.. _docs_bbs: BBS (Broadband Service) ----------------------- Overview ~~~~~~~~ The BBS use case proposes using ONAP for the design, provisioning, life-cycle management and assurance of broadband services. BBS focuses on multi-Gigabit Internet Connectivity services based on PON (Passive Optical Network) access technology. In Frankfurt release, BBS enables ONAP to 1. Establish a subscriber's HSIA (High Speed Internet Access) service from an ONT (Optical Network Termination unit) to the Internet drain - The HSIA service is designed and deployed using ONAP's design and deployment capabilities - The HSIA service activation is initiated via ONAP's External APIs and orchestrated and controlled using ONAP orchestration and control capabilities. The control capabilities leverage a 3rd party controller to implement the requested actions within the technology domain/location represented by the domain specific SDN management and control function. 2. Detect the change of location for ONT devices (Nomadic ONT devices) - PNF (Re-)Registration for an ONT - Subscriber association to an ONT via ONAP's External APIs - ONT association with a expected Access UNI (PON port) when a HSIA service is created/deployed for a subscriber - PNF (Re-)Registration using ONAP's PNF registration capabilities - Service location modification that is detected by ONAP's analytic and initiated via the closed loop capabilities - The closed loop capabilities invoke a HSIA location change service that is orchestrated and controlled using ONAP capabilities and 3rd party controllers |image1| **Figure 1. Architecture Overview** System View ~~~~~~~~~~~ BBS relies on key ONAP components such as External API, SO, AAI, SDC, Policy (APEX engine), DCAE (PRH, BBS Event Processor, VES collector, VES mapper, RESTCONF collector) and SDNC |image2| **Figure 2. System View** System Set Up and configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SO: Custom Workflow Configuration ================================= :: ~/oom/kubernetes# kubectl edit cm dev-so-bpmn-infra-app-configmap ## replace "workflow:\n CreateGenericVNFV1:\n" ## with "workflow:\n custom:\n BBS_E2E_Service:\n sdnc:\n need: true\n CreateGenericVNFV1:\n" ## Restart the pod ~/oom/kubernetes# kubectl delete po dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-7556d7f6bc-8fthk As shown below, new entries need to be inserted manually in SO database (mariadb-galera) in order to map a given resource model to a specific BPMN recipe. For instance, the CPE is modeled in SDC as a VF but it is treated as PNF resource by SO by using the handlePNF BPMN recipe. Those entries need to be inserted in catalogdb database > vnf_recipe table. IMPORTANT: make sure vnf_recipe.NF_ROLE matches vnf_resource.MODEL_NAME, and vnf_recipe.VERSION_STR matches vnf_resource.MODEL_VERSION. :: root@onap-rancher-daily:/home/ubuntu# kubectl exec -ti dev-mariadb-galera-0 sh sh-4.2$ mysql -u root -p MariaDB [(none)]> use catalogdb; MariaDB [catalogdb]> INSERT INTO vnf_recipe (NF_ROLE, ACTION, SERVICE_TYPE, VERSION_STR, DESCRIPTION, ORCHESTRATION_URI, VNF_PARAM_XSD, RECIPE_TIMEOUT) VALUES ("InternetProfile", "createInstance", "NF", "1.0", "create InternetProfile", "/mso/async/services/CreateSDNCNetworkResource", '{"operationType":"AccessConnectivity"}', 180000), ("AccessConnectivity", "createInstance", "NF", "1.0", "create AccessConnectivity", "/mso/async/services/CreateSDNCNetworkResource", '{"operationType":"InternetProfile"}', 180000), ("CPE", "createInstance", "NF", "1.0", "create CPE", "/mso/async/services/HandlePNF", NULL, 180000); MariaDB [catalogdb]> select * from vnf_recipe where NF_ROLE IN ('AccessConnectivity','InternetProfile', 'CPE'); +-------+--------------------+----------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+--------------+ | id | NF_ROLE | ACTION | SERVICE_TYPE | VERSION_STR | DESCRIPTION | ORCHESTRATION_URI | VNF_PARAM_XSD | RECIPE_TIMEOUT | CREATION_TIMESTAMP | VF_MODULE_ID | +-------+--------------------+----------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+--------------+ | 10048 | InternetProfile | createInstance | NF | 1.0 | create InternetProfile | /mso/async/services/CreateSDNCNetworkResource | {"operationType":"InternetProfile"} | 1800000 | 2020-01-20 17:43:07 | NULL | | 10051 | AccessConnectivity | createInstance | NF | 1.0 | create AccessConnectivity | /mso/async/services/CreateSDNCNetworkResource | {"operationType":"AccessConnectivity"} | 1800000 | 2020-01-20 17:43:07 | NULL | | 10054 | CPE | createInstance | NF | 1.0 | create CPE | /mso/async/services/HandlePNF | NULL | 1800000 | 2020-01-20 17:43:07 | NULL | +-------+--------------------+----------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+--------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) DMaaP Message Router ==================== Create the required topics in DMaaP :: curl -kX POST \ https://mr.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30226/topics/create \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d '{ "topicName": "unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT", "topicDescription": "", "partitionCount": "", "replicationCount": "3" }' curl -kX POST \ https://mr.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30226/topics/create \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d '{ "topicName": "unauthenticated.CPE_AUTHENTICATION", "topicDescription": "", "partitionCount": "", "replicationCount": "3" }' curl -kX POST \ https://mr.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30226/topics/create \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d '{ "topicName": "unauthenticated.PNF_READY", "topicDescription": "", "partitionCount": "", "replicationCount": "3" }' curl -kX POST \ https://mr.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30226/topics/create \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d '{ "topicName": "unauthenticated.PNF_UPDATE", "topicDescription": "", "partitionCount": "", "replicationCount": "3" }' curl -k 'https://mr.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30226/topics' { "topics": [ "org.onap.dmaap.mr.PNF_REGISTRATION", "unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT", "AAI-EVENT", "SDC-DISTR-STATUS-TOPIC-AUTO", "SDC-DISTR-NOTIF-TOPIC-AUTO", "org.onap.dmaap.mr.PNF_READY", "unauthenticated.PNF_READY", "POLICY-PDP-PAP", "unauthenticated.CPE_AUTHENTICATION", "unauthenticated.VES_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT", "unauthenticated.PNF_UPDATE", "org.onap.dmaap.mr.mirrormakeragent", "__consumer_offsets" ] } DCAE: BBS Event Processor (BBS-ep) ================================== Description: :doc:`BBS-ep <https://docs.onap.org/en/frankfurt/submodules/dcaegen2.git/docs/sections/services/bbs-event-processor/>` The following BBS event processor blueprint will be used: - `k8s-bbs-event-processor.yaml <https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/blueprints/plain/blueprints/k8s-bbs-event-processor.yaml?h=frankfurt>`_ The BBS-ep deployment procedure: :: root@onap-nfs:/home/ubuntu# kubectl exec -ti dev-dcae-bootstrap-7599b45c77-czxsx -n onap bash bash-4.2$ cfy install -b bbs-ep -d bbs-ep /blueprints/k8s-bbs-event-processor.yaml IMPORTANT: Make sure that the configuration of BBS-ep in Consul contains the following version for the close loop policy in order to match the version expected by BBS APEX policy: :: "application.clVersion": "1.0.2" DCAE: RESTCONF Collector ======================== Description: :doc:`RESTCONF Collector <https://docs.onap.org/en/frankfurt/submodules/dcaegen2.git/docs/sections/services/restconf/index.html>` The following RESTCONF collector blueprint will be used: - `k8s-restconf.yaml <https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/blueprints/plain/blueprints/k8s-restconf.yaml?h=frankfurt>`_ RESTCONF Collector deployment procedure: :: root@onap-nfs:/home/ubuntu# kubectl exec -ti dev-dcae-bootstrap-7599b45c77-czxsx -n onap bash bash-4.2$ cfy install -b restconf -d restconf /blueprints/k8s-restconf.yaml DCAE: VES mapper ================ Description: :doc:`VES Mapper <https://docs.onap.org/en/frankfurt/submodules/dcaegen2.git/docs/sections/services/mapper/>` The following VES mapper blueprint will be used: - `k8s-ves-mapper.yaml <https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/blueprints/tree/blueprints/k8s-ves-mapper.yaml?h=frankfurt>`_ VES Mapper deployment procedure: :: root@onap-nfs:/home/ubuntu# kubectl exec -ti dev-dcae-bootstrap-7599b45c77-czxsx -n onap bash bash-4.2$ cfy install -b ves-mapper -d ves-mapper /blueprints/k8s-ves-mapper.yaml DCAE: VES collector =================== Configure the mapping of the VES event domain to the correct DMaaP topic in Consul: ves-statechange --> unauthenticated.CPE_AUTHENTICATION 1. Access Consul UI <http://CONSUL_SERVER_UI:30270/ui/#/dc1/services> 2. Modify the dcae-ves-collector configuration by adding a new VES domain to DMaaP topic mapping :: "ves-statechange": {"type": "message_router", "dmaap_info": {"topic_url": "http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.CPE_AUTHENTICATION"}} |image3| 3. Click on UPDATE in order to apply the new configuration SDNC: BBS DGs (Directed Graphs) =============================== Make sure that the following BBS DGs in the SDNC DGBuilder are in Active state :: bbs-access-connectivity-vnf-topology-operation-create-huawei bbs-access-connectivity-vnf-topology-operation-delete-huawei bbs-internet-profile-vnf-topology-operation-change-huawei bbs-internet-profile-vnf-topology-operation-common-huawei bbs-internet-profile-vnf-topology-operation-create-huawei bbs-internet-profile-vnf-topology-operation-delete-huawei validate-bbs-vnf-input-parameters DGBuilder URL: https://sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30203 Access SDN M&C DG ================= Configure Access SDN M&C IP address in SDNC DG using dgbuilder. For instance: > GENERIC-RESOURCE-API: bbs-access-connectivity-vnf-topology-operation-create-huawei.json > GENERIC-RESOURCE-API: bbs-access-connectivity-vnf-topology-operation-delete-huawei.json 1. Export the relevant DG 2. Modify the IP address 3. Import back the DG and Activate it DGBuilder URL: https://sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30203 Edge SDN M&C DG =============== Configure Edge SDN M&C IP address in SDNC DG using dgbuilder. For instance: > GENERIC-RESOURCE-API: bbs-access-connectivity-vnf-topology-operation-common-huawei.json 1. Export the relevant DG 2. Modify the IP address 3. Import back the DG and Activate it DGBuilder URL: https://sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30203 Add SSL certificate of the 3rd party controller into the SDNC trust store ========================================================================= :: kubectl exec -ti dev-sdnc-0 -n onap -- bash openssl s_client -connect <IP_ADDRESS_EXT_CTRL>:<PORT> # copy server certificate and paste in /tmp/<CA_CERT_NAME>.crt sudo keytool -importcert -file /tmp/<CA_CERT_NAME>.crt -alias <CA_CERT_NAME>_key -keystore truststore.onap.client.jks -storepass adminadmin keytool -list -keystore truststore.onap.client.jks -storepass adminadmin | grep <CA_CERT_NAME> Policy: BBS APEX policy ======================= Deployment procedure of BBS APEX Policy (master, apex-pdp image v2.3+) 1. Make Sure APEX PDP is running and in Active state :: API: GET URL: {{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps 2. Create the operational control loop APEX policy type :: API: POST URL: {{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes JSON Payload: https://git.onap.org/integration/usecases/bbs/tree/policy/apex/json/bbs_policytypes.json 3. Create BBS APEX policy :: API: POST URL: {{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies JSON Payload: https://git.onap.org/integration/usecases/bbs/tree/policy/apex/json/bbs_create_policy.json 4. Deploy BBS policy :: API: POST URL: {{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies JSON Payload: https://git.onap.org/integration/usecases/bbs/tree/policy/apex/json/bbs_simple_deploy.json 5. Verify the deployment :: API: GET URL: {{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies/ Edge Services: vBNG+AAA+DHCP, Edge SDN M&C ========================================== Installation and setup instructions: `Swisscom Edge SDN M&C and virtual BNG <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=63996962>`_ References ========== Please refer to the following wiki page for further steps related to the BBS service design and instantiation: - `BBS Documentation <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=75303137#BBSDocumentation(Frankfurt)-BBSServiceConfiguration>`_ Known Issues ------------ - E2E Service deletion workflow does not delete the PNF resource in AAI (`SO-2609 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SO-2609>`_) .. |image1| image:: files/bbs/BBS_arch_overview.png :width: 6.5in .. |image2| image:: files/bbs/BBS_system_view.png :width: 6.5in .. |image3| image:: files/bbs/BBS_dcae-ves-collector_config.png :width: 6.5in