# onap-java This project aims to produce a reference ONAP baseline including JAVA 11. ## versions ### 7.2.0 Added 'openssl' (OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020) ### 7.1.0 It is based on adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.8\_10-alpine Alpine images are GPLv3 free, which is required by the TSC. ### 7.0.0 It is based on the Debian image 11.0.6-jre-slim. When you create your docker from this docker you need to copy your jar file under /opt/onap/app.jar. You may sepecif 2 env variable to customize the way you are stating java: - ENV JAVA_OPTS: by default set to -Xms256m -Xmx1g - ENV JAVA_SEC_OPTS: empty by default