apidescription: ZTE Holmes rule Management rest API # use the simple server factory if you only want to run on a single port #server: # type: simple # connector: # type: http # port: 12003 server: type: simple rootPath: '/api/correlation-mgt/v1/*' applicationContextPath: / adminContextPath: /admin connector: type: http port: 12004 # Logging settings. logging: # The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL. level: INFO # Logger-specific levels. loggers: # Sets the level for 'com.example.app' to DEBUG. com.example: DEBUG appenders: - type: console threshold: INFO timeZone: UTC logFormat: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SSS} %-5p [%c][%t] - %m%n" - type: file threshold: INFO logFormat: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SSS} %-5p [%c][%t] - %m%n" currentLogFilename: ../logs/fm-relation.log archivedLogFilenamePattern: ../logs/zip/fm-relation-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz archivedFileCount: 7 # - type: socketJson threshold: INFO # autoDiscover: false # logstashServiceName: logstash # logstashServiceVersion: v1 #database database: driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver user: root password: root #url: jdbc:mysql://${db_ip}:${db_port}/mysql?useUnicode=relationtesttrue&characterEncoding=UTF8 url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/relationtest?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8 properties: charSet: UTF-8 maxWaitForConnection: 1s validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1" minSize: 8 maxSize: 100 checkConnectionWhileIdle: false evictionInterval: 10s minIdleTime: 1s #dbServiceName: dbService # dbServiceVersion: v1 #mqConfig: # brokerIp: # brokerPort: 61616 # autoDiscover: false # mqServiceName: activemq # mqServiceVersion: v1 # #cacheConfig: # cacheServerIp: # cacheServerPort: 27017 # autoDiscover: false # cacheServiceName: mongodbService # cacheServiceVersion: v1 # asNamespace: zenap # type: mongodb # userName: zenap # password: zenap # # the micro service ip #msbClientConfig: # msbSvrIp: # msbSvrPort: 10081 #kafkaClientConf: # bootstrapServers: # autoDiscover: true # kafkaServiceName: kafka # kafkaServiceVersion: v1 # consumerConf: # properties: # value.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer # producerConf: # properties: # value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer # #zkConfig: # connectString: # retryPolicy: # type: boundedExponentialBackoff # baseSleepTimeMs: 50 # maxSleepTimeMs: 500 # maxRetries: 3 # sessionTimeout: 60 # connectionTimeout: 15 # autoDiscover: true # zkServiceName: zk # zkServiceVersion: v1 # #ftpServiceConfig: # type: ftp # pasv: false # userName: uep # userPassword: U_tywg_2008_ftp # ftpServerAddress: # ftpServerPort: 20021 # ftpsServerAddress: # ftpsServerPort: 20021 # sftpServerAddress: # sftpServerPort: 20021 #