--- - name: fetch cloud config ansible.builtin.fetch: dest: /tmp/clouds.yaml src: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml" flat: "yes" - name: load cloud config include_vars: /tmp/clouds.yaml - name: initialize os_auth_url ansible.builtin.set_fact: os_auth_url: "{{ clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.auth_url }}" - name: add v3 at end of os_auth_url ansible.builtin.set_fact: os_auth_url: "{{ ((os_auth_url[-3:] == 'v3/') or (os_auth_url[-2:] == 'v3')) | ternary(os_auth_url | regex_replace('/$', ''), (os_auth_url[-1:] == '/') | ternary( os_auth_url ~ 'v3', os_auth_url ~ '/v3')) }}" - name: set tenant id ansible.builtin.set_fact: tenant_id: "{{ clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.project_id }}" when: clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.project_id is defined - name: retrieve tenant id block: - name: load cloud config openstack.cloud.os_client_config: # - name: retrieve info from VNF tenant # os_project_facts: # cloud: "{{ openstack_user_name }}" # name: "{{ openstack_tenant_name }}" # register: tenant # ISSUE with shade: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: # identity:list_projects. # # - name: retrieve tenant ID # set_fact: # tenant_id: "{{ tenant.ansible_facts.openstack_projects.0.id }}" - name: retrieve info from VNF tenant -- bash way shell: >- set -o pipefail && \ openstack --os-cloud {{ openstack_user_name }} project list -f json | jq -r '[.[]| select(.Name=="{{ openstack_tenant_name }}") | .ID] | first' args: executable: /bin/bash changed_when: False register: tenant - name: retrieve tenant ID -- bash way ansible.builtin.set_fact: tenant_id: "{{ tenant.stdout_lines.0 }}" when: clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.project_id is not defined - name: generate openstack info file ansible.builtin.copy: content: | openstack_user_name: {{ openstack_user_name }} openstack_tenant_name: {{ openstack_tenant_name }} openstack_tenant_id: {{ tenant_id }} dest: "{{ base_dir }}/vars/openstack_infos.yml" delegate_to: localhost - name: generate encrypted password for robot shell: | set -o pipefail &&\ echo -n '{{ clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.password }}' | openssl aes-128-ecb -e -K `cat encryption.key` -nosalt | xxd -c 256 -p args: chdir: "{{ oom_path }}/kubernetes/so/resources/config/mso" executable: /bin/bash changed_when: false register: shell - name: save robot encrypted password ansible.builtin.set_fact: robot_encrypted_password: "{{ shell.stdout }}" - name: set so_crypto container name set_fact: so_crypto: "{{ proxy_for_dockerhub }}/sdesbure/so_crypto" when: proxy_for_dockerhub | bool - name: set so_crypto container name set_fact: so_crypto: "sdesbure/so_crypto" when: not proxy_for_dockerhub | bool - name: generate encrypted password for so shell: > docker run --rm {{ so_crypto }} {{ clouds[openstack_user_name].auth.password }} `cat encryption.key` args: chdir: "{{ oom_path }}/kubernetes/so/resources/config/mso" changed_when: False register: shell - name: save so encrypted password ansible.builtin.set_fact: encrypted_password: "{{ shell.stdout }}" - name: create config override directory ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ oom_etc_path }}" recurse: "yes" state: directory - name: check if a deployment has already been done ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ deployment_file }}" register: deployment_stat - name: get deployment.yaml when: deployment_stat.stat.exists block: - name: create temporary local file for deployment.yaml ansible.builtin.tempfile: state: file suffix: temp register: tmp_deployment delegate_to: "" - name: fetch deployment info ansible.builtin.fetch: dest: "{{ tmp_deployment.path }}" src: "{{ deployment_file }}" flat: "yes" - name: load deployment info include_vars: file: "{{ tmp_deployment.path }}" - name: change deployment type if needed ansible.builtin.set_fact: deployment_type: "{{ deployment }}" when: deployment_type == "micro" or (deployment_type == "small" and deployment != "micro" ) or deployment == "full" always: - name: destroy the local tmp_deployment ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ tmp_deployment.path }}" state: absent delegate_to: "" - name: "generate config override template for deployment {{ deployment_type }}" ansible.builtin.template: src: onap-overrides.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ override_file }}" - name: check if pre generated component override file exists ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ base_dir }}/vars/components-overrides.yml" delegate_to: localhost register: stat - name: copy pre generated component override file ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ override_components }}" src: "{{ base_dir }}/vars/components-overrides.yml" when: stat.stat.exists - name: "generate config override template for deployment {{ deployment_type }}" ansible.builtin.template: src: components-overrides.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ override_components }}" when: (not stat.stat.exists) and (core_onap or small_onap or medium_onap) - name: "generate so override template" ansible.builtin.template: src: so-overrides.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ override_gating_component }}" when: project == 'so' - name: save on which step we are ansible.builtin.copy: content: | --- deployment: {{ deployment_type }} dest: "{{ deployment_file }}" - name: "[facts retrieved] get first node IP address (case ip not defined)" ansible.builtin.set_fact: first_node_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['kube-node'].0].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" when: gather_nodes_fact - name: "[No Facts retrieved] get first node IP address (case ip not defined)" ansible.builtin.set_fact: first_node_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['kube-node'].0].ip }}" when: not gather_nodes_fact - name: generate etc/hosts for utilities become: "yes" ansible.builtin.blockinfile: path: /etc/hosts marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED UTILITIES HOSTS" block: | {{ first_node_ip }} minio.minio {{ first_node_ip }} {{ postgres_svc }}.{{ postgres_namespace }}