#!/bin/bash source /var/onap/functions kolla_config=/etc/kolla kolla_build=$kolla_config/kolla-build.conf kolla_passwords=$kolla_config/passwords.yml kolla_globals=$kolla_config/globals.yml kolla_inventory=/var/onap/files/all-in-one # install_dependencies() - Function that installs Kolla-Ansible requirements function install_dependencies { install_docker mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/kolla.conf <<-'EOF' [Service] MountFlags=shared EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker install_python_package ansible docker kolla-ansible python-openstackclient } # configure_deploy() - Function that modifies configuration files function configure_deploy { local network_id=$1 local enable_opendaylight=${2-False} local openstack_services="main = ceilometer,cinder,glance,heat,horizon,isci,keystone,neutron,nova-,swift" nic=$(ip route get $network_id | awk '{ print $4; exit }') ip_address=$(ip route get $network_id | awk '{ print $6; exit }') internal_vip_address=$(get_next_ip $ip_address) if [[ `env | grep -i "proxy"` ]]; then add_no_proxy_value $internal_vip_address fi mkdir -p $kolla_config cp /var/onap/files/globals.yml $kolla_globals cp /var/onap/files/passwords.yml $kolla_passwords cp /var/onap/files/kolla-build.conf $kolla_build kolla-genpwd echo "network_interface: \"$nic\"" >> $kolla_globals echo "kolla_internal_vip_address: \"$internal_vip_address\"" >> $kolla_globals echo "api_interface: \"{{ network_interface }}\"" >> $kolla_globals if [[ $enable_opendaylight == True ]]; then echo "enable_opendaylight: \"yes\"" >> $kolla_globals openstack_services+=",opendaylight" fi echo $openstack_services >> $kolla_build echo "$ip_address $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts } # get_openstack_images() - Function that retrieves or builds docker images function get_openstack_images { if [[ "$build_image" == "True" ]]; then install_python_package kolla kolla-build --config-file $kolla_build else kolla-ansible pull -i $kolla_inventory fi } # deploy_openstack() - Function that provisions an OpenStack deployment function deploy_openstack { install_dependencies configure_deploy ${1:-""} "True" get_openstack_images kolla-ansible deploy -i $kolla_inventory kolla-ansible post-deploy echo "source /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc }