# Expected failure list for non-SSL endpoints # waivers requested # SO-3237 The fix is decided to be introduction of ingress controller in oom and is in progress. so 30277 so 30477 so-etsi-sol003-adapter 30406 so-admin-cockpit 30424 so-admin-cockpit 30224 # CDS - being worked, but missed cutoff for Istanbul # cds-blueprints-processor-http 30449 # SDNC - https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-1628 # sdnc-callhome 30266 # CDS team working on either eliminating node port or moving to https. # Not ready for Jakarta cds-blueprints-processor-http 30449 # Needed for OpenDaylight NETCONF Call Home feature sdnc-callhome 30266 # Upstream components # awx-web 30478 # message-router-kafka 30490 # message-router-kafka 30491 # message-router-kafka 30492