*** Settings *** Suite Setup Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Test Timeout Library demjson Resource Rule-Keywords.robot *** Test Cases *** add_valid_rule [Documentation] Add a valid rule. ${dict2} create dictionary rulename=youbowu0314 description=create a new rule! content=package rule03140002;\n\nimport java.util.Locale; enabled=1 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop ${jsonParams} encode ${dict2} ${response} createRule ${jsonParams} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${RULEID} get from dictionary ${respJson} ruleid set global variable ${RULEID} log ${RULEID} add_invalid_content_rule [Documentation] Add an invalid rule of which the content is incorrect!! ${dict1} create dictionary rulename=gy0307001 description=create a new rule! content=123123123 enabled=1 ${jsonParams} encode ${dict1} ${response} createRule ${jsonParams} -1 log ${response.content} add_deficient_rule [Documentation] Add an invalid rule of which some mandatory fields are missing.(rulename) ${dict3} create dictionary description=create a valid rule! content=package rule2017 enabled=1 ${jsonParams} encode ${dict3} ${response} createRule ${jsonParams} -1 query_rule_with_existing_id [Documentation] Query a rule with an existing ID. should not be empty ${RULEID} ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=1 fail Can't find the rule with the specified ruleid. query_rule_with_non_existing_id [Documentation] Query a rule with a non-existing ID. ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"invalidid"} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail query_rule_with_partial_existing_name [Documentation] Query rules with (a part of) an existing name. ${response} queryConditionRule {"rulename":"youbowu"} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}<1 fail Can't find the rule with (a part of) an existing name query_rule_with_partial_non_existing_name [Documentation] Query rules with (a part of) a non-existing name. ${response} queryConditionRule {"rulename":"zte2017"} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail query_rule_with_vaild_status [Documentation] Query rules with a valid status. ${response} queryConditionRule {"enabled":1} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}<0 fail Can't find the rule with the status valued 1. query_rule_with_invalid_status [Documentation] Query rules with an invalid status. ${response} queryConditionRule {"enabled":99} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail query_rule_with_empty_status [Documentation] Query rules with the status left empty. ${response} queryConditionRule {"enabled":""} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=0 fail query_rule_with_combinational_fields [Documentation] Query rules using the combination of different fields. ${dic} create dictionary rulename=youbowu0314 enabled=1 ${paramJson} encode ${dic} ${response} queryConditionRule ${paramJson} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}<1 fail Can't find the rules with the combination of different fields. ELSE traversalRuleAttribute ${respJson} ... ${dic} modify_rule_with_status [Documentation] modify the rule with a valid status. ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} enabled=0 content=package rule03140002 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop ${modifyParam} encode ${dic} ${modifyResp} modifyRule ${modifyParam} ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"} ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=1 fail query rule fails! (can't find the rule modified!) ELSE traversalRuleAttribute ${respJson} ... ${dic} modify_rule_with_invalid_status [Documentation] modify the rule with an invalid status. ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} enabled=88 content=package rule03140002 ${modifyParam} encode ${dic} ${modifyResponse} modifyRule ${modifyParam} -1 modify_rule_with_description [Documentation] modify the description of the rule with the new string. ${dic} create dictionary ruleid=${RULEID} description=now, i modifying the description of the rule. content=package rule03140002 loopcontrolname=closedControlLoop ${modifyParam} encode ${dic} ${modifyResp} modifyRule ${modifyParam} ${response} queryConditionRule {"ruleid":"${RULEID}"} 1 ${respJson} to json ${response.content} ${count} get from dictionary ${respJson} totalcount run keyword if ${count}!=1 fail query rule fails! ELSE traversalRuleAttribute ${respJson} ... ${dic} delete_existing_rule [Documentation] Delete an existing rule. should not be empty ${RULEID} deleteRule ${RULEID} delete_non_existing_rule [Documentation] Delete a non-existing rule. deleteRule ${RULEID} -1