#!/bin/sh # # Copyright 2017-2020 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # DIRNAME=`dirname $0` RUNHOME=`cd $DIRNAME/; pwd` echo @RUNHOME@ $RUNHOME echo @JAVA_HOME@ $JAVA_HOME JAVA="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" echo @JAVA@ $JAVA main_path=$RUNHOME/.. cd $main_path JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx1g" port=9202 #JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=*:$port,server=y,suspend=n" echo @JAVA_OPTS@ $JAVA_OPTS class_path="$main_path/lib/*" echo @class_path@ $class_path if [ -z ${JDBC_USERNAME} ]; then export JDBC_USERNAME=holmes echo "No user name is specified for the database. Use the default value \"$JDBC_USERNAME\"." fi if [ -z ${JDBC_PASSWORD} ]; then export JDBC_PASSWORD=holmespwd echo "No password is specified for the database. Use the default value \"$JDBC_PASSWORD\"." fi if [ -z ${DB_NAME} ]; then export DB_NAME=holmes echo "No database is name is specified. Use the default value \"$DB_NAME\"." fi # if deployed using helm, use the helm-generated configuration file. if [ -d /opt/hemconfig ]; then cp /opt/hemconfig/engine-d.yml "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" else sed -i "s|url:.*|url: jdbc:postgresql://$URL_JDBC/$DB_NAME|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|user:.*|user: $JDBC_USERNAME|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|password:.*|password: $JDBC_PASSWORD|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" fi export SERVICE_IP=`hostname -i` echo SERVICE_IP=${SERVICE_IP} if [ ! -z ${TESTING} -a ${TESTING} = 1 ]; then if [ ! -z ${HOST_IP} ]; then export HOSTNAME=${HOST_IP}:9102 else export HOSTNAME=${SERVICE_IP}:9102 fi fi export DB_PORT=5432 if [ ! -z ${URL_JDBC} -a `expr index $URL_JDBC :` != 0 ]; then export DB_PORT="${URL_JDBC##*:}" fi echo DB_PORT=$DB_PORT if [ -z ${ENABLE_ENCRYPT} ]; then export ENABLE_ENCRYPT=true fi echo ENABLE_ENCRYPT=$ENABLE_ENCRYPT KEY_PATH="/opt/onap/conf/holmes.keystore" KEY_PASSWORD="holmes" #HTTPS Configurations sed -i "s|keyStorePath:.*|keyStorePath: $KEY_PATH|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|keyStorePassword:.*|keyStorePassword: $KEY_PASSWORD|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" if [ ${ENABLE_ENCRYPT} = true ]; then sed -i "s|type:\s*https\?$|type: https|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?keyStorePath|keyStorePath|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?keyStorePassword|keyStorePassword|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?validateCerts|validateCerts|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?validatePeers|validatePeers|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" else sed -i 's|type:\s*https\?$|type: http|' "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?keyStorePath|#keyStorePath|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?keyStorePassword|#keyStorePassword|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?validateCerts|#validateCerts|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" sed -i "s|#\?validatePeers|#validatePeers|" "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" fi cat "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml" ${RUNHOME}/initDB.sh "$JDBC_USERNAME" "$JDBC_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" "$DB_PORT" "${URL_JDBC%:*}" "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$class_path" org.onap.holmes.engine.EngineDActiveApp server "$main_path/conf/engine-d.yml"