E2E Instantiation of a simple VM without muticloud ################################################## .. code:: Python import logging import time from uuid import uuid4 from onapsdk.aai.aai_element import AaiElement from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import ( CloudRegion, Complex, Tenant ) from onapsdk.aai.service_design_and_creation import ( Service as AaiService ) from onapsdk.aai.business import ( ServiceInstance, VnfInstance, VfModuleInstance, ServiceSubscription, Customer, OwningEntity as AaiOwningEntity ) from onapsdk.so.instantiation import ( ServiceInstantiation, VnfInstantiation, VnfParameter ) from onapsdk.sdc import SDC from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service import onapsdk.constants as const import os from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, OwningEntity, Platform, Project logger = logging.getLogger("") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.StreamHandler() fh_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d:%(filename)s(%(process)d) - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(fh_formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) # Required A&AI resources VSPNAME = "ubuntu16_VSP" VFNAME = "ubuntu16_VF" SERVICENAME = "ubuntu16_SERVICE" # FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE VALUES # ************************* VENDOR = "" # FILL ME GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID = "" # FILL ME SERVICE_DELETION = True # True|False COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID = "" # FILL ME COMPLEX_DATA_CENTER_CODE = "" # FILL ME CLOUD_OWNER = "" # FILL ME OWNING_ENTITY = "" # FILL ME PROJECT = "" # FILL ME PLATFORM = "" # FILL ME LINE_OF_BUSINESS = "" # FILL ME SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME = "" # FILL ME AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NAME = "" # FILL ME AVAILABILITY_ZONE_HYPERVISOR_TYPE = "" # FILL ME # FILL ME with your INFRA values # ****************************** # ubuntu16.zip file path including the heat and env files VSPFILE_PATH = "" # FILL ME VIM_USERNAME = "" # FILL ME VIM_PASSWORD = "" # FILL ME VIM_SERVICE_URL = "" # FILL ME TENANT_NAME = "" # FILL ME TENANT_ID = "" # FILL ME CLOUD_REGION = "" # Shall be defined in Openstack # ************************************************************************************************* logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("******** SERVICE DESIGN *******") logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("******** Onboard Vendor *******") vendor = Vendor(name=VENDOR) vendor.onboard() logger.info("******** Onboard VSP *******") vsp = Vsp(name=VSPNAME, vendor=vendor, package=open(VSPFILE_PATH, 'rb')) vsp.onboard() logger.info("******** Onboard VF *******") vf = Vf(name=VFNAME) vf.vsp = vsp vf.onboard() logger.info("******** Onboard Service *******") svc = Service(name=SERVICENAME, resources=[vf]) svc.onboard() logger.info("******** Check Service Distribution *******") distribution_completed = False nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 10 while distribution_completed is False and nb_try < nb_try_max: distribution_completed = svc.distributed if distribution_completed is True: logger.info("Service Distribution for %s is sucessfully finished",svc.name) break logger.info("Service Distribution for %s ongoing, Wait for 60 s",svc.name) time.sleep(60) nb_try += 1 if distribution_completed is False: logger.error("Service Distribution for %s failed !!",svc.name) exit(1) logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("***** RUNTIME PREPARATION *****") logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("******** Create Complex *******") cmplx = Complex.create( physical_location_id=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID, data_center_code=COMPLEX_DATA_CENTER_CODE, name=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID ) logger.info("******** Create CloudRegion *******") # Note for non multicloud instanciation, cloud_region_version shall be set to openstack # versus cloud_region = CloudRegion.create( cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER, cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION, orchestration_disabled=False, in_maint=False, cloud_type="openstack", cloud_region_version="openstack", cloud_zone="z1", complex_name=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID ) logger.info("******** Link Complex to CloudRegion *******") cloud_region.link_to_complex(cmplx) logger.info("******** Add ESR Info to CloudRegion *******") cloud_region.add_esr_system_info( esr_system_info_id=str(uuid4()), user_name=VIM_USERNAME, password=VIM_PASSWORD, system_type="VIM", service_url=VIM_SERVICE_URL, cloud_domain="Default", ssl_insecure=False, system_status="active", default_tenant=TENANT_NAME ) logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("**** SERVICE INSTANTIATION ****") logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("******** Create Customer *******") customer = None for found_customer in list(Customer.get_all()): logger.debug("Customer %s found", found_customer.subscriber_name) if found_customer.subscriber_name == GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID: logger.info("Customer %s found", found_customer.subscriber_name) customer = found_customer break if not customer: customer = Customer.create(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID,GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, "INFRA") logger.info("******** Find Service in SDC *******") service = None services = Service.get_all() for found_service in services: logger.debug("Service %s is found, distribution %s",found_service.name, found_service.distribution_status) if found_service.name == SERVICENAME: logger.info("Found Service %s in SDC",found_service.name) service = found_service break if not service: logger.error("Service %s not found in SDC",SERVICENAME) exit(1) logger.info("******** Check Service Subscription *******") service_subscription = None for service_sub in customer.service_subscriptions: logger.debug("Service subscription %s is found",service_sub.service_type) if service_sub.service_type == SERVICENAME: logger.info("Service %s subscribed",SERVICENAME) service_subscription = service_sub break if not service_subscription: logger.info("******** Subscribe Service *******") customer.subscribe_service(SERVICENAME) logger.info("******** Get Tenant *******") cloud_region = CloudRegion(cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER, cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION, orchestration_disabled=True, in_maint=False) try: tenant: Tenant = cloud_region.get_tenant(settings.TENANT_ID) except ValueError: logger.warning("Impossible to retrieve the Specificed Tenant") logger.debug("If no multicloud selected, add the tenant") cloud_region.add_tenant( tenant_id=settings.TENANT_ID, tenant_name=settings.TENANT_NAME) # be sure that an availability zone has been created # if not, create it try: cloud_region.get_availability_zone_by_name( settings.AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NAME) except ValueError: cloud_region.add_availability_zone( settings.AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NAME, settings.AVAILABILITY_ZONE_HYPERVISOR_TYPE) logger.info("******** Connect Service to Tenant *******") service_subscription = None for service_sub in customer.service_subscriptions: logger.debug("Service subscription %s is found",service_sub.service_type) if service_sub.service_type == SERVICENAME: logger.info("Service %s subscribed",SERVICENAME) service_subscription = service_sub break if not service_subscription: logger.error("Service subscription %s is not found",SERVICENAME) exit(1) service_subscription.link_to_cloud_region_and_tenant(cloud_region, tenant) logger.info("******** Add Business Objects (OE, P, Pl, LoB) in VID *******") vid_owning_entity = OwningEntity.create(OWNING_ENTITY) vid_project = Project.create(PROJECT) vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM) vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS) logger.info("******** Add Owning Entity in AAI *******") owning_entity = None for oe in AaiOwningEntity.get_all(): if oe.name == vid_owning_entity.name: owning_entity = oe break if not owning_entity: logger.info("******** Owning Entity not existing: create *******") owning_entity = AaiOwningEntity.create(vid_owning_entity.name, str(uuid4())) logger.info("******** Instantiate Service *******") service_instance = None service_instantiation = None for se in service_subscription.service_instances: if se.instance_name == SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME: service_instance = se break if not service_instance: logger.info("******** Service Instance not existing: Instantiate *******") # Instantiate service service_instantiation = ServiceInstantiation.instantiate_so_ala_carte( service, cloud_region, tenant, customer, owning_entity, vid_project, service_instance_name=SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME ) time.sleep(60) else: logger.info("******** Service Instance already existing *******") service_instance = None for se in service_subscription.service_instances: if se.instance_name == SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME: service_instance = se break if not service_instance: logger.error("******** Service %s instantiation failed",SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME) exit(1) nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 10 service_active = False while service_active is False and nb_try < nb_try_max: if service_instance.orchestration_status == "Active": logger.info("******** Service Instance %s is active *******",service_instance.name) service_active = True break logger.info("Service %s instantiation not complete,Status:%s, wait 10s",service_instance.name,service_instance.orchestration_status) time.sleep(10) nb_try += 1 if service_active is False: logger.error("Service %s instantiation failed",service_instance.name) exit(1) logger.info("******** Get VNFs in Service Model *******") vnfs = service_instance.service_subscription.sdc_service.vnfs logger.info("******** Create VNFs *******") for vnf in vnfs: logger.debug("Check if VNF instance of class %s exist", vnf.name) vnf_found = False for vnf_instance in service_instance.vnf_instances: logger.debug("VNF instance %s found in Service Instance ",vnf_instance.name) vnf_found = True if vnf_found is False: vnf_instantiation = service_instance.add_vnf(vnf, vid_line_of_business, vid_platform) while not vnf_instantiation.finished: print("Wait for VNF %s instantiation",vnf.name) time.sleep(10) for vnf_instance in service_instance.vnf_instances: logger.debug("VNF instance %s found in Service Instance ",vnf_instance.name) logger.info("******** Get VfModules in VNF Model *******") logger.info("******** Check VF Modules *******") vf_module = vnf_instance.vnf.vf_module logger.info("******** Create VF Module %s *******",vf_module.name) for vf_module in vnf_instance.vnf.vf_modules: vf_module_instantiation = vnf_instance.add_vf_module( vf_module, cloud_region,tenant, SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME, vnf_parameters=[]) nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 30 while not vf_module_instantiation.finished and nb_try < nb_try_max: logger.info("Wait for vf module instantiation") nb_try += 1 time.sleep(10) if vf_module_instantiation.finished: logger.info("VfModule %s instantiated",vf_module.name) else: logger.error("VfModule instantiation %s failed",vf_module.name) if SERVICE_DELETION is False: logger.info("*****************************************") logger.info("**** No Deletion requested, finished ****") logger.info("*****************************************") exit(0) logger.info("*******************************") logger.info("**** SERVICE DELETION *********") logger.info("*******************************") time.sleep(30) for vnf_instance in service_instance.vnf_instances: logger.debug("VNF instance %s found in Service Instance ",vnf_instance.name) logger.info("******** Get VF Modules *******") for vf_module in vnf_instance.vf_modules: logger.info("******** Delete VF Module %s *******",vf_module.name) vf_module_deletion = vf_module.delete() nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 30 while not vf_module_deletion.finished and nb_try < nb_try_max: logger.info("Wait for vf module deletion") nb_try += 1 time.sleep(10) if vf_module_deletion.finished: logger.info("VfModule %s deleted",vf_module.name) else: logger.error("VfModule deletion %s failed",vf_module.name) exit(1) logger.info("******** Delete VNF %s *******",vnf_instance.name) vnf_deletion = vnf_instance.delete() nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 30 while not vnf_deletion.finished and nb_try < nb_try_max: logger.info("Wait for vnf deletion") nb_try += 1 time.sleep(10) if vnf_deletion.finished: logger.info("VNF %s deleted",vnf_instance.name) else: logger.error("VNF deletion %s failed",vnf_instance.name) exit(1) logger.info("******** Delete Service %s *******",service_instance.name) service_deletion = service_instance.delete() nb_try = 0 nb_try_max = 30 while not service_deletion.finished and nb_try < nb_try_max: logger.info("Wait for Service deletion") nb_try += 1 time.sleep(10) if service_deletion.finished: logger.info("Service %s deleted",service_instance.name) else: logger.error("Service deletion %s failed",service_instance.name) exit(1)