# Cloud region sample # Cloud region resource is one of the biggest to describe (if you want to configure it with OpenStack) # Please fill the data based on your OpenStack instance RC v3 file (ask OpenStack admin). # odpSchemaVersion: 1.1 resources: cloud-regions: - cloud-region: cloud-owner: sample-cloud-owner cloud-region-id: RegionOne orchestration-disabled: false in-maint: false complex: physical-location-id: sample-complex # Make sure it exists! register-to-multicloud: true availability-zones: - cloud-owner: sample-cloud-owner availability-zone-name: sample-availbility-zone hypervisor-type: nova esr-system-infos: # Take these information from openstack config file - esr-system-info-id: 5433b0ac-594d-41f7-911d-dfe413e1cb2c # Has to be unique user-name: username password: password system-type: VIM service-url: cloud-domain: Default default-tenant: default-tenant projects: - project: name: test-project-1234 tenants: - tenant-id: "12345" tenant-name: test-tenant lines-of-business: - line-of-business: name: test-tenant-lob owning-entities: - owning-entity: name: test-oe id: test-oe