#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import subprocess import argparse import ipaddress from sys import exit from os import chdir, getcwd, path from shutil import copytree from json import dumps from requests import get from requests.exceptions import MissingSchema, InvalidSchema, InvalidURL, ConnectionError, ConnectTimeout def validate_url(url): '''Helper function to perform --urlves input param validation''' logger = logging.getLogger("urllib3") logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: get(url, timeout=0.001) except (MissingSchema, InvalidSchema, InvalidURL): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{url} is not a valid URL') except (ConnectionError, ConnectTimeout): pass return url def validate_ip(ip): '''Helper function to validate input param is a vaild IP address''' try: ip_valid = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{ip} is not a valid IP address') else: return ip_valid def get_parser(): '''Process input arguments''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Subcommands', dest='subcommand') # Build command parser subparsers.add_parser('build', help='Build simulator image') # Bootstrap command parser parser_bootstrap = subparsers.add_parser('bootstrap', help='Bootstrap the system') parser_bootstrap.add_argument('--count', help='Instance count to bootstrap', type=int, metavar='INT', default=1) parser_bootstrap.add_argument('--urlves', help='URL of the VES collector', type=validate_url, metavar='URL', required=True) parser_bootstrap.add_argument('--ipfileserver', help='Visible IP of the file server (SFTP/FTPS) to be included in the VES event', type=validate_ip, metavar='IP', required=True) parser_bootstrap.add_argument('--typefileserver', help='Type of the file server (SFTP/FTPS) to be included in the VES event', type=str, choices=['sftp', 'ftps'], required=True) parser_bootstrap.add_argument('--ipstart', help='IP address range beginning', type=validate_ip, metavar='IP', required=True) # Start command parser parser_start = subparsers.add_parser('start', help='Start instances') parser_start.add_argument('--count', help='Instance count to start', type=int, metavar='INT', default=1) # Stop command parser parser_stop = subparsers.add_parser('stop', help='Stop instances') parser_stop.add_argument('--count', help='Instance count to stop', type=int, metavar='INT', default=1) # Trigger command parser parser_trigger = subparsers.add_parser('trigger', help='Trigger one single VES event from each simulator') parser_trigger.add_argument('--count', help='Instance count to trigger', type=int, metavar='INT', default=1) # Trigger-custom command parser parser_triggerstart = subparsers.add_parser('trigger_custom', help='Trigger one single VES event from specific simulators') parser_triggerstart.add_argument('--triggerstart', help='First simulator id to trigger', type=int, metavar='INT', required=True) parser_triggerstart.add_argument('--triggerend', help='Last simulator id to trigger', type=int, metavar='INT', required=True) # Status command parser parser_status = subparsers.add_parser('status', help='Status') parser_status.add_argument('--count', help='Instance count to show status for', type=int, metavar='INT', default=1) # Clean command parser subparsers.add_parser('clean', help='Clean work-dirs') # General options parser parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='Verbosity level', choices=['info', 'debug'], type=str, default='info') return parser class MassPnfSim: # MassPnfSim class actions decorator class _MassPnfSim_Decorators: @staticmethod def do_action(action_string, cmd): def action_decorator(method): def action_wrap(self): cmd_local = cmd # Append instance # if action is 'stop' if method.__name__ == 'stop': cmd_local += " {}" # Alter looping range if action is 'tigger_custom' if method.__name__ == 'trigger_custom': iter_range = [self.args.triggerstart, self.args.triggerend+1] else: iter_range = [self.args.count] method(self) for i in range(*iter_range): self.logger.info(f'{action_string} {self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i} instance:') self._run_cmd(cmd_local.format(i), f"{self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i}") return action_wrap return action_decorator log_lvl = logging.INFO def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(self.log_lvl) self.sim_dirname_pattern = "pnf-sim-lw-" self.mvn_build_cmd = 'mvn clean package docker:build -Dcheckstyle.skip' def _run_cmd(self, cmd, dir_context='.'): if self.args.verbose == 'debug': cmd='bash -x ' + cmd old_pwd = getcwd() try: chdir(dir_context) subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, shell=True) chdir(old_pwd) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error(f"Directory {dir_context} not found") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: exit(e.returncode) def bootstrap(self): self.logger.info("Bootstrapping PNF instances") start_port = 2000 ftps_pasv_port_start = 8000 ftps_pasv_port_num_of_ports = 10 ftps_pasv_port_end = ftps_pasv_port_start + ftps_pasv_port_num_of_ports for i in range(self.args.count): self.logger.info(f"PNF simulator instance: {i}") # The IP ranges are in distance of 16 compared to each other. # This is matching the /28 subnet mask used in the dockerfile inside. instance_ip_offset = i * 16 ip_properties = [ 'subnet', 'gw', 'PnfSim', 'ftps', 'sftp' ] ip_offset = 0 ip = {} for prop in ip_properties: ip.update({prop: str(self.args.ipstart + ip_offset + instance_ip_offset)}) ip_offset += 1 self.logger.debug(f'Instance #{i} properties:\n {dumps(ip, indent=4)}') PortSftp = start_port + 1 PortFtps = start_port + 2 start_port += 2 self.logger.info(f'\tCreating {self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i}') try: copytree('pnf-sim-lightweight', f'{self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i}') except FileExistsError: self.logger.error(f'Directory {self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i} already exists, cannot overwrite.') exit(1) composercmd = " ".join([ "./simulator.sh compose", ip['gw'], ip['subnet'], str(i), self.args.urlves, ip['PnfSim'], str(self.args.ipfileserver), self.args.typefileserver, str(PortSftp), str(PortFtps), ip['ftps'], ip['sftp'], str(ftps_pasv_port_start), str(ftps_pasv_port_end) ]) self.logger.debug(f"Script cmdline: {composercmd}") self.logger.info(f"\tCreating instance #{i} configuration ") self._run_cmd(composercmd, f"{self.sim_dirname_pattern}{i}") ftps_pasv_port_start += ftps_pasv_port_num_of_ports + 1 ftps_pasv_port_end += ftps_pasv_port_num_of_ports + 1 self.logger.info(f'Done setting up instance #{i}') def build(self): self.logger.info("Building simulator image") if path.isfile('pnf-sim-lightweight/pom.xml'): self._run_cmd(self.mvn_build_cmd, 'pnf-sim-lightweight') else: self.logger.error('POM file was not found, Maven cannot run') exit(1) def clean(self): self.logger.info('Cleaning simulators workdirs') self._run_cmd(f"rm -rf {self.sim_dirname_pattern}*") @_MassPnfSim_Decorators.do_action('Starting', './simulator.sh start') def start(self): pass @_MassPnfSim_Decorators.do_action('Getting', './simulator.sh status') def status(self): pass @_MassPnfSim_Decorators.do_action('Stopping', './simulator.sh stop') def stop(self): pass @_MassPnfSim_Decorators.do_action('Triggering', './simulator.sh trigger-simulator') def trigger(self): self.logger.info("Triggering VES sending:") @_MassPnfSim_Decorators.do_action('Triggering', './simulator.sh trigger-simulator') def trigger_custom(self): self.logger.info("Triggering VES sending by a range of simulators:")