*** Settings *** Documentation The main interface for interacting with VID. It handles low level stuff like managing the selenium request library and VID required steps Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library ExtendedSelenium2Library Resource global_properties.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Setup Browser [Documentation] Sets up browser based upon the value of ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER} Run Keyword If '${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER}' == 'firefox' Setup Browser Firefox Run Keyword If '${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER}' == 'chrome' Setup Browser Chrome Log Running with ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER} Setup Browser Firefox ${dc} Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX sys, selenium.webdriver Set To Dictionary ${dc} elementScrollBehavior 1 Create Webdriver Firefox desired_capabilities=${dc} Set Global Variable ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_CAPABILITIES} ${dc} Setup Browser Chrome ${chrome options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys Call Method ${chrome options} add_argument no-sandbox ${dc} Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].DesiredCapabilities.CHROME sys, selenium.webdriver Set To Dictionary ${dc} elementScrollBehavior 1 Create Webdriver Chrome chrome_options=${chrome_options} desired_capabilities=${dc} Set Global Variable ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_CAPABILITIES} ${dc} Handle Proxy Warning [Documentation] Handle Intermediate Warnings from Proxies ${status} ${data}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Variable Should Exist \${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_TITLE} Return From Keyword if '${status}' != 'PASS' ${status} ${data}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Variable Should Exist \${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_CONTINUE_XPATH} Return From Keyword if '${status}' != 'PASS' Return From Keyword if "${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_TITLE}" == '' Return From Keyword if "${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_CONTINUE_XPATH}" == '' ${test} ${value}= Run keyword and ignore error Title Should Be ${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_TITLE} Run keyword If '${test}' == 'PASS' Click Element xpath=${GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_CONTINUE_XPATH}