#!/bin/bash # Script to print internal dfc stats every 5 sec to screen and file # Default port is 8100 for DFC # Useage: ./dfc-internal-stats.sh all|internal|jvm [] print_usage() { echo "Useage: ./dfc-internal-stats.sh all|internal|jvm []" } stat="" if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then dfcport=8100 stat="all" elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then dfcport=8100 stat=$1 elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then dfcport=$2 stat=$1 else print_usage exit 1 fi heading=1 if [ $stat == "all" ]; then echo "Printing stats for both JVM and DFC using port "$dfcport elif [ $stat == "internal" ]; then echo "Printing stats for DFC using port "$dfcport elif [ $stat == "jvm" ]; then echo "Printing stats for JVM using port "$dfcport else print_usage exit 1 fi fileoutput="./.tmp_stats.txt" echo "Stats piped to file: "$fileoutput rm $fileoutput floatToInt() { printf "%.0f\n" "$@" } do_curl_actuator() { val=$(curl -s localhost:${dfcport}/actuator/metrics/${1} | grep -o -E "\"value\":[0-9.E]+" | awk -F\: '{print $2}') val=$(floatToInt $val) printf "%-20s %+15s\n" $1 $val if [ $heading -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "," $1 >> $fileoutput else echo -n "," $val >> $fileoutput fi } do_curl_status() { curl -s localhost:${dfcport}/status > ./.tmp_curl_res cat ./.tmp_curl_res while read line; do len=${#line} if [ $len -gt 0 ]; then val=${line#*:} id=${line%"$val"} if [ $heading -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "," $id >> $fileoutput else echo -n "," $val >> $fileoutput fi fi done < ./.tmp_curl_res } while [ true ]; do if [ $heading -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "date" >> $fileoutput else ds=$(date) echo -n $ds >> $fileoutput fi if [ $stat == "all" ] || [ $stat == "jvm" ]; then echo "========= DFC JVM Stats =========" do_curl_actuator jvm.threads.live do_curl_actuator jvm.threads.peak do_curl_actuator process.files.open do_curl_actuator process.files.max do_curl_actuator jvm.memory.used do_curl_actuator jvm.memory.max fi if [ $stat == "all" ] || [ $stat == "internal" ]; then echo "========= DFC internal Stats =========" do_curl_status fi echo "" >> $fileoutput heading=0 sleep 5 done