Tests;Description;Code;Comments root_pods;check that pods are nor using root user or started as root; `bash script `__; kubectl unlimitted_pods;check that limits are set for pods;`bash script `__; kubectl cis_kubernetes;perform the k8s cis test suite (upstream src aquasecurity);`bash script `__;`kube-bench `__ nonssl_endpoints;check that all public HTTP endpoints exposed in ONAP cluster use SSL tunnels;`Go script `__;kubetl, nmap http_public_endpoints;check that there is no public http endpoints exposed in ONAP cluster;`bash script `__;kubectl,nmap jdpw_ports;check that there are no internal java ports;`bash script `__;kubectl, procfs kube_hunter;security suite to search k8s vulnerabilities (upstream src aquasecurity);`kube-Hunter `__; `kube-Hunter `__ versions;check that Java and Python are available only in versions recommended by SECCOM. This test is long and run only in Weekly CI chains;`python module `__;cerberus, kubernetes python lib, tern;Check the component licenses within the ONAP dockers;`bash script `__;kubectl