"""SDC properties mixins module.""" """ Copyright 2021 Deutsche Telekom AG Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import logging from abc import ABC from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union from onapsdk.exceptions import SDKException, ValidationError, ParameterError # type: ignore from onapsdk.sdc.component import Component # type: ignore from onapsdk.sdc.properties import NestedInput, Property, ComponentProperty # type: ignore from onapsdk.sdc.sdc_resource import SdcResource # type: ignore from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf # type: ignore class SdcPropertiesMixins(ABC): """Mixins class for properties handling. Mixin class for propoerties preparation for SdcResources and Components. """ def set_properties( self, propresource: Union[SdcResource, Component], data: List[Any] ) -> None: """Set properties an SdcResource. Args: sdcresource (SdcResource): the SdcResource the properties should belong to data (Dict[List, Any]): Data needed to create resource. Raises ValidationError """ for property_data in data: if any( (prop.name == property_data["name"] for prop in propresource.properties) ): prop = propresource.get_property(property_data["name"]) prop.value = property_data.get("value") else: proptype = property_data.get("type") if proptype is None: raise ValidationError( f"New Property '{str(property_data['name'])}' is missing a type!" ) property = Property( name=property_data["name"], property_type=proptype, value=property_data.get("value"), ) try: propresource.add_property(property) except SDKException: raise ParameterError( f"Creation of new property '{str(property_data['name'])}' " f"for resourceclass '{str(propresource.__class__.__name__)}' is not provided yet!" ) def declare_input(self, propresource: Union[SdcResource, Component], property_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Declare input. Method to get a property from a component and create an input for it. Args: propresource (Union[SdcResource, Component]): Resource to create an input property_data (Dict[str, Any]): Data used to create an input Raises: ValidationError: Provided data is invalid - missing property type ParameterError: Declaring input returns an SDC error """ proptype = property_data.get("type") if proptype is None: raise ValidationError( "New input '{0}' is missing a type!".format( str(property_data["name"]) ) ) property = Property( name=property_data["name"], property_type=proptype, value=property_data.get("value"), ) try: propresource.add_property(property) propresource.declare_input(property) except SDKException: raise ParameterError( f"Creation of new input '{str(property_data['name'])}' is not provided yet!" ) def declare_nested_input(self, propresource: Union[SdcResource, Component], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Declare nested input. Args: propresource (SdcResource): Resource for which nested input is going to be declared data (Dict[str, Any]): Data used for input creation. """ if not isinstance(propresource, SdcResource): logging.error("Can't declare nested inputs for components!") return comp: Component = propresource.get_component_by_name(data["resource"]) propresource.declare_input(NestedInput(comp.sdc_resource, comp.sdc_resource.get_input(data["name"]))) def declare_resource_property_input( self, sdc_resource: Union[SdcResource, Component], input_data: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Declare input from resource's property. Args: sdc_resource (SdcResource): Resource for which input is going to be declared input_data (Dict[str, Any]): Data used for input creation. """ if not isinstance(sdc_resource, Vf): logging.error("Resource property as input is currently supported only for Vf resources.") return resource_component: Component = sdc_resource.get_component_by_name( input_data["resource"] ) component_property: ComponentProperty = resource_component.get_property( input_data["name"] ) sdc_resource.declare_input(component_property) def set_inputs( self, sdc_resource: Union[SdcResource, Component], inputs_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: """Set inputs of an SdcResource. Args: sdc_resource (SdcResource): the SdcResource the inputs should belong to inputs_data (Dict[str, Any]): Input data to be set into resource. """ for input_data in inputs_data: # type: Dict[str, Any] if input_data.get("nested-input"): self.declare_nested_input(sdc_resource, input_data) elif input_data.get("resource-property"): self.declare_resource_property_input(sdc_resource, input_data) # In case resource already has input with given name then set its value only elif any( ( resource_input.name == input_data["name"] for resource_input in sdc_resource.inputs ) ): sdc_resource.set_input_default_value( sdc_resource.get_input(input_data["name"]), input_data.get("value"), ) else: self.declare_input(sdc_resource, input_data)