#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail COMPOSE_FILE_NAME=docker-compose.yml NETOPEER_CONTAINER_NAME=netopeer SIMULATOR_CONTAINER_NAME=pnf-simulator SIMULATOR_PORT=5000 SIMULATOR_BASE=http://localhost:$SIMULATOR_PORT/simulator/ SIMULATOR_START_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/start SIMULATOR_STOP_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/stop SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/status RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG=$COMPOSE_FILE_NAME function main(){ COMMAND=${1:-"help"} case $COMMAND in "compose") compose $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8;; #IPGW, #IPSUBNET, #I, #IPVES, #IPPNFSIM, #IPFTP, #IPSFTP, "build") build_image;; "start") start $COMPOSE_FILE_NAME;; "stop") stop $2;; "run-simulator") run_simulator;; "trigger-simulator") trigger_simulator;; "stop-simulator") stop_simulator;; "status") get_status;; "clear-logs") clear_logs;; *) print_help;; esac } function get_pnfsim_ip() { export IPPNFSIM=$(cat ./config/config.yml | grep ippnfsim | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $2}') echo "PNF-Sim IP: " $IPPNFSIM export SIMULATOR_BASE=http://$IPPNFSIM:$SIMULATOR_PORT/simulator/ export SIMULATOR_START_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/start export SIMULATOR_STOP_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/stop export SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL=$SIMULATOR_BASE/status } function compose(){ #creating custom docker-compose based on IP arguments #creting config.json by injecting the same IP export IPGW=$1 export IPSUBNET=$2 export I=$3 export IPVES=$4 export IPPNFSIM=$5 export IPFTPS=$6 export IPSFTP=$7 #will insert $I to distinguish containers, networks properly #docker compose cannot substitute these, as they are keys, not values. envsubst < docker-compose-template.yml > docker-compose-temporary.yml #variable substitution docker-compose -f docker-compose-temporary.yml config > docker-compose.yml rm docker-compose-temporary.yml ./ROP_file_creator.sh $I & set_vsftpd_file_owner write_config $IPVES $IPFTPS $IPSFTP $IPPNFSIM } function build_image(){ if [ -f pom.xml ]; then mvn clean package docker:build -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipTests else echo "pom.xml file not found" exit 1 fi } function set_vsftpd_file_owner() { sudo chown root ./config/vsftpd_ssl.conf } function write_config(){ #building a YML file for usage in Java echo "vesip: $1" > config/config.yml echo "ipftps: $2" >> config/config.yml echo "ipsftp: $3" >> config/config.yml echo "ippnfsim: $4" >> config/config.yml } function start(){ get_pnfsim_ip if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then echo "Simulator containers are already up" else echo "Starting simulator containers using netconf model specified in config/netconf.env" set_vsftpd_file_owner archive_logs docker-compose -f $1 up -d RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG=$1 fi } function running_containers(){ docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE_NAME ps -q } function stop(){ get_pnfsim_ip kill $(ps -a | grep "[.]/ROP_file_creator.sh $1" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG down docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG rm else echo "Simulator containers are already down" fi } function trigger_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-ONAP-RequestID: 123" -H "X-InvocationID: 456" -d @config/config.json $SIMULATOR_START_URL) EndOfMessage } function run_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-ONAP-RequestID: 123" -H "X-InvocationID: 456" -d @config/$CONFIG_JSON $SIMULATOR_START_URL) EndOfMessage } function stop_simulator(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage Simulator response: $(curl -s -X POST $SIMULATOR_STOP_URL) EndOfMessage } function get_status(){ get_pnfsim_ip if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then print_status else echo "Simulator containers are down" fi } function print_status(){ get_pnfsim_ip cat << EndOfMessage $(docker-compose -f $RUNNING_COMPOSE_CONFIG ps) Simulator response: $(curl -s -X GET $SIMULATOR_STATUS_URL) EndOfMessage } function print_help(){ cat << EndOfMessage Available options: build - locally builds simulator image from existing code start - starts simulator and netopeer2 containers using remote simulator image and specified model name compose - customize the docker-compose and configuration based on arguments trigger-simulator - start monitoring the ROP files and report periodically run-simulator - starts sending PNF registration messages with parameters specified in config.json stop-simulator - stop sending PNF registration messages stop - stops both containers status - prints simulator status clear-logs - deletes log folder Starting simulation: - Setup the instance of this simulator by: - ./simulator.sh compose IPGW IPSUBNET I IPVES IPPNFSIM IPFTPS IPSFTP where Gw and subnet will be used for docker network where I is the integer suffix to differentiate instances where IPVES is the address of the VES collector where IPPNFSIM, IPFTPS, IPSFTP are the addresses for containers e.g. ./simulator.sh compose 3 - Setup environment with "./simulator.sh start". It will download required docker images from the internet and run them on docker machine - To start the simulation use "./simulator.sh run-simulator", which will start sending PNF registration messages with parameters specified in config.json {TODO, might not be needed} To stop simulation use "./simulator.sh stop-simulator" command. To check simulator's status use "./simulator.sh status". If you want to change message parameters simply edit config.json, then start the simulation with "./simulator.sh run-simulator" again Logs are written to logs/pnf-simulator.log. If you change the source code you have to rebuild image with "./simulator.sh build" and run "./simulator.sh start" again EndOfMessage } function archive_logs(){ if [ -d logs ]; then echo "Moving log file to archive" DIR_PATH=logs/archive/simulator[$(timestamp)] mkdir -p $DIR_PATH if [ -f logs/pnfsimulator.log ]; then mv logs/pnfsimulator.log $DIR_PATH fi if [ -f logs/*.xml ]; then mv logs/*.xml $DIR_PATH fi else mkdir logs fi } function clear_logs(){ if [[ $(running_containers) ]]; then echo "Cannot delete logs when simulator is running" else rm -rf logs fi } function timestamp(){ date "+%Y-%m-%d_%T" } main $@