package api import ( "strconv" "strings" ) const ( portDisabled = 0 portLowest = 1 portHighest = 65536 auditLogAge = 30 auditLogBackups = 10 auditLogSize = 100 strongCryptoCiphers = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM" + "_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM" + "_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM" + "_SHA384,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" requestTimeout = 60 ) // IsBasicAuthFileAbsent validates there is no basic authentication file specified. func IsBasicAuthFileAbsent(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--basic-auth-file=", params) } // IsTokenAuthFileAbsent validates there is no token based authentication file specified. func IsTokenAuthFileAbsent(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--token-auth-file=", params) } // IsInsecureAllowAnyTokenAbsent validates insecure tokens are not accepted. func IsInsecureAllowAnyTokenAbsent(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--insecure-allow-any-token", params) } // isFlagAbsent checks absence of selected flag in parameters. func isFlagAbsent(flag string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 0 { return false } return true } // IsAnonymousAuthDisabled validates there is single "--anonymous-auth" flag and it is set to "false". func IsAnonymousAuthDisabled(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--anonymous-auth=", "false", params) } // IsInsecurePortUnbound validates there is single "--insecure-port" flag and it is set to "0" (disabled). func IsInsecurePortUnbound(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--insecure-port=", strconv.Itoa(portDisabled), params) } // IsProfilingDisabled validates there is single "--profiling" flag and it is set to "false". func IsProfilingDisabled(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--profiling=", "false", params) } // IsRepairMalformedUpdatesDisabled validates there is single "--repair-malformed-updates" flag and it is set to "false". func IsRepairMalformedUpdatesDisabled(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--repair-malformed-updates=", "false", params) } // IsServiceAccountLookupEnabled validates there is single "--service-account-lookup" flag and it is set to "true". func IsServiceAccountLookupEnabled(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--service-account-lookup=", "true", params) } // IsStrongCryptoCipherInUse validates there is single "--tls-cipher-suites=" flag and it is set to strong crypto ciphers. func IsStrongCryptoCipherInUse(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagArgument("--tls-cipher-suites=", strongCryptoCiphers, params) } // hasSingleFlagArgument checks whether selected flag was used once and has requested argument. func hasSingleFlagArgument(flag string, argument string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, value := splitKV(found[0], "=") if value != argument { return false } return true } // filterFlags returns all occurrences of selected flag. func filterFlags(strs []string, flag string) []string { var filtered []string for _, str := range strs { if strings.HasPrefix(str, flag) { filtered = append(filtered, str) } } return filtered } // splitKV splits key and value (after first occurrence of separator). func splitKV(s, sep string) (string, string) { ret := strings.SplitN(s, sep, 2) return ret[0], ret[1] } // IsKubeletHTTPSAbsentOrEnabled validates there is single "--kubelet-https" flag and it is set to "true". func IsKubeletHTTPSAbsentOrEnabled(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--kubelet-https=", params) || hasSingleFlagArgument("--kubelet-https=", "true", params) } // IsInsecureBindAddressAbsentOrLoopback validates there is no insecure bind address or it is loopback address. func IsInsecureBindAddressAbsentOrLoopback(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--insecure-bind-address=", params) || hasSingleFlagArgument("--insecure-bind-address=", "", params) } // IsSecurePortAbsentOrValid validates there is no secure port set explicitly or it has legal value. func IsSecurePortAbsentOrValid(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--secure-port=", params) || hasFlagValidPort("--secure-port=", params) } // hasFlagValidPort checks whether selected flag has valid port as an argument in given command. func hasFlagValidPort(flag string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, value := splitKV(found[0], "=") port, err := strconv.Atoi(value) // what about empty parameter? if err != nil { return false } if port < portLowest || port > portHighest { return false } return true } // IsAlwaysAdmitAdmissionControlPluginExcluded validates AlwaysAdmit is excluded from admission control plugins. func IsAlwaysAdmitAdmissionControlPluginExcluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return !hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "AlwaysAdmit", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return !hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "AlwaysAdmit", params) } return false } // IsAlwaysPullImagesAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates AlwaysPullImages is included in admission control plugins. func IsAlwaysPullImagesAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "AlwaysPullImages", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "AlwaysPullImages", params) } return false } // IsDenyEscalatingExecAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates DenyEscalatingExec is included in admission control plugins. func IsDenyEscalatingExecAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "DenyEscalatingExec", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "DenyEscalatingExec", params) } return false } // IsSecurityContextDenyAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates SecurityContextDeny is included in admission control plugins. func IsSecurityContextDenyAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "SecurityContextDeny", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "SecurityContextDeny", params) } return false } // IsPodSecurityPolicyAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates PodSecurityPolicy is included in admission control plugins. func IsPodSecurityPolicyAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "PodSecurityPolicy", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "PodSecurityPolicy", params) } return false } // IsServiceAccountAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates ServiceAccount is included in admission control plugins. func IsServiceAccountAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "ServiceAccount", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "ServiceAccount", params) } return false } // IsNodeRestrictionAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates NodeRestriction is included in admission control plugins. func IsNodeRestrictionAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "NodeRestriction", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "NodeRestriction", params) } return false } // IsEventRateLimitAdmissionControlPluginIncluded validates EventRateLimit is included in admission control plugins. func IsEventRateLimitAdmissionControlPluginIncluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--enable-admission-plugins=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--enable-admission-plugins=", "EventRateLimit", params) } if isSingleFlagPresent("--admission-control=", params) { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--admission-control=", "EventRateLimit", params) } return false } // IsNamespaceLifecycleAdmissionControlPluginNotExcluded validates NamespaceLifecycle is excluded from admission control plugins. func IsNamespaceLifecycleAdmissionControlPluginNotExcluded(params []string) bool { if isSingleFlagPresent("--disable-admission-plugins=", params) { return !hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--disable-admission-plugins=", "NamespaceLifecycle", params) } return true } // isSingleFlagPresent checks presence of selected flag and whether it was used once. func isSingleFlagPresent(flag string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } return true } // hasFlagArgumentIncluded checks whether selected flag includes requested argument. func hasFlagArgumentIncluded(flag string, argument string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, values := splitKV(found[0], "=") for _, v := range strings.Split(values, ",") { if v == argument { return true } } return false } // IsAlwaysAllowAuthorizationModeExcluded validates AlwaysAllow is excluded from authorization modes. func IsAlwaysAllowAuthorizationModeExcluded(params []string) bool { return isSingleFlagPresent("--authorization-mode=", params) && !hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--authorization-mode=", "AlwaysAllow", params) } // IsNodeAuthorizationModeIncluded validates Node is included in authorization modes. func IsNodeAuthorizationModeIncluded(params []string) bool { return hasFlagArgumentIncluded("--authorization-mode=", "Node", params) } // IsAuditLogPathSet validates there is single "--audit-log-path" flag and has non-empty argument. func IsAuditLogPathSet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--audit-log-path=", params) } // IsKubeletCertificateAuthoritySet validates there is single "--kubelet-certificate-authority" flag and has non-empty argument. func IsKubeletCertificateAuthoritySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--kubelet-certificate-authority", params) } // IsClientCertificateAuthoritySet validates there is single "--client-ca-file" flag and has non-empty argument. func IsClientCertificateAuthoritySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--client-ca-file", params) } // IsEtcdCertificateAuthoritySet validates there is single "--etcd-cafile" flag and has non-empty argument. func IsEtcdCertificateAuthoritySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--etcd-cafile", params) } // IsServiceAccountKeySet validates there is single "--service-account-key-file" flag and has non-empty argument. func IsServiceAccountKeySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--service-account-key-file", params) } // IsKubeletClientCertificateAndKeySet validates there are single "--kubelet-client-certificate" and "--kubelet-client-key" flags and have non-empty arguments. func IsKubeletClientCertificateAndKeySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--kubelet-client-certificate", params) && hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--kubelet-client-key", params) } // IsEtcdCertificateAndKeySet validates there are single "--etcd-certfile" and "--etcd-keyfile" flags and have non-empty arguments. func IsEtcdCertificateAndKeySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--etcd-certfile", params) && hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--etcd-keyfile", params) } // IsTLSCertificateAndKeySet validates there are single "--tls-cert-file" and "--tls-private-key-file" flags and have non-empty arguments. func IsTLSCertificateAndKeySet(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--tls-cert-file", params) && hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument("--tls-private-key-file", params) } // hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument checks whether selected flag was used once and has non-empty argument. func hasSingleFlagNonemptyArgument(flag string, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, value := splitKV(found[0], "=") if value == "" { return false } return true } // IsAuditLogMaxAgeValid validates audit log age is set and it has recommended value. func IsAuditLogMaxAgeValid(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagRecommendedNumericArgument("--audit-log-maxage", auditLogAge, params) } // IsAuditLogMaxBackupValid validates audit log age is set and it has recommended value. func IsAuditLogMaxBackupValid(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagRecommendedNumericArgument("--audit-log-maxbackup", auditLogBackups, params) } // IsAuditLogMaxSizeValid validates audit log age is set and it has recommended value. func IsAuditLogMaxSizeValid(params []string) bool { return hasSingleFlagRecommendedNumericArgument("--audit-log-maxsize", auditLogSize, params) } // hasSingleFlagRecommendedNumericArgument checks whether selected flag was used once and has // an argument that is greater or equal than the recommended value for given command. func hasSingleFlagRecommendedNumericArgument(flag string, recommendation int, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, value := splitKV(found[0], "=") arg, err := strconv.Atoi(value) // what about empty parameter? if err != nil { return false } if arg < recommendation { return false } return true } // IsRequestTimeoutValid validates request timeout is set and it has recommended value. func IsRequestTimeoutValid(params []string) bool { return isFlagAbsent("--request-timeout", params) || hasSingleFlagValidTimeout("--request-timeout", requestTimeout, 2*requestTimeout, params) } // hasSingleFlagValidTimeout checks whether selected flag has valid timeout as an argument in given command. func hasSingleFlagValidTimeout(flag string, min int, max int, params []string) bool { found := filterFlags(params, flag) if len(found) != 1 { return false } _, value := splitKV(found[0], "=") timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(value) // what about empty parameter? if err != nil { return false } if timeout < min || timeout > max { return false } return true }