# AVCN Simulator Simulator that fetches changes of configuration from kafka and sends them to VES client. ## What does it do? The simulator processes notifications from NETCONF server. It does this by being a subscriber of a Kafka topic that is fed with NETCONF notifications. The topic name is "config". Incoming notifications are then processed and output of this processing is sent to VES client. ### Processing details 1. When last element contain value (equal sign) then cut it together with `'/'` from path and fill attributeList object with key equal to name of element before `'='` and value equal to element after `'='` keeping key and value quoted (`""`), 2. Convert remaining `'/'` into `' , '` , 3. Convert all container types (without `[key='value']`) to `=` 4. Convert all list types (with `[key='value']`) to `=` ```` {containerA}/{listB}[{keyB}={valueB}]/{containerC}/{listD}[{keyD}={valueD}]/{[leaf, leaf-list]} = {value of leaf} { "variables": { "dn": " {containerA}={containerA} , {listB}={valueB} , {containerC}={containerC} , {listD}={valued}", "attributesList": { "{leaf, leaf-list}": "{value of leaf}" } } } ```` ### VES client Request The resulting request to VES client looks like the following (the "dn" and "attributesList" parameters are dependent on the actual NETCONF notification's value): ```` { "simulatorParams": { "repeatCount": 1, "repeatInterval": 1, "vesServerUrl": "" }, "templateName": "notification.json", "patch": {}, "variables": { "dn": "", "attributesList": {} } } ```` ### Examples ```` /example-sports:sports/person[name='name 1'] (list instance) { "simulatorParams": { }, "templateName": "cmNotify.json", "patch": { }, "variables": { "dn":" example-sports:sports= example-sports:sports , person=name 1", "attributesList": { } } } ```` ```` /example-sports:sports/person[name='name 1']/name = name 1 { "simulatorParams": { }, "templateName": "cmNotify.json", "patch": { }, "variables": { "dn":" example-sports:sports= example-sports:sports , person=name 1", "attributesList": { "name": "name 2" } } } ```` ```` /example-sports:sports/person[name='name 2'] (list instance) { "simulatorParams": { }, "templateName": "cmNotify.json", "patch": { }, "variables": { "dn":" example-sports:sports= example-sports:sports , person=name 2", "attributesList": { } } } ```` ```` /example-sports:sports/team[name='team 1']/player[name='player 1'] (list instance) { "simulatorParams": { }, "templateName": "cmNotify.json", "patch": { }, "variables": { "dn":" example-sports:sports= example-sports:sports , player=player 1", "attributesList": { } } } ```` ```` /example-sports:sports/team[name='team 1']/player[name='player 1']/name = player 1 { "simulatorParams": { }, "templateName": "cmNotify.json", "patch": { }, "variables": { "dn":" example-sports:sports= example-sports:sports , player=player 1", "attributesList": { "name": "player 1"”" } } } ```` ## Simulator configuration It's possible to override default configuration. Following environment variables can be set KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS - Kafka host, by default kafka1:9092 KAFKA_APPLICATION_ID - An identifier for the stream processing application. Must be unique within the Kafka cluster. By default avcn-simulator KAFKA_SOURCE_TOPIC - Kafka topic, where Netconf simulator pushes notification, by default config REST_CLIENT_PNF_SIMULATOR_ENDPOINT - VES client's URL, by default pnf-simulator:5000/simulator/start REST_CLIENT_VES_ENDPOINT - VES URL, AVNC events will be send via VES client to this address ## Start avcn-manager To run avcn manager, config ves and pnf-simulator ip in docker-compose.yaml REST_CLIENT_VES_ENDPOINT: http://:8080/eventListener/v7 REST_CLIENT_VESCLIENT_ENDPOINT: http://:5000/simulator/start and start docker-compose docker-compose up