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.. _docs_5g_pnf_software_upgrade:

5G PNF Software Upgrade

The 5G PNF Software upgrade use case shows how users/network operators can modify the software running on an existing PNF. This use case is one aspect of Software Management. This could be used to update the PNF software to a newer or older version of software.

The Casablanca 5G PNF Software Upgrade Use Case Wiki Page can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/5G+-+PNF+Software+Update

How to Use
Upgrading PNF (instance) software requires the user/network operator to trigger the upgrade operation from the UI, e.g. VID or UUI. In Cacablanca, users need use ONAP Controllers GUI to trigger the LCM opeations, like pre-check, post-check and upgrade. After receiving the API requests, the ONAP controllers will communicate to the external controller(EC) through south-bound adaptors, which is Ansible in R3.

Note that, both APPC and SDNC in R3 supported Ansible. Taking SDNC and Prechecking as an example, the steps are as follows:

1) In ansible server container, prepare the ssh connection conditions to the external controller, both ssh key file and ansible inventory configuration;

2) In sdnc controller container, update the dg configuration file: lcm-dg.properties.
For example:

3) Login controller UI, access the pre-check LCM operation and send request.
Post upgrade-pre-check with the following request body:
    "input": {
      "common-header": {
      "timestamp": "2018-10-10T09:40:04.244Z",
      "api-ver": "2.00",
      "originator-id": "664be3d2-6c12-4f4b-a3e7-c349acced203",
      "sub-request-id": "1",
      "flags": {
                    "force" : "TRUE",
                    "ttl" : 60000
      "action": "UpgradePreCheck",
      "action-identifiers": {
      "payload": "{\"pnf-flag\":\"true\", \"pnf-name\": \"5gDU0001\",\"pnfId\": \"5gDU0001\", \"ipaddress-v4-oam\": \"EC_IP_address\",\"oldSwVersion\": \"v1\", \"targetSwVersion\": \"v2\", \"ruleName\": \"r001\", \"Id\": \"10\", \"additionalData\":\"{}\"}"}}

4) The HTTP API response code 200 and LCM retured code 400 (See APPC return code design specification) indicate success, otherwise failed.

Test Status and Plans
To see information on the status of the test see: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/5G+-+PNF+Software+Update+Test+Status

Known Issues and Resolutions