"""CDS data dictionary module.""" # Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json from logging import getLogger, Logger from onapsdk.exceptions import FileError, ValidationError from .cds_element import CdsElement class DataDictionary(CdsElement): """Data dictionary class.""" logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, data_dictionary_json: dict, fix_schema: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize data dictionary. Args: data_dictionary_json (dict): data dictionary json fix_schema (bool, optional): determines if data dictionary should be fixed if the invalid schema is detected. Fixing can raise ValidationError if dictionary is invalid. Defaults to True. """ super().__init__() self.data_dictionary_json: dict = data_dictionary_json if not self.has_valid_schema() and fix_schema: self.fix_schema() def __hash__(self) -> int: # noqa: D401 """Data dictionary object hash. Based on data dictionary name Returns: int: Data dictionary hash """ return hash(self.name) def __eq__(self, dd: "DataDictionary") -> bool: """Compare two data dictionaries. Data dictionaries are equal if have the same name. Args: dd (DataDictionary): Object to compare with. Returns: bool: True if objects have the same name, False otherwise. """ return self.name == dd.name def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of object. Returns: str: Object's string representation """ return f'DataDictionary[name: "{self.name}"]' @property def name(self) -> str: # noqa: D401 """Data dictionary name. Returns: str: Data dictionary name """ return self.data_dictionary_json["name"] @property def url(self) -> str: """URL to call. Returns: str: CDS dictionary API url """ return f"{self._url}/api/v1/dictionary" @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, name: str) -> "DataDictionary": """Get data dictionary by the provided name. Returns: DataDictionary: Data dicionary object with the given name """ cls.logger.debug("Get CDS data dictionary with %s name", name) return DataDictionary( data_dictionary_json=cls.send_message_json( "GET", f"Get {name} CDS data dictionary", f"{cls._url}/api/v1/dictionary/{name}", auth=cls.auth), fix_schema=False ) def upload(self) -> None: """Upload data dictionary using CDS API.""" self.logger.debug("Upload %s data dictionary", self.name) self.send_message( "POST", "Publish CDS data dictionary", f"{self.url}", auth=self.auth, data=json.dumps(self.data_dictionary_json) ) def has_valid_schema(self) -> bool: """Check data dictionary json schema. Check data dictionary JSON and return bool if schema is valid or not. Valid schema means that data dictionary has given keys: - "name" - "tags" - "data_type" - "description" - "entry_schema" - "updatedBy" - "definition" "definition" key value should contains the "raw" data dictionary. Returns: bool: True if data dictionary has valid schema, False otherwise """ return all(key_to_check in self.data_dictionary_json for key_to_check in ["name", "tags", "data_type", "description", "entry_schema", "updatedBy", "definition"]) def fix_schema(self) -> None: """Fix data dictionary schema. "Raw" data dictionary can be passed during initialization, but this kind of data dictionary can't be uploaded to blueprintprocessor. That method tries to fix it. It can be done only if "raw" data dictionary has a given schema: .. code-block: json: { "name": "string", "tags": "string", "updated-by": "string", "property": { "description": "string", "type": "string" } } Raises: ValidationError: Data dictionary doesn't have all required keys """ try: self.data_dictionary_json = { "name": self.data_dictionary_json["name"], "tags": self.data_dictionary_json["tags"], "data_type": self.data_dictionary_json["property"]["type"], "description": self.data_dictionary_json["property"]["description"], "entry_schema": self.data_dictionary_json["property"]["type"], "updatedBy": self.data_dictionary_json["updated-by"], "definition": self.data_dictionary_json } except KeyError: raise ValidationError("Raw data dictionary JSON has invalid schema") class DataDictionarySet: """Data dictionary set. Stores data dictionary and upload to server. """ logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize data dictionary set.""" self.dd_set = set() @property def length(self) -> int: """Get the length of data dicitonary set. Returns: int: Number of data dictionaries in set """ return len(self.dd_set) def add(self, data_dictionary: DataDictionary) -> None: """Add data dictionary object to set. Based on name it won't add duplications. Args: data_dictionary (DataDictionary): object to add to set. """ self.dd_set.add(data_dictionary) def upload(self) -> None: """Upload all data dictionaries using CDS API. Raises: RuntimeError: Raises if any data dictionary won't be uploaded to server. Data dictionaries uploaded before the one which raises excepion won't be deleted from server. """ self.logger.debug("Upload data dictionary") for data_dictionary in self.dd_set: # type DataDictionary data_dictionary.upload() # raise a relevant exception def save_to_file(self, dd_file_path: str) -> None: """Save data dictionaries to file. Args: dd_file_path (str): Data dictinary file path. """ with open(dd_file_path, "w") as dd_file: dd_file.write(json.dumps([dd.data_dictionary_json for dd in self.dd_set], indent=4)) @classmethod def load_from_file(cls, dd_file_path: str, fix_schema: bool = True) -> "DataDictionarySet": """Create data dictionary set from file. File has to have valid JSON with data dictionaries list. Args: dd_file_path (str): Data dictionaries file path. fix_schema (bool): Determines if schema should be fixed or not. Raises: FileError: File to load data dictionaries from doesn't exist. Returns: DataDictionarySet: Data dictionary set with data dictionaries from given file. """ dd_set: DataDictionarySet = DataDictionarySet() try: with open(dd_file_path, "r") as dd_file: # type file dd_json: dict = json.loads(dd_file.read()) for data_dictionary in dd_json: # type DataDictionary dd_set.add(DataDictionary(data_dictionary, fix_schema=fix_schema)) return dd_set except FileNotFoundError as exc: msg = "File with a set of data dictionaries does not exist." raise FileError(msg) from exc