#!/bin/bash # Script to create files for the FTP server to return upon request. # The file names matches the files names in the events polled from the MR simulator. # Intended for execution in the running ftp containers in the ftp-root dir. echo "Running ftp file creations" NUM=200 #Default number of files if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then NUM=$1 fi truncate -s 1MB 1MB.tar.gz truncate -s 5MB 5MB.tar.gz truncate -s 50MB 50MB.tar.gz i=0 while [ $i -lt $NUM ]; do #Problem with for loop and var substituion in curly bracket....so used good old style loop ln -s 1MB.tar.gz 1MB_$i.tar.gz ln -s 5MB.tar.gz 5MB_$i.tar.gz let i=i+1 done ln -s 50MB.tar.gz 50MB_0.tar.gz #Large file, only for single file test