configuration for HTTPS communication to VES ------------------------ ### General description Makefile in sanitycheck/pnfsimulator-secured is an interface for deployment of PNF simulator with fetching certs from chosen source. Makefile offers functionalities that allows to: * Run PNF simulator with fetching certs from AAF Certman * Run PNF simulator with fetching certs from AAF Certservice (CMPv2) ## Fetching from AAF Certman ### Description docker-compose-certman.yml prepares PNF simulator container for HTTPS communication with VES. When docker-compose starts certs-init container fills connected volume with certificates, truststores, keystores, passwords etc. Next pnf-simulator container starts and connects to the same volume. On startup it should read password values from proper files and set them in system environment variables. With these variables and files in volume application is ready to work on HTTPS. ### Prerequisites 1. certs-init container works with external AAF on cloud. Due to that fact it must have set correct IPs to workers that has access to AAF. In docker-compose.yml fields with mentioned IPs are: * aaf-locate.onap * aaf-cm.onap * aaf-service.onap ### Start **ATTENTION** Proper IPs to AAF must be set in the docker-compose-certman.yml before start (as described in prerequisites)! ``` make start-pnfsim-with-certman-certs ``` ### Send event **ATTENTION** ``sanitycheck/events/eventToVes.json`` file which is request for sending event to VES must have correct ``vesServerURL`` field before sending event. IP of ``vesServerURL`` should be the same as given in docker-compose-certman.yml in ``aaf-locate.onap`` field. To use secured connection remember about setting protocol to https:// and port to proper secured port of VES. To send event from PNF simulator to VES use this command from ``pnf-simulator/sanitycheck`` directory: ```` make generate-event ```` Sample ``sanitycheck/events/eventToVes.json`` file content is: ```json { "vesServerUrl": "", "event": { "event": { "commonEventHeader": { "version": "4.0.1", "vesEventListenerVersion": "7.0.1", "domain": "fault", "eventName": "Fault_Vscf:Acs-Ericcson_PilotNumberPoolExhaustion", "eventId": "fault0000245", "sequence": 1, "priority": "High", "reportingEntityId": "cc305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e541234", "reportingEntityName": "ibcx0001vm002oam001", "sourceId": "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014", "sourceName": "scfx0001vm002cap001", "nfVendorName": "Ericsson", "nfNamingCode": "scfx", "nfcNamingCode": "ssc", "startEpochMicrosec": 1413378172000000, "lastEpochMicrosec": 1413378172000000, "timeZoneOffset": "UTC-05:30" }, "faultFields": { "faultFieldsVersion": "4.0", "alarmCondition": "PilotNumberPoolExhaustion", "eventSourceType": "other", "specificProblem": "Calls cannot complete - pilot numbers are unavailable", "eventSeverity": "CRITICAL", "vfStatus": "Active", "alarmAdditionalInformation": { "PilotNumberPoolSize": "1000" } } } } } ``` ### Stop To remove pnf-simulator containers use: ``` make clean-pnfsim-with-certman-setup ``` ## Fetching certificates from AAF Certservice (CMPv2) ### Description Running Makefile with Certservice target will start the following flow: 1. Create certificates that will be used for internal communication between Certservice and Certservice-client. Generated internal certificates should be present in sanitycheck/pnfsimulator-secured/certservice/certs directory. 2. Run docker-compose-certservice.yml that creates: 2.1. Certservice container with mounted previously generated certificates. 2.2. Certservice-client with mounted internal certificates as well. This containers requests Certservice for Certificates that will be used by PNF simulator in HTTPS connection. Before closing of container it saves these certs in locally mounted volume in sanitycheck/pnfsimulator-secured/certservice/client-resources/client-volume 2.3. PNF simulator that has mounted certificates from client. Before starting the simulator itself, names of certs files are changed to fit the PNF simulator configuration. ### Prerequisites ##### EJBCA configuration Certservice container will try to connect to EJBCA on docker-compose-certservice.yml startup to fetch certs. Whole connection configuration to EJBCA server must be done before start in file sanitycheck/pnfsimulator-secured/certservice/certservice-resources/cmpServers.json. EJBCA might be deployed locally or externally. Described in this README Makefile has a target that runs configured EJBCA container locally. To run that target use: ``` make start-ejbca ``` Configuration of cmpServers.json for this local EJBCA container should be: ```json { "cmpv2Servers": [ { "caName": "Client", "url": "http://:80/ejbca/publicweb/cmp/cmp", "issuerDN": "CN=ManagementCA", "caMode": "CLIENT", "authentication": { "iak": "mypassword", "rv": "mypassword" } }, { "caName": "RA", "url": "http://:80/ejbca/publicweb/cmp/cmpRA", "issuerDN": "CN=ManagementCA", "caMode": "RA", "authentication": { "iak": "mypassword", "rv": "mypassword" } } ] } ``` ``docker0_network_ip`` might be found when running `ifconfig docker0` next to `inet` field. ### Start **ATTENTION** Remember that before starting certservice, the EJBCA server must run, be properly configured and sanitycheck/pnfsimulator-secured/certservice/certservice-resources/cmpServers.json must be set correctly. For more info read _prerequisites_ section. ``` make start-pnfsim-with-certservice-certs ``` ### Send event ##### VES collector Destination VES collector should use certificate generated from the same CMPv2 server for successful HTTPS communication. There is local deployment of VES (with DMAAP simulator) to be used from Makefile that uses certificates generated by the same CMPv2 server as PNF simulator uses. ##### VES collector local deployment prerequisites By default the image of VES from Nexus supports only HTTP communication. Local image with enabled HTTPS must be build to use local VES as PNF simulator destination. 1. Pull VES repository 2. In `/etc/` file set field `auth.method=certBasicAuth` 3. Build local image: `mvn clean install docker:build` from VES project root directory. VES deployment from Makefile uses also DMAAP simulator. Its image should be built locally as well. 1. Go to `sanitycheck/dmaap-simulator` directory 2. Run: `make build` If you want to use that VES + DMAAP simulator deployment enter: ``` make start-local-secured-ves ``` **ATTENTION** Before sending an event to VES, the correct VES server URL must be passed to ``sanitycheck/events/vesAddressConfiguration.json`` file in field ``vesServerURL``. For local VES, `vesServerURL` should have value: ``https://:8444/eventListener/v7``. ``docker0_network_ip`` might be found when running `ifconfig docker0` next to `inet` field. To reconfigure PNF simulator to use new URL use this command from ``pnf-simulator/sanitycheck`` directory: ``` make reconfigure-ves-url ``` To send event from PNF simulator to VES use this command from ``pnf-simulator/sanitycheck`` directory: ``` make generate-event ``` ### Stop To clean all generated certificates, remove pnf-simulator, certservice, ejbca and ves containers use: ``` make clean-pnfsim-with-certservice-certs ```