*** Settings *** Documentation Integration tests for PRH. ... PRH receive events from DMaaP and produce or not PNF_READY notification depends on required fields in received event. PRH comunicates with AAI and DMaaP through SSL Suite Setup Run keywords Create headers AND Create sessions AND Ensure Container Is Running ssl_prh AND Ensure Container Is Exited prh Suite Teardown Ensure Container Is Running prh Test Teardown Reset Simulators Library resources/PrhLibrary.py Resource resources/prh_library.robot Resource ../../common.robot *** Variables *** ${TEST_CASES_DIR} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/assets ${DMAAP_SIMULATOR_SETUP_URL} http://${DMAAP_SIMULATOR_SETUP} ${AAI_SIMULATOR_SETUP_URL} http://${AAI_SIMULATOR_SETUP} ${CONSUL_SETUP_URL} http://${CONSUL_SETUP} *** Test Cases *** Valid DMaaP event can be converted to PNF_READY notification with ssl connection to AAI [Template] Verify PNF ready sent ${TEST_CASES_DIR}/ves-event-without-additional-fields