.. _docs_bbs: BBS (Broadband Service) ----------------------- Overview ~~~~~~~~ The BBS use case proposes using ONAP for the design, provisioning, life-cycle management and assurance of broadband services. BBS focuses on multi-Gigabit Internet Connectivity services based on PON (Passive Optical Network) access technology. In Dublin release, BBS enables ONAP to 1. Establish a subscriber's HSIA (High Speed Internet Access) service from an ONT (Optical Network Termination unit) to the Internet drain - The HSIA service is designed and deployed using ONAP's design and deployment capabilities - The HSIA service activation is initiated via ONAP's External APIs and orchestrated and controlled using ONAP orchestration and control capabilities. The control capabilities leverage a 3rd party controller to implement the requested action within the technology domain/location represented by the domain specific SDN management and control function. 2. Detect the change of location for ONT devices (Nomadic ONT devices) - PNF (Re-)Registration for an ONT - Subscriber association to an ONT via ONAP's External APIs - ONT association with a expected Access UNI (PON port) when a HSIA service is created/deployed for a subscriber - PNF (Re-)Registration using ONAP's PNF registration capabilities - Service location modification that is detected by ONAP's analytic and initiated via the closed loop capabilities - The closed loop capabilities invoke a HSIA location change service that is orchestrated and controlled using ONAP capabilities and 3rd party controllers |image1| **Figure 1. Architecture Overview** System View ~~~~~~~~~~~ BBS relies on key ONAP components such as External API, SO, AAI, SDC, Policy (APEX engine), DCAE (PRH, BBS Event Processor, VES collector, VES mapper, RESTCONF collector) and SDNC |image2| **Figure 2. System View** System Set Up and configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please refer to the following wiki page for detailed set up and configuration instructions: `BBS Documentation ` .. |image1| image:: files/bbs/BBS_arch_overview.png :width: 6.5in .. |image2| image:: files/bbs/BBS_system_view.png :width: 6.5in