/** * Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.send; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service; import org.onap.holmes.common.api.entity.CorrelationRule; import org.onap.holmes.common.exception.CorrelationException; import org.onap.holmes.common.utils.DbDaoUtil; import org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.bolt.enginebolt.EngineWrapper; import org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.db.CorrelationRuleDao; import org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.msb.EngineIpList; import org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.wrapper.RuleQueryWrapper; import org.onap.holmes.rulemgt.wrapper.RuleMgtWrapper; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.*; @Service @Slf4j public class RuleAllocation { private final static int ENABLE = 1; @Inject private RuleMgtWrapper ruleMgtWrapper; @Inject private RuleQueryWrapper ruleQueryWrapper; @Inject private EngineWrapper engineWrapper; @Inject private EngineIpList engineIpList; @Inject private DbDaoUtil daoUtil; private CorrelationRuleDao correlationRuleDao; private int ruleCount; private int serviceCount; private List temIpList = new ArrayList<>(); private List engineService = new ArrayList<>(); private List allRules = new ArrayList<>(); @PostConstruct public void initDaoUtilAndEngineIp() throws Exception{ correlationRuleDao = daoUtil.getJdbiDaoByOnDemand(CorrelationRuleDao.class); temIpList = engineIpList.getServiceCount(); } public void judgeAndAllocateRule(List ipList)throws Exception{ if(ipList != null) { engineService = ipList; serviceCount = ipList.size(); } if(temIpList.size() < serviceCount){ //extend List deleteRule = calculateRule(temIpList); List allocateRule = calculateRule(temIpList); List extendIp = extendCompareIp(engineService,temIpList); AllocateService(extendIp,allocateRule); deleteRuleFromFormerEngine(deleteRule,temIpList); } else if (temIpList.size() > serviceCount) { //destroy List destroyIp = destroyCompareIp(engineService, temIpList); AllocateService(restIp(destroyIp), relocateRuleAfterDestroy(destroyIp)); } else if(temIpList.size() == serviceCount) { temIpList = engineService; return; } temIpList = engineService; } // When the engine is expanding, the rules that need to be allocated are calculated. private List calculateRule(List oldIpList) throws Exception{ allRules = ruleQueryWrapper.queryRuleByEnable(ENABLE); if(allRules != null) { ruleCount = allRules.size(); } int count = ruleCount / serviceCount; int remainder = ruleCount % serviceCount; List subRule = new ArrayList<>(); for(String ip : oldIpList) { List rules = ruleQueryWrapper.queryRuleByEngineInstance(ip); List tem = rules.subList(count + (remainder-- / oldIpList.size()),rules.size()); subRule.addAll(tem); } return subRule; } //Rules that need to be allocated after the engine is destroyed private List relocateRuleAfterDestroy(List destroyIpList) throws CorrelationException { List rules = new ArrayList<>(); try{ if(destroyIpList != null){ for(String ip : destroyIpList) { rules.addAll(ruleQueryWrapper.queryRuleByEngineInstance(ip)); } } }catch(CorrelationException e) { log.error("method relocateRuleAfterDestroy get data from DB failed !" +e.getMessage()); } return rules; } //Extended IP private List extendCompareIp(List newList, List oldList){ List extendIpList = new ArrayList<>(); for( String ip :newList) { if(! oldList.contains(ip)) { extendIpList.add(ip); } } return extendIpList; } //Destroyed IP private List destroyCompareIp(List newList, List oldList) { List destroyIpList = new ArrayList<>(); for(String ip : oldList) { if(!newList.contains(ip)) { destroyIpList.add(ip); } } return destroyIpList; } //Residual IP after destruction private List restIp(List destroyIp) { List restIpList = new ArrayList<>(); for(String ip : engineService) { if(!destroyIp.contains(ip)) { restIpList.add(ip); } } return restIpList; } public void AllocateService(List extendIpList, List subList) throws Exception{ List needIpList = getSortIp(extendIpList); for(int i=0,j=0;j < subList.size();i++,j++ ){ int index = i % needIpList.size(); String deployIp = needIpList.get(index); CorrelationRule rule = subList.get(j); rule.setEngineInstance(deployIp); allocateDeployRule(rule,deployIp); } } //The IP to be allocated is in ascending order, and the least is circulate. private List getSortIp(List ipList){ List ipRuleList = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); try{ for(String ip : ipList){ ipRuleList = ruleQueryWrapper.queryRuleByEngineInstance(ip); if(ipRuleList != null) { hashMap.put(ip, String.valueOf(ipRuleList.size())); } } }catch (Exception e){ log.error("getEngineIp4AddRule failed !" + e.getMessage()); } List> list_Data = new ArrayList>(hashMap.entrySet()); Collections.sort(list_Data, new Comparator>() { public int compare(Map.Entry o1, Map.Entry o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } }); List needList = new ArrayList<>(); for(Map.Entry map: list_Data) { String key = map.getKey(); needList.add(key); } return needList; } private void allocateDeployRule(CorrelationRule rule, String ip) throws CorrelationException { try{ ruleMgtWrapper.deployRule2Engine(rule,ip); correlationRuleDao.updateRule(rule); }catch (CorrelationException e){ throw new CorrelationException("allocate Deploy Rule failed", e); } } private void deleteRuleFromFormerEngine(List subRule, List oldList) { try{ for(String ip : oldList){ for(CorrelationRule rule: subRule) { if(ip.equals(rule.getEngineInstance())) { engineWrapper.deleteRuleFromEngine(rule.getPackageName(),ip); } } } }catch (CorrelationException e) { log.error("When the engine is extended, deleting rule failed" +e.getMessage()); } } }