#!/bin/bash # # Modifications copyright (C) 2021 Nokia. All rights reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # . ../common/test_env.sh echo "Test case started as: ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]} "$1 $2 # Script containing all functions needed for auto testing of test cases # Arg: local [] ]| remote [] ]| remote-remove []] | manual-container | manual-app STARTED_DFCS="" #DFC app names added to this var to keep track of started container in the script START_ARG=$1 IMAGE_TAG="latest" if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then if [[ "$2" =~ ^1.1.* ]]; then echo "This version of auto-test does not support DFC image version of 1.1.X" exit 1 fi IMAGE_TAG=$2 fi if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "Expected arg: local [] ]| remote [] ]| remote-remove []] | manual-container | manual-app" exit 1 elif [ $1 == "local" ]; then if [ -z $DFC_LOCAL_IMAGE ]; then echo "DFC_LOCAL_IMAGE not set in test_env" exit 1 fi DFC_IMAGE=$DFC_LOCAL_IMAGE":"$IMAGE_TAG elif [ $1 == "remote" ] || [ $1 == "remote-remove" ]; then if [ -z $DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE ]; then echo "DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE not set in test_env" exit 1 fi DFC_IMAGE=$DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE":"$IMAGE_TAG elif [ $1 == "manual-container" ] && [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "DFC is expected to be started manually, when prompted, as a container with name 'dfc_app' with and index in the range from 0 to '${DFC_MAX_IDX}'" elif [ $1 == "manual-app" ] && [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "DFC is expected to be started manually, when prompted, as a java application" else echo "Expected arg: local [] ]| remote [] ]| remote-remove []] | manual-container | manual-app" exit 1 fi # Set a description string for the test case if [ -z "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" ]; then TC_ONELINE_DESCR="" echo "No test case description found, TC_ONELINE_DESCR should be set on in the test script , using "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR fi # Counter for test suites if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_ctr ]; then tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_ctr) ((tmpval++)) echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_ctr fi # Create a test case id, ATC (Auto Test Case), from the name of the test case script. # FTC1.sh -> ATC == FTC1 ATC=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]}" .sh) # Create the logs dir if not already created in the current dir if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then mkdir logs fi TESTLOGS=$PWD/logs # Create a log dir for the test case mkdir -p $TESTLOGS/$ATC # Clear the log dir for the test case rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.log &> /dev/null # Log all output from the test case to a TC log TCLOG=$TESTLOGS/$ATC/TC.log exec &> >(tee ${TCLOG}) #Variables for counting tests as well as passed and failed tests RES_TEST=0 RES_PASS=0 RES_FAIL=0 TCTEST_START=$SECONDS echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "----------------------------------- Test case: "$ATC echo "----------------------------------- Started: "$(date) echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-- Description: "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "----------------------------------- Test case setup -----------------------------------" if [ -z "$SIM_GROUP" ]; then SIM_GROUP=$PWD/../simulator-group if [ ! -d $SIM_GROUP ]; then echo "Trying to set env var SIM_GROUP to dir 'simulator-group' in the integration repo, but failed." echo "Please set the SIM_GROUP manually in the test_env.sh" exit 1 else echo "SIM_GROUP auto set to: " $SIM_GROUP fi elif [ $SIM_GROUP = *simulator_group ]; then echo "Env var SIM_GROUP does not seem to point to dir 'simulator-group' in the integration repo, check test_env.sh" exit 1 fi echo "" if [ $1 != "manual-container" ] && [ $1 != "manual-app" ]; then echo -e "DFC image tag set to: \033[1m" $IMAGE_TAG"\033[0m" echo "Configured image for DFC app(s) (${1}): "$DFC_IMAGE tmp_im=$(docker images ${DFC_IMAGE} | grep -v REPOSITORY) if [ $1 == "local" ]; then if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then echo "Local image (non nexus) "$DFC_IMAGE" does not exist in local registry, need to be built" exit 1 else echo -e "DFC local image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" echo "If the DFC image seem outdated, rebuild the image and run the test again." fi elif [ $1 == "remote" ] || [ $1 == "remote-remove" ]; then if [ $1 == "remote-remove" ]; then echo "Attempt to stop dfc_app container(s) if running" docker stop $(docker ps -q --filter name=${DFC_APP_BASE}]) &> /dev/null docker rm $(docker ps -q --filter name=${DFC_APP_BASE}) &> /dev/null docker rmi $DFC_IMAGE &> /dev/null tmp_im="" fi if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then echo "Pulling DFC image from nexus: "$DFC_IMAGE docker pull $DFC_IMAGE > /dev/null tmp_im=$(docker images ${DFC_IMAGE} | grep -v REPOSITORY) if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then echo "Image could not be pulled" exit 1 fi echo -e "DFC image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" else echo -e "DFC image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" echo "!! If the dfc image seem outdated, consider removing it from your docker registry and run the test again. Or run the script with 'remote-remove'" fi fi fi echo "" echo "Building images for the simulators if needed, MR, DR, DR Redir, FTPES and HTTP simulators" curdir=$PWD cd $SIM_GROUP cd ../dr-sim docker build -t drsim_common:latest . &> /dev/null cd ../mr-sim docker build -t mrsim:latest . &> /dev/null cd ../ftpes-sftp-server docker build -t ftpes_vsftpd:latest -f Dockerfile-ftpes . &> /dev/null cd ../http-https-server docker build -t http_https_httpd:latest -f Dockerfile-http-https . &> /dev/null cd $curdir echo "" echo "Local registry images for simulators:" echo "MR simulator " $(docker images | grep mrsim) echo "DR simulator: " $(docker images | grep drsim_common) echo "DR redir simulator: " $(docker images | grep drsim_common) echo "SFTP: " $(docker images | grep atmoz/sftp) echo "FTPES: " $(docker images | grep ftpes_vsftpd) echo "HTTP/HTTPS/HTTPS no auth: " $(docker images | grep http_https_httpd) echo "Consul: " $(docker images | grep consul) echo "CBS: " $(docker images | grep platform.configbinding.app) echo "" #Configure MR sim to use correct host:port for running dfc as an app or as a container #Configure DR sim with correct address for DR redirect simulator if [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then export SFTP_SIMS=$SFTP_SIMS_LOCALHOST export FTPES_SIMS=$FTPES_SIMS_LOCALHOST export HTTP_SIMS=$HTTP_SIMS_LOCALHOST export HTTPS_SIMS=$HTTPS_SIMS_LOCALHOST export HTTPS_SIMS_NO_AUTH=HTTPS_SIMS_NO_AUTH_LOCALHOST export DR_REDIR_SIM="localhost" fi #else # export SFTP_SIMS=$SFTP_SIMS_CONTAINER # export FTPES_SIMS=$FTPES_SIMS_CONTAINER # export DR_REDIR_SIM="drsim_redir" #fi echo "----------------------------------- Test case steps -----------------------------------" # Print error info for the call in the parent script (test case). Arg: # Not to be called from test script. __print_err() { echo ${FUNCNAME[1]} " "$1" " ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+2]} " line" ${BASH_LINENO[$i+1]} } # Execute curl using the host and variable. Arg: [ ] # may contain any string, it is just a flag # Returns the variable value (if success) and return code 0 or an error message and return code 1 __do_curl() { res=$(curl -skw "%{http_code}" $1) http_code="${res:${#res}-3}" if [ ${#res} -eq 3 ]; then echo "" return 1 else if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] && [ $http_code -gt 299 ]; then echo "" return 1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" | xargs else echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" fi return 0 fi } # Test a simulator variable value towards target value using an condition operator with an optional timeout. # Arg: - This test is done # immediately and sets pass or fail depending on the result of comparing variable and target using the operator. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout # before setting pass or fail depending on the result of comparing variable and target using the operator. # Not to be called from test script. __var_test() { if [ $# -eq 6 ]; then echo -e "---- ${1} sim test criteria: \033[1m ${3} \033[0m ${4} ${5} within ${6} seconds ----" ((RES_TEST++)) start=$SECONDS ctr=0 for (( ; ; )) do result="$(__do_curl $2$3)" retcode=$? result=${result//[[:blank:]]/} #Strip blanks duration=$((SECONDS-start)) if [ $((ctr%30)) -eq 0 ]; then echo " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" for (( i=0; i<=$DFC_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do if [[ $STARTED_DFCS =~ "_"$DFC_APP_BASE$i"_" ]]; then echo " HB ${DFC_APP_BASE}${i}: $(__do_curl$(($DFC_PORT+$i))/status strip)" fi done else echo -ne " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" fi let ctr=ctr+1 if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then if [ $duration -gt $6 ]; then ((RES_FAIL++)) echo -e "---- \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m - Target ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached in ${6} seconds, result = ${result} ----" return fi elif [ $4 = "=" ] && [ "$result" -eq $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met in ${duration} seconds ----" return elif [ $4 = ">" ] && [ "$result" -gt $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met in ${duration} seconds, result = ${result} ----" return elif [ $4 = "<" ] && [ "$result" -lt $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met in ${duration} seconds, result = ${result} ----" return elif [ $4 = "contain_str" ] && [[ $result =~ $5 ]]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met in ${duration} seconds, result = ${result} ----" return else if [ $duration -gt $6 ]; then ((RES_FAIL++)) echo -e "---- \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m - Target ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached in ${6} seconds, result = ${result} ----" return fi fi sleep 1 done elif [ $# -eq 5 ]; then echo -e "---- ${1} sim test criteria: \033[1m ${3} \033[0m ${4} ${5} ----" ((RES_TEST++)) result="$(__do_curl $2$3)" retcode=$? result=${result//[[:blank:]]/} #Strip blanks if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then ((RES_FAIL++)) echo -e "---- \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m - Target ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached, result = ${result} ----" elif [ $4 = "=" ] && [ "$result" -eq $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met" elif [ $4 = ">" ] && [ "$result" -gt $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met, result = ${result} ----" elif [ $4 = "<" ] && [ "$result" -lt $5 ]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met, result = ${result} ----" elif [ $4 = "contain_str" ] && [[ $result =~ $5 ]]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met, result = ${result} ----" else ((RES_FAIL++)) echo -e "---- \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m - Target ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached, result = ${result} ----" fi else echo "Wrong args to __var_test, needs five or six args: [ ]" exit 1 fi } # Stops a named container __docker_stop() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "__docker_stop need 1 arg " exit 1 fi tmp=$(docker stop $1 2>/dev/null) if [ -z $tmp ] || [ $tmp != $1 ]; then echo " ${1} container not stopped or not existing" else echo " ${1} container stopped" fi } # Starts a named container (that has previously been stopped) __docker_start() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "__docker_start need 1 arg " exit 1 fi tmp=$(docker start $1 2>/dev/null) if [ -z $tmp ] || [ $tmp != $1 ]; then echo " ${1} container not started or not existing" else echo " ${1} container started" fi } # Removes a named container __docker_rm() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "__docker_rm need 1 arg " exit 1 fi tmp=$(docker rm $1 2>/dev/null) if [ -z $tmp ] || [ $tmp != $1 ]; then echo " ${1} container not removed or not existing" else echo " ${1} container removed" fi } __start_dfc_image() { set -x if [ $# != 2 ]; then __print_err "need tow args, 0.."$$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi if [ $2 -lt 0 ] || [ $2 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "need two args, 0.."$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$1 localport=$(($DFC_PORT + $2)) localport_secure=$(($DFC_PORT_SECURE + $2)) echo "Creating docker network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME", if needed" docker network ls| grep "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME" > /dev/null || docker network create "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME" echo "Starting DFC: " $appname " with ports mapped to " $localport " and " $localport_secure " in docker network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME if [ "$HTTP_TYPE" = "HTTPS" ] then mkdir "$SIM_GROUP"/tls/external cp "$SIM_GROUP"/../certservice/generated-certs/dfc-p12/* "$SIM_GROUP"/tls/external/ docker run \ --name oom-certservice-post-processor \ --env-file "$SIM_GROUP"/../certservice/merger/merge-certs.env \ --mount type=bind,src="$SIM_GROUP"/tls,dst=/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert \ nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-post-processor:latest fi docker run -d --volume $(pwd)/../simulator-group/tls/:/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert/ -p $localport":8100" -p $localport_secure":8433" --network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME -e CONSUL_HOST=$CONSUL_HOST -e CONSUL_PORT=$CONSUL_PORT -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT -e HOSTNAME=$appname --name $appname $DFC_IMAGE sleep 3 set +x dfc_started=false for i in {1..10}; do if [ $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Running }}' $appname) ] then echo " Image: $(docker inspect --format '{{ .Config.Image }}' ${appname})" echo "DFC container ${appname} running" dfc_started=true break else sleep $i fi done if ! [ $dfc_started ]; then echo "DFC container ${appname} could not be started" exit 1 fi dfc_hb=false echo "Waiting for DFC ${appname} heartbeat..." for i in {1..10}; do result="$(__do_curl${localport}/heartbeat)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "DFC ${appname} responds to heartbeat: " $result dfc_hb=true result="$(__do_curl${localport}/actuator/info)" echo "DFC ${appname} image build info: " $result break else sleep $i fi done if [ "$dfc_hb" = "false" ]; then echo "DFC ${appname} did not respond to heartbeat" exit 1 fi } # Function for waiting for named container to be started manually. __wait_for_container() { start=$SECONDS if [ $# != 2 ]; then echo "Need one arg: " exit 1 fi http=$(($DFC_PORT+$2)) https=$((DFC_PORT_SECURE+$2)) echo "The container is expected to map its ports (8100/8433) to the following port visibile on the host: http port ${http} and https port ${https}" echo "Waiting for container with name '${1}' to be started manually...." for (( ; ; )) do if [ $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Running }}' $1 2> /dev/null) ]; then echo "Container running: "$1 break else duration=$((SECONDS-start)) echo -ne " Waited ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" sleep 1 fi done echo "Connecting container "$1" to simulator network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME docker network connect $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME $1 } #WFunction for waiting for named container to be stopped manually. __wait_for_container_gone() { start=$SECONDS if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Need one arg: " exit 1 fi echo "Disconnecting container "$1" from simulator network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME docker network disconnect $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME $1 echo "Waiting for container with name '${1}' to be stopped manually...." for (( ; ; )) do if [ $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Running }}' $1 2> /dev/null) ]; then duration=$((SECONDS-start)) echo -ne " Waited ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" sleep 1 else echo "Container stopped: "$1 break fi done } #Function for waiting to dfc to be started manually __wait_for_dfc() { http=$(($DFC_PORT+$2)) https=$((DFC_PORT_SECURE+$2)) echo "The app is expected to listen to http port ${http} and https port ${https}" echo "The app shall use 'localhost' and '8500' for CONSUL_HOST and CONSUL_PORT." echo "The app shale use 'config-binding-service-localhost' for CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE" echo "The app shall use ${1} for HOSTNAME." read -p "Press enter to continue when app mapping to ${1} has been manually started" } #Function for waiting to dfc to be stopped manually __wait_for_dfc_gone() { read -p "Press enter to continue when when app mapping to ${1} has been manually stopped" } ############################################################# ############## Functions for auto test scripts ############## ############################################################# # Print the env variables needed for the simulators and their setup log_sim_settings() { echo "Simulator settings" echo "MR_TC= "$MR_TC echo "MR_GROUPS= "$MR_GROUPS echo "MR_FILE_PREFIX_MAPPING="$MR_FILE_PREFIX_MAPPING echo "DR_TC= "$DR_TC echo "DR_FEEDS= "$DR_FEEDS echo "DR_REDIR_SIM= "$DR_REDIR_SIM echo "DR_REDIR_TC= "$DR_REDIR_TC echo "DR_REDIR_FEEDS= "$DR_REDIR_FEEDS echo "NUM_FTPFILES= "$NUM_FTPFILES echo "NUM_HTTPFILES= "$NUM_HTTPFILES echo "NUM_PNFS= "$NUM_PNFS echo "FILE_SIZE= "$FILE_SIZE echo "FTP_TYPE= "$FTP_TYPE echo "HTTP_TYPE= "$HTTP_TYPE echo "FTP_FILE_PREFIXES= "$FTP_FILE_PREFIXES echo "HTTP_FILE_PREFIXES= "$HTTP_FILE_PREFIXES echo "NUM_FTP_SERVERS= "$NUM_FTP_SERVERS echo "NUM_HTTP_SERVERS= "$NUM_HTTP_SERVERS echo "SFTP_SIMS= "$SFTP_SIMS echo "FTPES_SIMS= "$FTPES_SIMS echo "HTTP_SIMS= "$HTTP_SIMS echo "HTTPS_SIMS= "$HTTPS_SIMS echo "HTTPS_SIMS_NO_AUTH= "$HTTPS_SIMS_NO_AUTH echo "" } # Stop and remove all containers including dfc app and simulators clean_containers() { echo "Stopping all containers, dfc app(s) and simulators with name prefix 'dfc_'" docker stop $(docker ps -q --filter name=dfc_) &> /dev/null echo "Removing all containers, dfc app and simulators with name prefix 'dfc_'" docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=dfc_) &> /dev/null docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=oom-certservice-post-processor) &> /dev/null echo "Removing unused docker networks with substring 'dfc' in network name" docker network rm $(docker network ls -q --filter name=dfc) echo "" } # Start all simulators in the simulator group start_simulators() { echo "Starting all simulators" curdir=$PWD cd $SIM_GROUP export SIM_GROUP=$SIM_GROUP $SIM_GROUP/simulators-start.sh cd $curdir echo "" } # Start the dfc application start_dfc() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$1 STARTED_DFCS=$STARTED_DFCS"_"$appname"_" if [ $START_ARG == "local" ] || [ $START_ARG == "remote" ] || [ $START_ARG == "remote-remove" ]; then __start_dfc_image $appname $1 elif [ $START_ARG == "manual-container" ]; then __wait_for_container $appname $1 elif [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then __wait_for_dfc $appname $1 fi } # Configure consul with dfc config, args # Not intended to be called directly by test scripts. __consul_config() { if [ $# != 2 ]; then __print_err "need two args, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "dfc-instance-id should be 0.."$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi if ! [ -f $2 ]; then __print_err "json file does not extis: "$2 exit 1 fi appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$1 echo "Configuring consul for " $appname " from " $2 curl -s${CONSUL_PORT}/v1/kv/${appname}?dc=dc1 -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary "@"$2 >/dev/null } # Configure consul with dfc app config, args consul_config_app() { if [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then echo "Replacing 'mrsim' with 'localhost' in json app config for consul" sed 's/mrsim/localhost/g' $2 > .tmp_app.json echo "Replacing 'drsim' with 'localhost' in json dmaap config for consul" sed 's/drsim/localhost/g' .tmp_app.json > .app.json __consul_config $1 .app.json else __consul_config $1 $2 fi } # Stop and remove the dfc app container kill_dfc() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$1 echo "Killing DFC, instance id: "$1 if [ $START_ARG == "local" ] || [ $START_ARG == "remote" ] || [ $START_ARG == "remote-remove" ]; then __docker_stop $appname __docker_rm $appname elif [ $START_ARG == "manual-container" ]; then __wait_for_container_gone $appname elif [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then __wait_for_dfc_gone $appname fi } # Stop and remove the DR simulator container kill_dr() { echo "Killing DR sim" __docker_stop dfc_dr-sim __docker_rm dfc_dr-sim } # Stop and remove the DR redir simulator container kill_drr() { echo "Killing DR redir sim" __docker_stop dfc_dr-redir-sim __docker_rm dfc_dr-redir-sim } # Stop and remove the MR simulator container kill_mr() { echo "Killing MR sim" __docker_stop dfc_mr-sim __docker_rm dfc_mr-sim } # Stop and remove the SFTP container, arg: kill_sftp() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$SFTP_BASE$1 echo "Killing SFTP, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname __docker_rm $appname } # Stop SFTP container, arg: stop_sftp() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$SFTP_BASE$1 echo "Stopping SFTP, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname } # Starts a stopped SFTP container, arg: start_sftp() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$SFTP_BASE$1 echo "Starting SFTP, instance id: "$1 __docker_start $appname } # Stop and remove the FTPES container, arg: kill_ftpes() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$FTPES_BASE$1 echo "Killing FTPES, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname __docker_rm $appname } # Stop FTPES container, arg: stop_ftpes() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$FTPES_BASE$1 echo "Stopping FTPES, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname } # Starts a stopped FTPES container, arg: start_ftpes() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $FTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$FTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$FTPES_BASE$1 echo "Starting FTPES, instance id: "$1 __docker_start $appname } # Stop and remove the HTTP container, arg: kill_http_https() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $HTTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$HTTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$HTTP_HTTPS_BASE$1 echo "Killing HTTP/HTTPS, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname __docker_rm $appname } # Stop HTTP container, arg: stop_http_https() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $HTTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$HTTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$HTTP_HTTPS_BASE$1 echo "Stopping HTTP/HTTPS, instance id: "$1 __docker_stop $appname } # Starts a stopped HTTP container, arg: start_http_https() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $HTTP_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$HTTP_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$HTTP_HTTPS_BASE$1 echo "Starting HTTP/HTTPS, instance id: "$1 __docker_start $appname } # Print a variable value from the MR simulator. Arg: mr_print() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo -e "---- MR sim, \033[1m $1 \033[0m: $(__do_curl$MR_PORT/$1)" } # Print a variable value from the MR https simulator. Arg: mr_secure_print() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo -e "---- MR sim, \033[1m $1 \033[0m: $(__do_curl$MR_PORT_SECURE/$1)" } # Print a variable value from the DR simulator. Arg: dr_print() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo -e "---- DR sim, \033[1m $1 \033[0m: $(__do_curl$DR_PORT/$1)" } # Print a variable value from the DR redir simulator. Arg: drr_print() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo -e "---- DR redir sim, \033[1m $1 \033[0m: $(__do_curl$DRR_PORT/$1)" } # Print a variable value from dfc. Arg: dfc_print() { if [ $# != 2 ]; then __print_err "need two args, " exit 1 fi if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "dfc instance id should be in range 0.."DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi localport=$(($DFC_PORT + $1)) appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$1 echo -e "---- DFC $appname, \033[1m $2 \033[0m: $(__do_curl$localport/$2)" } # Read a variable value from MR sim and send to stdout. Arg: mr_read() { echo "$(__do_curl$MR_PORT/$1)" } # Read a variable value from MR https sim and send to stdout. Arg: mr_secure_read() { echo "$(__do_curl$MR_PORT_SECURE/$1)" } # Read a variable value from DR sim and send to stdout. Arg: dr_read() { echo "$(__do_curl$DR_PORT/$1)" } # Read a variable value from DR redir sim and send to stdout. Arg: drr_read() { echo "$(__do_curl$DRR_PORT/$1)" } # Sleep. Arg: sleep_wait() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo "---- Sleep for " $1 " seconds ----" start=$SECONDS duration=$((SECONDS-start)) while [ $duration -lt $1 ]; do echo -ne " Slept for ${duration} seconds\033[0K\r" sleep 1 duration=$((SECONDS-start)) done echo "" } # Sleep and print dfc heartbeat. Arg: sleep_heartbeat() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo "---- Sleep for " $1 " seconds ----" echo "" start=$SECONDS duration=$((SECONDS-start)) ctr=0 rows=0 while [ $duration -lt $1 ]; do if [ $rows -eq 0 ]; then tput cuu1 fi rows=0 echo " Slept for ${duration} seconds" if [ $((ctr%30)) -eq 0 ]; then for (( i=0; i<=$DFC_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do if [[ $STARTED_DFCS =~ "_"$DFC_APP_BASE$i"_" ]]; then let rows=rows+1 echo " HB ${DFC_APP_BASE}${i}: $(__do_curl$(($DFC_PORT+$i))/heartbeat)" fi done fi let ctr=ctr+1 sleep 1 duration=$((SECONDS-start)) done echo "" } # Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # equal to the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target # value or not. mr_equal() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT/" $1 "=" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_equal, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } mr_secure_equal() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT_SECURE/" $1 "=" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_secure_equal, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is greater than a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # greater than the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value greater than the target # value or not. mr_greater() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT/" $1 ">" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_greater, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } mr_secure_greater() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT_SECURE/" $1 ">" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_secure_greater, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # less than the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value less than the target # value or not. mr_less() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT/" $1 "<" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_less, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } mr_secure_less() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT_SECURE/" $1 "<" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_secure_less, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator contains the target string and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable contains # the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value contains the target # value or not. mr_contain_str() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT/" $1 "contain_str" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_contain_str, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } mr_secure_contain_str() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "MR" "$MR_PORT_SECURE/" $1 "contain_str" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to mr_secure_contain_str, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # equal to the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target # value or not. dr_equal() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR" "$DR_PORT/" $1 "=" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to dr_equal, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is greater than a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # greater than the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value greater than the target # value or not. dr_greater() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR" "$DR_PORT/" $1 ">" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to dr_greater, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # less than the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value less than the target # value or not. dr_less() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR" "$DR_PORT/" $1 "<" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to dr_less, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator contains the target string and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable contains # the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value contains the target # value or not. dr_contain_str() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR" "$DR_PORT/" $1 "contain_str" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to dr_contain_str, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # equal to the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target # value or not. drr_equal() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR REDIR" "$DRR_PORT/" $1 "=" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to drr_equal, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is greater a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # greater the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value greater than the target # value or not. drr_greater() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR REDIR" "$DRR_PORT/" $1 ">" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to drr_greater, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is # less than the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value less than the target # value or not. drr_less() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR REDIR" "$DRR_PORT/" $1 "<" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to drr_less, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } # Tests if a variable value in the DR redir simulator contains the target string and and optional timeout. # Arg: - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable contains # the target or not. # Arg: - This test waits up to the timeout seconds # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value contains the target # value or not. drr_contain_str() { if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then __var_test "DR REDIR" "$DRR_PORT/" $1 "contain_str" $2 $3 else __print_err "Wrong args to drr_contain_str, needs two or three args: [ timeout ]" fi } #Test if a variable in the DFC contains a substring. Arg: dfc_contain_str() { if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -gt $DFC_MAX_IDX ]; then __print_err "arg should be 0.."$DFC_MAX_IDX exit 1 fi appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$1 localport=$(($DFC_PORT + $1)) echo -e "---- DFC test criteria: $appname \033[1m ${2} \033[0m contains: ${3} ----" ((RES_TEST++)) result="$(__do_curl$localport/${2})" if [[ $result =~ $3 ]]; then ((RES_PASS++)) echo -e "---- \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m - Test criteria met" else ((RES_FAIL++)) echo -e "---- \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m - Target '${3}' not reached, result = ${result} ----" fi else echo "Wrong args to dfc_contain_str, needs three arg: " exit 1 fi } # Store all dfc app and simulators log to the test case log dir. All logs gets a prefix to # separate logs stored at different steps in the test script. Arg: store_logs() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then __print_err "need one arg, " exit 1 fi echo "Storing all container logs and dfc app log using prefix: "$1 if ! [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then for (( i=0; i<=$DFC_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$i tmp=$(docker ps | grep $appname) if ! [ -z "$tmp" ]; then #Only stored logs from running DFC apps docker cp $appname:/var/log/ONAP/application.log $TESTLOGS/$ATC/${1}_${appname}_application.log docker logs $appname > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_$appname-docker.log 2>&1 fi done fi docker logs dfc_mr-sim > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_dfc_mr-sim-docker.log 2>&1 docker logs dfc_dr-sim > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_dfc_dr-sim-docker.log 2>&1 docker logs dfc_dr-redir-sim > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_dfc_dr-redir-sim-docker.log 2>&1 for (( i=0; i<=$FTP_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do appname=$SFTP_BASE$i docker logs $appname > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/${1}_${appname}.log 2>&1 appname=$FTPES_BASE$i docker logs $appname > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/${1}_${appname}.log 2>&1 done for (( i=0; i<=$HTTP_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do appname=$HTTP_HTTPS_BASE$i docker logs $appname > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/${1}_${appname}.log 2>&1 done docker logs dfc_consul > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_consul.log 2>&1 docker logs dfc_cbs > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_cbs.log 2>&1 } # Check the dfc application log, for all dfc instances, for WARN and ERR messages and print the count. check_dfc_logs() { for (( i=0; i<=$DFC_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$i tmp=$(docker ps | grep $appname) if ! [ -z "$tmp" ]; then #Only check logs for running dfc_apps _check_dfc_log $appname fi done } # Check dfc app log for one dfc instance, arg _check_dfc_log() { echo "Checking $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH for WARNINGs and ERRORs" foundentries=$(docker exec -it $1 grep WARN /var/log/ONAP/application.log | wc -l) if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo " Problem to search $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" else if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then echo " No WARN entries found in $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" else echo -e " Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m WARN entries in $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" fi fi foundentries=$(docker exec -it $1 grep ERR $DFC_LOGPATH | wc -l) if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo " Problem to search $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" else if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then echo " No ERR entries found in $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" else echo -e " Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m ERR entries in $1 log $DFC_LOGPATH" fi fi } print_all() { echo "---- DFC and all sim variables" for (( i=0; i<=$DFC_MAX_IDX; i++ )); do appname=$DFC_APP_BASE$i tmp=$(docker ps | grep $appname) if ! [ -z "$tmp" ]; then #Only check running dfc_apps dfc_print $i status fi done mr_print tc_info mr_print status mr_print execution_time mr_print groups mr_print changeids mr_print fileprefixes mr_print exe_time_first_poll mr_print groups/exe_time_first_poll mr_print ctr_requests mr_print groups/ctr_requests mr_print ctr_responses mr_print groups/ctr_responses mr_print ctr_files mr_print groups/ctr_files mr_print ctr_unique_files mr_print groups/ctr_unique_files mr_print groups/ctr_events mr_print ctr_events mr_print ctr_unique_PNFs mr_print groups/ctr_unique_PNFs dr_print tc_info dr_print execution_time dr_print feeds dr_print ctr_publish_query dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_query dr_print ctr_publish_query_bad_file_prefix dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_query_bad_file_prefix dr_print ctr_publish_query_published dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_query_published dr_print ctr_publish_query_not_published dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_query_not_published dr_print ctr_publish_req dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_req dr_print ctr_publish_req_bad_file_prefix dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_req_bad_file_prefix dr_print ctr_publish_req_redirect dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_req_redirect dr_print ctr_publish_req_published dr_print feeds/ctr_publish_req_published dr_print ctr_published_files dr_print feeds/ctr_published_files dr_print ctr_double_publish dr_print feeds/ctr_double_publish drr_print tc_info drr_print execution_time drr_print feeds drr_print ctr_publish_requests drr_print feeds/ctr_publish_requests drr_print ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix drr_print feeds/ctr_publish_requests_bad_file_prefix drr_print ctr_publish_responses drr_print feeds/ctr_publish_responses drr_print dwl_volume drr_print feeds/dwl_volume drr_print time_lastpublish drr_print feeds/time_lastpublish } # Print the test result print_result() { TCTEST_END=$SECONDS duration=$((TCTEST_END-TCTEST_START)) echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------- Test case: "$ATC echo "------------------------------------- Ended: "$(date) echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-- Description: "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR echo "-- Execution time: " $duration " seconds" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------- RESULTS" echo "" total=$((RES_PASS+RES_FAIL)) if [ $RES_TEST -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[1mNo tests seem to have executed. Check the script....\033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m/ __|/ __| _ \_ _| _ \_ _| | __/_\ |_ _| | | | | | _ \ __|\033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m\__ \ (__| /| || _/ | | | _/ _ \ | || |_| |_| | / _| \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m|___/\___|_|_\___|_| |_| |_/_/ \_\___|____\___/|_|_\___|\033[0m" elif [ $total != $RES_TEST ]; then echo -e "\033[1mTotal number of tests does not match the sum of passed and failed tests. Check the script....\033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m/ __|/ __| _ \_ _| _ \_ _| | __/_\ |_ _| | | | | | _ \ __|\033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m\__ \ (__| /| || _/ | | | _/ _ \ | || |_| |_| | / _| \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m|___/\___|_|_\___|_| |_| |_/_/ \_\___|____\___/|_|_\___|\033[0m" elif [ $RES_PASS = $RES_TEST ]; then echo -e "All tests \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m ___ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m | _ \/_\ / __/ __| \033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m | _/ _ \\__ \__ \\ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m |_|/_/ \_\___/___/ \033[0m" echo "" # Update test suite counter if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr ]; then tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr) ((tmpval++)) echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr fi if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_pass ]; then echo " - "$ATC " -- "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" Execution time: "$duration" seconds" >> .tmp_tcsuite_pass fi else echo -e "One or more tests with status \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m " echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ _ ___ _ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m | __/_\ |_ _| | \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m | _/ _ \ | || |__ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m |_/_/ \_\___|____|\033[0m" echo "" # Update test suite counter if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr ]; then tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr) ((tmpval++)) echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr fi if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail ]; then echo " - "$ATC " -- "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" Execution time: "$duration" seconds" >> .tmp_tcsuite_fail fi fi echo "++++ Number of tests: "$RES_TEST echo "++++ Number of passed tests: "$RES_PASS echo "++++ Number of failed tests: "$RES_FAIL echo "------------------------------------- Test case complete ---------------------------------" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" }