- name: Download helm get_url: url: "https://get.helm.sh/helm-v{{ helm_version }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz" dest: "/tmp" - name: Unarchive helm unarchive: src: "/tmp/helm-v{{ helm_version }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz" dest: "/tmp/" remote_src: yes - name: Copy helm binary to $PATH become: yes copy: src: "/tmp/linux-amd64/helm" dest: "/usr/local/bin/" remote_src: yes mode: '0555' - name: Install Helm Push plugin command: helm plugin install --version 0.9.0 https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push.git - name: Install Helm OOM Deploy plugin kubernetes.core.helm_plugin: plugin_path: "{{ oom_dir }}/kubernetes/helm/plugins/deploy" state: present - name: Install Helm OOM Undeploy plugin kubernetes.core.helm_plugin: plugin_path: "{{ oom_dir }}/kubernetes/helm/plugins/undeploy" state: present - name: Download chartmuseum install script get_url: url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/chartmuseum/v{{ chartmuseum_version }}/scripts/get-chartmuseum" dest: "/tmp/" mode: '700' - name: Install chartmuseum become: yes command: cmd: "./get-chartmuseum -v v{{ chartmuseum_version }}" chdir: "/tmp/" - name: Create chartmuseum local storage file: name: "{{ chartmuseum_dir }}" state: directory mode: '0755' - name: Install chartmuseum service file become: yes template: src: "chartmuseum.service.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/chartmuseum.service" mode: '0444' notify: Reload systemd - name: Start and enable chartmuseum become: yes service: name: "chartmuseum" state: started enabled: yes - name: Add local Helm repository kubernetes.core.helm_repository: name: "local" repo_url: "{{ chartmuseum_port }}" state: present