#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail COMPOSE_FILE_NAME=docker-compose.yml NETOPEER_CONTAINER_NAME=netopeer SIMULATOR_CONTAINER_NAME=pnf-simulator SIMULATOR_PORT=5000 SIMULATOR_BASE=http://localhost:$SIMULATOR_PORT/simulator/ SIMULATOR_START_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/start SIMULATOR_STOP_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/stop SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/status RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG=$COMPOSE_FILE_NAME function main(){ COMMAND=${1:-"help"} case $COMMAND in "compose") compose $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 "${10}" "${11}" "${12}" "${13}" "${14}" ;; #IPGW, #IPSUBNET, #I, #URLVES, #IPPNFSIM, #IPFILESERVER, #TYPEFILESERVER, #PORTSFTP, #PORTFTPS, #IPFTPS, #IPSFTP, #FTPS_PASV_MIN, #FTPS_PAST_MAX "build") build_image;; "start") start $COMPOSE_FILE_NAME;; "stop") if [[ -z ${2+x} ]] then echo "Error: action 'stop' requires the instance identifier" exit 1 fi stop $2;; "run-simulator") run_simulator;; "trigger-simulator") trigger_simulator;; "stop-simulator") stop_simulator;; "status") get_status;; "clear-logs") clear_logs;; *) print_help;; esac } function get_pnfsim_ip() { export IPPNFSIM=$(cat ./config/config.yml | grep ippnfsim | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $2}') echo "PNF-Sim IP: " $IPPNFSIM export SIMULATOR_BASE=http://$IPPNFSIM:$SIMULATOR_PORT/simulator/ export SIMULATOR_START_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/start export SIMULATOR_STOP_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/stop export SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/status } function compose(){ #creating custom docker-compose based on IP arguments #creting config.json by injecting the same IP export IPGW=$1 export IPSUBNET=$2 export I=$3 export URLVES=$4 export IPPNFSIM=$5 export IPFILESERVER=$6 export TYPEFILESERVER=$7 export PORTSFTP=$8 export PORTFTPS=$9 export IPFTPS=${10} export IPSFTP=${11} export FTPS_PASV_MIN=${12} export FTPS_PASV_MAX=${13} LOCALTIME=$(ls -l /etc/localtime) export TIMEZONE=${LOCALTIME//*zoneinfo\/} #will insert $I to distinguish containers, networks properly #docker compose cannot substitute these, as they are keys, not values. envsubst < docker-compose-template.yml > docker-compose-temporary.yml #variable substitution docker-compose -f docker-compose-temporary.yml config > docker-compose.yml rm docker-compose-temporary.yml ./ROP_file_creator.sh $I & write_config $URLVES $IPFILESERVER $TYPEFILESERVER $PORTSFTP $PORTFTPS $IPPNFSIM pushd config envsubst < vsftpd_ssl-TEMPLATE.conf > vsftpd_ssl.conf popd } function build_image(){ if [ -f pom.xml ]; then mvn clean package docker:build -Dcheckstyle.skip else echo "pom.xml file not found" exit 1 fi } function set_vsftpd_file_owner() { # This is to avoid "500 OOPS: cannot open config file" # on vsftpd daemon start sudo chown root ./config/vsftpd_ssl.conf } function write_config(){ #building a YML file for usage in Java echo "urlves: $1" > config/config.yml echo "urlsftp: sftp://onap:pano@$2:$4" >> config/config.yml echo "urlftps: ftps://onap:pano@$2:$5" >> config/config.yml echo "ippnfsim: $6" >> config/config.yml echo "typefileserver: $3" >> config/config.yml } function start(){ get_pnfsim_ip if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then echo "Simulator containers are already up" else echo "Starting simulator containers using netconf model specified in config/netconf.env" set_vsftpd_file_owner archive_logs docker-compose -f $1 up -d RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG=$1 fi } function running_containers(){ docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE_NAME ps -q } function stop(){ get_pnfsim_ip set +e # override global script setting declare -a pids_to_kill # get ROP_file_creator.sh instance pid pids_to_kill[0]=$(pgrep -f "ROP_file_creator.sh ${1}$") if [[ ! -z ${pids_to_kill[0]} ]]; then # get ROP_file_creator.sh childs pids pids_to_kill=(${pids_to_kill[@]} $(pgrep -P ${pids_to_kill[0]})) kill ${pids_to_kill[@]} else echo "ROP_file_creator.sh already not running" fi if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG down docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG rm else echo "Simulator containers are already down" fi } function trigger_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-ONAP-RequestID: 123" -H "X-InvocationID: 456" -d @config/config.json $SIMULATOR_START_URL) EndOfMessage } function run_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-ONAP-RequestID: 123" -H "X-InvocationID: 456" -d @config/$CONFIG_JSON $SIMULATOR_START_URL) EndOfMessage } function stop_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST $SIMULATOR_STOP_URL) EndOfMessage } function get_status(){ get_pnfsim_ip if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then print_status else echo "Simulator containers are down" fi } function print_status(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage $(docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG ps) Simulator response: $(curl -s -X GET $SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL) EndOfMessage } function print_help(){ cat << EndOfMessage Available options: build - locally builds simulator image from existing code start - starts simulator and netopeer2 containers using remote simulator image and specified model name compose - customize the docker-compose and configuration based on arguments trigger-simulator - start monitoring the ROP files and report periodically run-simulator - starts sending PNF registration messages with parameters specified in config.json stop-simulator - stop sending PNF registration messages stop - stops both containers status - prints simulator status clear-logs - deletes log folder Starting simulation: - Setup the instance of this simulator by: - ./simulator.sh compose IPGW IPSUBNET I URLVES IPPNFSIM IPFILESERVER TYPEFILESERVER PORTSFTP PORTFTPS IPFTPS IPSFTP where IPGW and IPSUBNET will be used for docker network where I is the integer suffix to differentiate instances where URLVES is the URL of the VES collector where IPPNFSIM, IPFILESERVER, IPFTPS, IPSFTP are the IP addresses for containers where TYPEFILESERVER is the type of fileserver, i.e., FTPS or SFTP where PORTSFTP, PORTFTPS are the SFTP and FTPS ports e.g. ./simulator.sh compose 3 ftps 2001 2002 - Setup environment with "./simulator.sh start". It will download required docker images from the internet and run them on docker machine - To start the simulation use "./simulator.sh run-simulator", which will start sending PNF registration messages with parameters specified in config.json {TODO, might not be needed} To stop simulation use "./simulator.sh stop-simulator" command. To check simulator's status use "./simulator.sh status". If you want to change message parameters simply edit config.json, then start the simulation with "./simulator.sh run-simulator" again Logs are written to logs/pnf-simulator.log. If you change the source code you have to rebuild image with "./simulator.sh build" and run "./simulator.sh start" again EndOfMessage } function archive_logs(){ if [ -d logs ]; then echo "Moving log file to archive" DIR_PATH=logs/archive/simulator[$(timestamp)] mkdir -p $DIR_PATH if [ -f logs/pnfsimulator.log ]; then mv logs/pnfsimulator.log $DIR_PATH fi if [ -f logs/*.xml ]; then mv logs/*.xml $DIR_PATH fi else mkdir logs fi } function clear_logs(){ if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then echo "Cannot delete logs when simulator is running" else rm -rf logs fi } function timestamp(){ date "+%Y-%m-%d_%T" } main $@