path: root/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/functions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/functions')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/functions b/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/functions
deleted file mode 100755
index f40761f59..000000000
--- a/bootstrap/vagrant-onap/lib/functions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-source /var/onap/commons
-source /var/onap/config/env-vars
-source /var/onap/_composed_functions
-source /var/onap/_onap_functions
-export MTU=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep MTU | sed 's/.*MTU://' | sed 's/ .*//' |sort -n | head -1)
-export NIC=$(ip route get | awk '{ print $5; exit }')
-export IP_ADDRESS=$(ifconfig $NIC | grep "inet addr" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d':' -f2)
-# configure_dns() - DNS/GW IP address configuration
-function configure_dns {
- echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
- resolvconf -u
-# get_next_ip() - Function that provides the next ip
-function get_next_ip {
- local ip=${1:-$IP_ADDRESS}
- ip_hex=$(printf '%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X\n' `echo $ip | sed -e 's/\./ /g'`)
- next_ip_hex=$(printf %.8X `echo $(( 0x$ip_hex + 1 ))`)
- echo $(printf '%d.%d.%d.%d\n' `echo $next_ip_hex | sed -r 's/(..)/0x\1 /g'`)
-# _git_timed() - git can sometimes get itself infinitely stuck with transient network
-# errors or other issues with the remote end. This wraps git in a
-# timeout/retry loop and is intended to watch over non-local git
-# processes that might hang.
-function _git_timed {
- local count=0
- local timeout=0
- install_package git
- until timeout -s SIGINT ${timeout} git "$@"; do
- # 124 is timeout(1)'s special return code when it reached the
- # timeout; otherwise assume fatal failure
- if [[ $? -ne 124 ]]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- count=$(($count + 1))
- if [ $count -eq 3 ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- sleep 5
- done
-# clone_repo() - Clone Git repository into specific folder
-function clone_repo {
- local repo_url=${3:-""}
- local repo=$1
- local dest_folder=${2:-$git_src_folder/$repo}
- if [ ! -d $dest_folder ]; then
- if [[ "$debug" == "False" ]]; then
- _git_timed clone --quiet ${repo_url}${repo} $dest_folder
- else
- _git_timed clone ${repo_url}${repo} $dest_folder
- fi
- fi
-# clone_repos() - Function that clones source repositories for a given project
-function clone_repos {
- local project=$1
- local repo_name=${2:-$project}
- for repo in ${repos[$project]}; do
- clone_repo $repo ${src_folders[$project]}${repo#*$repo_name}
- done
-# _install_bind() - Install bind utils
-function _install_bind {
- install_packages bind9 bind9utils
-# install_java() - Install java binaries
-function install_java {
- if is_package_installed openjdk-8-jdk; then
- return
- fi
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- install_package software-properties-common
- add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
- ;;
- rhel|centos|fedora)
- ;;
- esac
- update_repos
- # Remove Java 7
- uninstall_packages default-jre openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jre-headless
- install_package openjdk-8-jdk
- # ca-certificates-java is not a dependency in the Oracle JDK/JRE so this must be explicitly installed.
- /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure
-# install_maven() - Install maven binaries
-function install_maven {
- if is_package_installed maven3; then
- return
- fi
- install_java
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- install_package software-properties-common
- add-apt-repository -y ppa:andrei-pozolotin/maven3
- ;;
- rhel|centos|fedora)
- ;;
- esac
- update_repos
- install_package maven3
- # Remove Java 7
- uninstall_package openjdk-7-jdk
- _configure_maven
-# _configure_docker_settings() - Configures Docker settings
-function _configure_docker_settings {
- local docker_conf_backup=/tmp/docker.backup
- local docker_conf=/etc/default/docker
- local
- local max_concurrent_downloads=${1:-3}
- cp ${docker_conf} ${docker_conf_backup}
- if [ $http_proxy ]; then
- echo "export http_proxy=$http_proxy" >> $docker_conf
- fi
- if [ $https_proxy ]; then
- echo "export https_proxy=$https_proxy" >> $docker_conf
- #If you have a socks proxy, then use that to connect to the nexus repo
- #via a redsocks container
- if [ $socks_proxy ]; then
- wget$chameleonsocks_filename
- chmod 755 $chameleonsocks_filename
- socks=$(echo $socks_proxy | sed -e "s/^.*\///" | sed -e "s/:.*$//")
- port=$(echo $socks_proxy | sed -e "s/^.*://")
- PROXY=$socks PORT=$port ./$chameleonsocks_filename --install
- rm $chameleonsocks_filename
- cp ${docker_conf_backup} ${docker_conf}
- fi
- fi
- rm ${docker_conf_backup}
- echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --max-concurrent-downloads $max_concurrent_downloads \"" >> $docker_conf
- usermod -aG docker $USER
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- service docker restart
- sleep 10
- ;;
- rhel|centos|fedora)
- ;;
- esac
-# install_nodejs() - Download and install NodeJS
-function install_nodejs {
- if is_package_installed nodejs; then
- return
- fi
- curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
- install_package nodejs
- # Update NPM to latest version
- npm install npm -g
-# install_python() - Install Python 2.7 and other tools necessary for development.
-function install_python {
- install_packages python2.7 python-dev
-# _install_pip() - Install Python Package Manager
-function _install_pip {
- install_python
- if ! which pip; then
- curl -sL | python
- fi
-# install_python_package() - Install python modules
-function install_python_package {
- local python_packages=$@
- _install_pip
- pip install $python_packages
-# install_python_requirements() - Install a list of python modules defined in requirement.txt file
-function install_python_requirements {
- local python_project_path=$1
- _install_pip
- pushd $python_project_path
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- popd
-# install_docker() - Download and install docker-engine
-function install_docker {
- if $(docker version &>/dev/null); then
- return
- fi
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- install_packages software-properties-common linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl
- curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
- add-apt-repository \
- "deb [arch=amd64] \
- $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
- ;;
- rhel|centos|fedora)
- ;;
- esac
- update_repos
- install_package docker-ce
- _configure_docker_settings
-# pull_docker_image() - Pull Docker container image from the Public Docker Registry Hub
-function pull_docker_image {
- install_docker
- local image=$1
- local tag=$2
- docker pull ${image}
- if [ ${tag} ]; then
- docker tag ${image} $tag
- fi
-# wait_docker_pull() - Function that waits for all docker pull processes
-function wait_docker_pull {
- local counter=60
- local delay=${1:-60}
- sleep $delay
- while [ $(ps -ef | grep "docker pull" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; do
- sleep $delay
- counter=$((counter - 1))
- if [ "$counter" -eq 0 ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
-# run_docker_image() - Starts a Docker instance
-function run_docker_image {
- install_docker
- docker run $@
-# run_docker_compose() - Ensures that docker compose is installed and run it in background
-function run_docker_compose {
- local folder=$1
- install_docker_compose
- pushd $folder
- /opt/docker/docker-compose up -d
- popd
-# install_docker_compose() - Download and install docker-engine
-function install_docker_compose {
- local docker_compose_version=${1:-1.12.0}
- if [ ! -d /opt/docker ]; then
- mkdir /opt/docker
- curl -L$docker_compose_version/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /opt/docker/docker-compose
- chmod +x /opt/docker/docker-compose
- fi
-# install_chefdk() - Install ChefDK package
-function install_chefdk {
- local chefdk_version="2.4.17"
- if is_package_installed chefdk; then
- return
- fi
- pushd $(mktemp -d)
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- chefdk_pkg="chefdk_$chefdk_version-1_amd64.deb"
- chefdk_url="$chefdk_version/ubuntu/$VERSION_ID/$chefdk_pkg"
- wget $chefdk_url
- dpkg -i $chefdk_pkg
- apt-get install -f -y
- ;;
- rhel|centos|fedora)
- rpm -Uvh "$chefdk_version/el/7/chefdk-$chefdk_version-1.el7.x86_64.rpm"
- ;;
- esac
- popd
-# _install_ODL() - Download and Install OpenDayLight SDN controller
-function _install_ODL {
- if [ ! -d /opt/opendaylight/current ]; then
- mkdir -p /opt/opendaylight/
- wget ""$odl_version"/distribution-karaf-"$odl_version".tar.gz" -P /opt/
- tar xvf "/opt/distribution-karaf-"$odl_version".tar.gz" -C /tmp/
- mv "/tmp/distribution-karaf-"$odl_version /opt/opendaylight/current
- rm -rf "/opt/distribution-karaf-"$odl_version".tar.gz"
- fi
-# start_ODL() - Start OpenDayLight SDN controller
-function start_ODL {
- _install_ODL
- if [ -d /opt/opendaylight ]; then
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
- /opt/opendaylight/current/bin/start
- sleep 180
- /opt/opendaylight/current/bin/client feature:install odl-dlux-all
- fi
-# compile_src() - Function that compiles the java source code thru maven
-function compile_src {
- local src_folder=$1
- pushd $src_folder
- local mvn_build='mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none'
- if [[ "$debug" == "False" ]]; then
- mvn_build+=" -q"
- fi
- if [ -f pom.xml ]; then
- install_maven
- echo "Compiling $src_folder folder..."
- eval $mvn_build
- fi
- popd
-# compile_repos() - Function that compiles source repositories for a given project
-function compile_repos {
- local project=$1
- for repo in ${repos[$project]}; do
- compile_src ${src_folders[$project]}${repo#*$project}
- done
-# build_docker_image() - Build Docker container image from source code
-function build_docker_image {
- local src_folder=$1
- local profile=$2
- install_docker
- pushd $src_folder
- if [ -f pom.xml ]; then
- install_maven
- # Cleanup external repo
- sed -i 's|${docker.push.registry}/||g' pom.xml
- local docker_build="mvn clean package docker:build -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"
- if [ $profile ]; then
- docker_build+=" -P $profile"
- fi
- if [[ "$debug" == "False" ]]; then
- docker_build+=" -q"
- fi
- if [ $http_proxy ]; then
- if ! grep -ql "docker.buildArg.http_proxy" pom.xml ; then
- docker_build+=" -Ddocker.buildArg.http_proxy=$http_proxy"
- fi
- if ! grep -ql "docker.buildArg.HTTP_PROXY" pom.xml ; then
- docker_build+=" -Ddocker.buildArg.HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy"
- fi
- fi
- if [ $https_proxy ]; then
- if ! grep -ql "docker.buildArg.https_proxy" pom.xml ; then
- docker_build+=" -Ddocker.buildArg.https_proxy=$https_proxy"
- fi
- if ! grep -ql "docker.buildArg.HTTPS_PROXY" pom.xml ; then
- docker_build+=" -Ddocker.buildArg.HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy"
- fi
- fi
- elif [ -f Dockerfile ]; then
- # NOTE: Workaround for dmmapbc images
- sed -i '/LocalKey/d' Dockerfile
- sed -i "s/\:10003\///g" Dockerfile
- local docker_build="docker build -t $profile -f ./Dockerfile ."
- if [ $http_proxy ]; then
- docker_build+=" --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy"
- docker_build+=" --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy"
- fi
- if [ $https_proxy ]; then
- docker_build+=" --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy"
- docker_build+=" --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy"
- fi
- fi
- echo $docker_build
- eval $docker_build
- popd
-# mount_external_partition() - Create partition and mount the external volume
-function mount_external_partition {
- local dev_name="/dev/$1"
- local mount_dir=$2
- sfdisk $dev_name << EOF
- mkfs -t ext4 ${dev_name}1
- mkdir -p $mount_dir
- mount ${dev_name}1 $mount_dir
- echo "${dev_name}1 $mount_dir ext4 errors=remount-ro,noatime,barrier=0 0 1" >> /etc/fstab
-# add_no_proxy_value() - Add no_proxy values into environment file, used for internal IPs generated at deploy time
-function add_no_proxy_value {
- if [[ `grep "no_proxy" /etc/environment` ]]; then
- sed -i.bak "s/^no_proxy.*$/&,$1/" /etc/environment
- else
- echo "no_proxy=$1" >> /etc/environment
- fi
- if [[ `grep "NO_PROXY" /etc/environment` ]]; then
- sed -i.bak "s/^NO_PROXY.*$/&,$1/" /etc/environment
- else
- echo "NO_PROXY=$1" >> /etc/environment
- fi