# NF Simulator Goal of this project is to simulate `Network Function`. ## Simulator components This simulator is consist of projects (components): - avcn-manager - netconf-server - pm-https-server - ves-client Each of these projects can be developed, build and run independently. Nonetheless, in order to achieve goal of this simulator, these components needs to be connected and interact. ### Components interaction flow *netconf-server -> Message Queue (Kafka) -> avcn-server -> ves-client -> ves* Above flow shows how components are connected with each other. The goal of that connected components is to propagate information about network element configuration change (netconf server) to ONAP (ves). More examples and use cases are shown in `sanitycheck` directory. For more details about each project see *README* files in projects directories. ## Starting and Testing simulator To start whole system (simulator) locally docker compose is needed. Description on how to do that, with all needed docker-compose files, is located in `sanitycheck` directory. This directory contains also description of **test scenarios**. All that descriptions are located in *README* file. ## Simulator CLI This simulator has also CLI that can be used to communicate with running components. Description on how to use this tool is located in `simulator-cli` directory.