#!/bin/sh INITIAL_FOLDER=${PWD} INITIAL_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ -e requirements.txt ] then pip install -r requirements.txt fi if [ -e doc-requirements.txt ] then pip install -r doc-requirements.txt fi if [ -e requirements.txt ] then pip install . fi set -x # Generating documentation for each other branch in a subdirectory for BRANCH in $(git branch --remotes --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)' | grep -Ev '^(HEAD)$'); do echo "*** Building doc for branch ${BRANCH} ***" git checkout $BRANCH cd ${INITIAL_FOLDER}${DOC_PATH} make html mkdir -p ${INITIAL_FOLDER}/public/$BRANCH mv _build/html/ ${INITIAL_FOLDER}/public/$BRANCH rm -rf _build/html/ cd ${INITIAL_FOLDER} done # "Develop" is the default branch so we point it as "latest" # May/Will change to point master ln public/develop public/latest git checkout $INITIAL_BRANCH