"""SDC Element module.""" # Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from abc import ABC from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Union import base64 import time import onapsdk.constants as const from onapsdk.exceptions import ParameterError, ResourceNotFound, StatusError from onapsdk.sdc import SdcOnboardable from onapsdk.sdc.category_management import ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory from onapsdk.sdc.component import Component from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Input, NestedInput, Property from onapsdk.utils.headers_creator import (headers_sdc_creator, headers_sdc_tester, headers_sdc_artifact_upload) from onapsdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env # For an unknown reason, pylint keeps seeing _unique_uuid and # _unique_identifier as attributes along with unique_uuid and unique_identifier class SdcResource(SdcOnboardable, ABC): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods """Mother Class of all SDC resources.""" RESOURCE_PATH = 'resources' ACTION_TEMPLATE = 'sdc_resource_action.json.j2' ACTION_METHOD = 'POST' headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcOnboardable.headers) def __init__(self, name: str = None, version: str = None, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments sdc_values: Dict[str, str] = None, properties: List[Property] = None, inputs: Union[Property, NestedInput] = None, category: str = None, subcategory: str = None): """Initialize the object.""" super().__init__(name) self.version_filter: str = version self._unique_uuid: str = None self._unique_identifier: str = None self._resource_type: str = "resources" self._properties_to_add: List[Property] = properties or [] self._inputs_to_add: Union[Property, NestedInput] = inputs or [] self._time_wait: int = 10 self._category_name: str = category self._subcategory_name: str = subcategory if sdc_values: self._logger.debug("SDC values given, using them") self.identifier = sdc_values['uuid'] self.version = sdc_values['version'] self.unique_uuid = sdc_values['invariantUUID'] distribitution_state = None if 'distributionStatus' in sdc_values: distribitution_state = sdc_values['distributionStatus'] self.status = self._parse_sdc_status(sdc_values['lifecycleState'], distribitution_state, self._logger) self._logger.debug("SDC resource %s status: %s", self.name, self.status) def __repr__(self) -> str: """SDC resource description. Returns: str: SDC resource object description """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__.upper()}(name={self.name})" @property def unique_uuid(self) -> str: """Return and lazy load the unique_uuid.""" if not self._unique_uuid: self.load() return self._unique_uuid @property def unique_identifier(self) -> str: """Return and lazy load the unique_identifier.""" if not self._unique_identifier: self.deep_load() return self._unique_identifier @unique_uuid.setter def unique_uuid(self, value: str) -> None: """Set value for unique_uuid.""" self._unique_uuid = value @unique_identifier.setter def unique_identifier(self, value: str) -> None: """Set value for unique_identifier.""" self._unique_identifier = value def load(self) -> None: """Load Object information from SDC.""" self.exists() def deep_load(self) -> None: """Deep load Object informations from SDC.""" url = ( f"{self.base_front_url}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/" "screen?excludeTypes=VFCMT&excludeTypes=Configuration" ) headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers) if self.status == const.UNDER_CERTIFICATION: headers = headers_sdc_tester(SdcResource.headers) response = self.send_message_json("GET", "Deep Load {}".format( type(self).__name__), url, headers=headers) for resource in response[self._sdc_path()]: if resource["invariantUUID"] == self.unique_uuid: if resource["uuid"] == self.identifier: self._logger.debug("Resource %s found in %s list", resource["name"], self._sdc_path()) self.unique_identifier = resource["uniqueId"] self._category_name = resource["categories"][0]["name"] subcategories = resource["categories"][0].get("subcategories", [{}]) self._subcategory_name = None if subcategories is None else \ subcategories[0].get("name") return if self._sdc_path() == "services": for dependency in self.send_message_json("GET", "Get service dependecies", f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/" f"{resource['uniqueId']}/" "dependencies"): if dependency["version"] == self.version: self.unique_identifier = dependency["uniqueId"] return def _generate_action_subpath(self, action: str) -> str: """ Generate subpath part of SDC action url. Args: action (str): the action that will be done Returns: str: the subpath part """ return action def _version_path(self) -> str: """ Give the end of the path for a version. Returns: str: the end of the path """ return self.unique_identifier def _action_url(self, base: str, subpath: str, version_path: str, action_type: str = None) -> str: """ Generate action URL for SDC. Args: base (str): base part of url subpath (str): subpath of url version_path (str): version path of the url action_type (str, optional): the type of action ('distribution', 'distribution-state' or 'lifecycleState'). Default to 'lifecycleState'). Returns: str: the URL to use """ if not action_type: action_type = "lifecycleState" return "{}/{}/{}/{}/{}".format(base, self._resource_type, version_path, action_type, subpath) @classmethod def _base_create_url(cls) -> str: """ Give back the base url of Sdc. Returns: str: the base url """ return "{}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog".format(cls.base_front_url) @classmethod def _base_url(cls) -> str: """ Give back the base url of Sdc. Returns: str: the base url """ return "{}/sdc/v1/catalog".format(cls.base_back_url) @classmethod def _get_all_url(cls) -> str: """ Get URL for all elements in SDC. Returns: str: the url """ return "{}/{}?resourceType={}".format(cls._base_url(), cls._sdc_path(), cls.__name__.upper()) @classmethod def _get_objects_list(cls, result: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Import objects created in SDC. Args: result (Dict[str, Any]): the result returned by SDC in a Dict Return: List[Dict[str, Any]]: the list of objects """ return result def _get_version_from_sdc(self, sdc_infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Get version from SDC results. Args: sdc_infos (Dict[str, Any]): the result dict from SDC Returns: str: the version """ return sdc_infos['version'] def _get_identifier_from_sdc(self, sdc_infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Get identifier from SDC results. Args: sdc_infos (Dict[str, Any]): the result dict from SDC Returns: str: the identifier """ return sdc_infos['uuid'] @classmethod def import_from_sdc(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'SdcResource': """ Import SdcResource from SDC. Args: values (Dict[str, Any]): dict to parse returned from SDC. Return: SdcResource: the created resource """ cls._logger.debug("importing SDC Resource %s from SDC", values['name']) return cls(name=values['name'], sdc_values=values) def _copy_object(self, obj: 'SdcResource') -> None: """ Copy relevant properties from object. Args: obj (SdcResource): the object to "copy" """ self.identifier = obj.identifier self.unique_uuid = obj.unique_uuid self.status = obj.status self.version = obj.version self.unique_identifier = obj.unique_identifier self._specific_copy(obj) def _specific_copy(self, obj: 'SdcResource') -> None: """ Copy specific properties from object. Args: obj (SdcResource): the object to "copy" """ def update_informations_from_sdc(self, details: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Update instance with details from SDC. Args: details ([type]): [description] """ def update_informations_from_sdc_creation(self, details: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Update instance with details from SDC after creation. Args: details ([type]): the details from SDC """ self.unique_uuid = details['invariantUUID'] distribution_state = None if 'distributionStatus' in details: distribution_state = details['distributionStatus'] self.status = self._parse_sdc_status(details['lifecycleState'], distribution_state, self._logger) self.version = details['version'] self.unique_identifier = details['uniqueId'] # Not my fault if SDC has so many states... # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements @staticmethod def _parse_sdc_status(sdc_status: str, distribution_state: str, logger: logging.Logger) -> str: """ Parse SDC status in order to normalize it. Args: sdc_status (str): the status found in SDC distribution_state (str): the distribution status found in SDC. Can be None. Returns: str: the normalized status """ logger.debug("Parse status for SDC Resource") if sdc_status.capitalize() == const.CERTIFIED: if distribution_state and distribution_state == const.SDC_DISTRIBUTED: return const.DISTRIBUTED return const.CERTIFIED if sdc_status == const.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT: return const.DRAFT if sdc_status == const.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN: return const.CHECKED_IN if sdc_status == const.READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION: return const.SUBMITTED if sdc_status == const.CERTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS: return const.UNDER_CERTIFICATION if sdc_status != "": return sdc_status return None def _really_submit(self) -> None: """Really submit the SDC Vf in order to enable it.""" raise NotImplementedError("SDC is an abstract class") def onboard(self) -> None: """Onboard resource in SDC.""" if not self.status: self.create() time.sleep(self._time_wait) self.onboard() elif self.status == const.DRAFT: for property_to_add in self._properties_to_add: self.add_property(property_to_add) for input_to_add in self._inputs_to_add: self.declare_input(input_to_add) self.submit() time.sleep(self._time_wait) self.onboard() elif self.status == const.CHECKED_IN: # Checked in status check added self.certify() time.sleep(self._time_wait) self.onboard() elif self.status == const.CERTIFIED: self.load() @classmethod def _sdc_path(cls) -> None: """Give back the end of SDC path.""" return cls.RESOURCE_PATH @property def deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str: """Deployment artifacts url. Returns: str: SdcResource Deployment artifacts url """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/" f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=deploymentArtifacts") @property def add_deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str: """Add deployment artifacts url. Returns: str: Url used to add deployment artifacts """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/" f"{self.unique_identifier}/artifacts") @property def properties_url(self) -> str: """Properties url. Returns: str: SdcResource properties url """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/" f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=properties") @property def add_property_url(self) -> str: """Add property url. Returns: str: Url used to add property """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/" f"{self.unique_identifier}/properties") @property def set_input_default_value_url(self) -> str: """Url to set input default value. Returns: str: SDC API url used to set input default value """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/" f"{self.unique_identifier}/update/inputs") @property def origin_type(self) -> str: """Resource origin type. Value needed for composition. It's used for adding SDC resource as an another SDC resource component. Returns: str: SDC resource origin type """ return type(self).__name__.upper() @property def properties(self) -> Iterator[Property]: """SDC resource properties. Iterate resource properties. Yields: Property: Resource property """ for property_data in self.send_message_json(\ "GET", f"Get {self.name} resource properties", self.properties_url).get("properties", []): yield Property( sdc_resource=self, unique_id=property_data["uniqueId"], name=property_data["name"], property_type=property_data["type"], parent_unique_id=property_data["parentUniqueId"], value=property_data.get("value"), description=property_data.get("description"), get_input_values=property_data.get("getInputValues"), ) def get_property(self, property_name: str) -> Property: """Get resource property by it's name. Args: property_name (str): property name Raises: ResourceNotFound: Resource has no property with given name Returns: Property: Resource's property object """ for property_obj in self.properties: if property_obj.name == property_name: return property_obj msg = f"Resource has no property with {property_name} name" raise ResourceNotFound(msg) @property def resource_inputs_url(self) -> str: """Resource inputs url. Method which returns url which point to resource inputs. Returns: str: Resource inputs url """ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/" f"{self.unique_identifier}") def create(self) -> None: """Create resource. Abstract method which should be implemented by subclasses and creates resource in SDC. Raises: NotImplementedError: Method not implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def inputs(self) -> Iterator[Input]: """SDC resource inputs. Iterate resource inputs. Yields: Iterator[Input]: Resource input """ url = f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/filteredDataByParams?include=inputs" for input_data in self.send_message_json(\ "GET", f"Get {self.name} resource inputs", url).get("inputs", []): yield Input( unique_id=input_data["uniqueId"], input_type=input_data["type"], name=input_data["name"], sdc_resource=self, _default_value=input_data.get("defaultValue") ) def get_input(self, input_name: str) -> Input: """Get input by it's name. Args: input_name (str): Input name Raises: ResourceNotFound: Resource doesn't have input with given name Returns: Input: Found input object """ for input_obj in self.inputs: if input_obj.name == input_name: return input_obj raise ResourceNotFound(f"SDC resource has no {input_name} input") def add_deployment_artifact(self, artifact_type: str, artifact_label: str, artifact_name: str, artifact: str): """ Add deployment artifact to resource. Add deployment artifact to resource using payload data. Args: artifact_type (str): all SDC artifact types are supported (DCAE_*, HEAT_*, ...) artifact_name (str): the artifact file name including its extension artifact (str): artifact file to upload artifact_label (str): Unique Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service. Raises: StatusError: Resource has not DRAFT status """ data = open(artifact, 'rb').read() artifact_string = base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8') if self.status != const.DRAFT: msg = "Can't add artifact to resource which is not in DRAFT status" raise StatusError(msg) self._logger.debug("Add deployment artifact to sdc resource") my_data = jinja_env().get_template( "sdc_resource_add_deployment_artifact.json.j2").\ render(artifact_name=artifact_name, artifact_label=artifact_label, artifact_type=artifact_type, b64_artifact=artifact_string) my_header = headers_sdc_artifact_upload(base_header=self.headers, data=my_data) self.send_message_json("POST", f"Add deployment artifact for {self.name} sdc resource", self.add_deployment_artifacts_url, data=my_data, headers=my_header) @property def components(self) -> Iterator[Component]: """Resource components. Iterate resource components. Yields: Component: Resource component object """ for component_instance in self.send_message_json(\ "GET", f"Get {self.name} resource inputs", f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/filteredDataByParams?include=componentInstances" ).get("componentInstances", []): sdc_resource: "SdcResource" = SdcResource.import_from_sdc(self.send_message_json(\ "GET", f"Get {self.name} component's SDC resource metadata", (f"{self.base_front_url}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/" f"{component_instance['actualComponentUid']}/" "filteredDataByParams?include=metadata"))["metadata"]) yield Component.create_from_api_response(api_response=component_instance, sdc_resource=sdc_resource, parent_sdc_resource=self) @property def category(self) -> Union[ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory]: """Sdc resource category. Depends on the resource type returns ResourceCategory or ServiceCategory. Returns: Uniton[ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory]: resource category """ if self.created(): if not any([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]): self.deep_load() if all([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]): return ResourceCategory.get(name=self._category_name, subcategory=self._subcategory_name) return ServiceCategory.get(name=self._category_name) return self.get_category_for_new_resource() def get_category_for_new_resource(self) -> ResourceCategory: """Get category for resource not created in SDC yet. If no category values are provided default category is going to be used. Returns: ResourceCategory: Category of the new resource """ if not all([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]): return ResourceCategory.get(name="Generic", subcategory="Abstract") return ResourceCategory.get(name=self._category_name, subcategory=self._subcategory_name) def get_component_properties_url(self, component: "Component") -> str: """Url to get component's properties. This method is here because component can have different url when it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and for VF components have different urls. Args: component (Component): Component object to prepare url for Returns: str: Component's properties url """ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/" f"componentInstances/{component.unique_id}/properties") def get_component_properties_value_set_url(self, component: "Component") -> str: """Url to set component property value. This method is here because component can have different url when it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and for VF components have different urls. Args: component (Component): Component object to prepare url for Returns: str: Component's properties url """ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/" f"resourceInstance/{component.unique_id}/properties") def is_own_property(self, property_to_check: Property) -> bool: """Check if given property is one of the resource's properties. Args: property_to_check (Property): Property to check Returns: bool: True if resource has given property, False otherwise """ return any(( prop == property_to_check for prop in self.properties )) def get_component(self, sdc_resource: "SdcResource") -> Component: """Get resource's component. Get component by SdcResource object. Args: sdc_resource (SdcResource): Component's SdcResource Raises: ResourceNotFound: Component with given SdcResource does not exist Returns: Component: Component object """ for component in self.components: if component.sdc_resource.name == sdc_resource.name: return component msg = f"SDC resource {sdc_resource.name} is not a component" raise ResourceNotFound(msg) def get_component_by_name(self, component_name: str) -> Component: """Get resource's component by it's name. Get component by name. Args: component_name (str): Component's name Raises: ResourceNotFound: Component with given name does not exist Returns: Component: Component object """ for component in self.components: if component.sdc_resource.name == component_name: return component msg = f"SDC resource {component_name} is not a component" raise ResourceNotFound(msg) def declare_input_for_own_property(self, property_obj: Property) -> None: """Declare input for resource's property. For each property input can be declared. Args: property_obj (Property): Property to declare input """ self._logger.debug("Declare input for SDC resource property") self.send_message_json("POST", f"Declare new input for {property_obj.name} property", f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/create/inputs", data=jinja_env().get_template(\ "sdc_resource_add_input.json.j2").\ render(\ sdc_resource=self, property=property_obj)) def declare_nested_input(self, nested_input: NestedInput) -> None: """Declare nested input for SDC resource. Nested input is an input of one of the components. Args: nested_input (NestedInput): Nested input object """ self._logger.debug("Declare input for SDC resource's component property") component: Component = self.get_component(nested_input.sdc_resource) self.send_message_json("POST", f"Declare new input for {nested_input.input_obj.name} input", f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/create/inputs", data=jinja_env().get_template(\ "sdc_resource_add_nested_input.json.j2").\ render(\ sdc_resource=self, component=component, input=nested_input.input_obj)) def declare_input(self, input_to_declare: Union[Property, NestedInput]) -> None: """Declare input for given property or nested input object. Call SDC FE API to declare input for given property. Args: input_declaration (Union[Property, NestedInput]): Property to declare input or NestedInput object Raises: ParameterError: if the given property is not SDC resource property """ self._logger.debug("Declare input") if isinstance(input_to_declare, Property): if self.is_own_property(input_to_declare): self.declare_input_for_own_property(input_to_declare) else: msg = "Given property is not SDC resource property" raise ParameterError(msg) else: self.declare_nested_input(input_to_declare) def add_property(self, property_to_add: Property) -> None: """Add property to resource. Call SDC FE API to add property to resource. Args: property_to_add (Property): Property object to add to resource. Raises: StatusError: Resource has not DRAFT status """ if self.status != const.DRAFT: msg = "Can't add property to resource which is not in DRAFT status" raise StatusError(msg) self._logger.debug("Add property to sdc resource") self.send_message_json("POST", f"Declare new property for {self.name} sdc resource", self.add_property_url, data=jinja_env().get_template( "sdc_resource_add_property.json.j2").\ render( property=property_to_add )) def set_property_value(self, property_obj: Property, value: Any) -> None: """Set property value. Set given value to resource property Args: property_obj (Property): Property object value (Any): Property value to set Raises: ParameterError: if the given property is not the resource's property """ if not self.is_own_property(property_obj): raise ParameterError("Given property is not a resource's property") self._logger.debug("Set %s property value", property_obj.name) self.send_message_json("PUT", f"Set {property_obj.name} value to {value}", self.add_property_url, data=jinja_env().get_template( "sdc_resource_set_property_value.json.j2").\ render( sdc_resource=self, property=property_obj, value=value ) ) def set_input_default_value(self, input_obj: Input, default_value: Any) -> None: """Set input default value. Set given value as input default value Args: input_obj (Input): Input object value (Any): Default value to set """ self._logger.debug("Set %s input default value", input_obj.name) self.send_message_json("POST", f"Set {input_obj.name} default value to {default_value}", self.set_input_default_value_url, data=jinja_env().get_template( "sdc_resource_set_input_default_value.json.j2").\ render( sdc_resource=self, input=input_obj, default_value=default_value ) ) def checkout(self) -> None: """Checkout SDC resource.""" self._logger.debug("Checkout %s SDC resource", self.name) result = self._action_to_sdc(const.CHECKOUT, "lifecycleState") if result: self.load() def undo_checkout(self) -> None: """Undo Checkout SDC resource.""" self._logger.debug("Undo Checkout %s SDC resource", self.name) result = self._action_to_sdc(const.UNDOCHECKOUT, "lifecycleState") if result: self.load() def certify(self) -> None: """Certify SDC resource.""" self._logger.debug("Certify %s SDC resource", self.name) result = self._action_to_sdc(const.CERTIFY, "lifecycleState") if result: self.load() def add_resource(self, resource: 'SdcResource') -> None: """ Add a Resource. Args: resource (SdcResource): the resource to add """ if self.status == const.DRAFT: url = "{}/{}/{}/resourceInstance".format(self._base_create_url(), self._sdc_path(), self.unique_identifier) template = jinja_env().get_template( "add_resource_to_service.json.j2") data = template.render(resource=resource, resource_type=resource.origin_type) result = self.send_message("POST", f"Add {resource.origin_type} to {self.origin_type}", url, data=data) if result: self._logger.info("Resource %s %s has been added on %s %s", resource.origin_type, resource.name, self.origin_type, self.name) return result self._logger.error(("an error occured during adding resource %s %s" " on %s %s in SDC"), resource.origin_type, resource.name, self.origin_type, self.name) return None msg = f"Can't add resource to {self.origin_type} which is not in DRAFT status" raise StatusError(msg) def archive(self) -> None: """Archive resource.""" self.send_message( "POST", f"Archive {self.name} component", f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/archive" ) def delete(self) -> None: """Delete resource.""" self.send_message( "DELETE", f"Delete {self.name} component", f"{self.resource_inputs_url}?deleteAction=DELETE" )