#!/usr/bin/env sh export TOOLS_FOLDER=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0})) export ROOT_FOLDER=${PWD} . ${TOOLS_FOLDER}/rc.sh ############################################################### step_banner Artifact ciphering ############################################################### # Function to check a file is in a list file_in_list (){ LIST=$(echo $1|tr '\\n' ' ') #if we send it with CR separator FILE=$2 for FILTER in ${LIST}; do if $(echo ${FILE}| grep "^${FILTER}" 2>&1 >/dev/null); then return 0 fi done return 1 } if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/.vault ]; then #Ensure we have a NOVAULT_LIST NOVAULT_LIST="fake/file ${NOVAULT_LIST}" #Get artifacts paths INV_PATHS=$(cat .gitlab-ci.yml | yq --arg job ${CI_JOB_NAME} -r '.[$job].artifacts.paths[]') #Read paths for INV_PATH in ${INV_PATHS}; do if [ -e ${INV_PATH} ]; then #If the artifact is a directory, reads files in it if [ -d ${INV_PATH} ]; then FILES=$(find ${INV_PATH} -type f) else FILES=${INV_PATH} fi # For each file, vault or not for FILE in ${FILES}; do if $(file_in_list "${NOVAULT_LIST}" ${FILE}); then echo "${FILE}: Not vaulting" else if $(head -n1 ${FILE} |grep "^\$ANSIBLE_VAULT;" > /dev/null); then echo "${FILE}: Already vaulted" else echo "${FILE}: Vaulting" ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file ${ROOT_FOLDER}/.vault ${FILE} fi fi done fi done fi ############################################################### step_banner Cleaning all files ############################################################### if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/.vault ]; then step_line remove vault file rm ${ROOT_FOLDER}/.vault fi if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/id_rsa ]; then step_line remove ssh certs rm ${ROOT_FOLDER}/id_rsa fi if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/id_rsa.pub ]; then step_line remove pub ssh certs rm ${ROOT_FOLDER}/id_rsa.pub fi if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/ssh_config ]; then step_line remove ssh config rm ${ROOT_FOLDER}/ssh_config fi if [ -e ${ROOT_FOLDER}/vars/openstack_openrc ]; then step_line remove openstack admin rc rm ${ROOT_FOLDER}/vars/openstack_openrc fi