# new feature # Tags: optional Feature: Service Catalog Background: * url nbiBaseUrl * def Context = Java.type('org.onap.nbi.test.Context'); * call Context.startServers(); Scenario: testServiceCatalogGetResourceWithoutTosca Given path 'serviceSpecification','1e3feeb0-8e36-46c6-862c-236d9c626439_withoutTosca' When method get Then status 206 And match $ contains { id : '1e3feeb0-8e36-46c6-862c-236d9c626439' , name : 'vFW' , invariantUUID : 'b58a118e-eeb9-4f6e-bdca-e292f84d17df' , toscaModelURL : '/sdc/v1/catalog/services/1e3feeb0-8e36-46c6-862c-236d9c626439toto/toscaModel' , distributionStatus : 'DISTRIBUTED' , version : '2.0' , lifecycleStatus : 'CERTIFIED' , @type : 'ONAPservice' , attachment : '#array' , relatedParty : '#notnull' , resourceSpecification : '#array' } And match $.relatedParty contains { name : 'Joni Mitchell', role : 'lastUpdater' } And match $.resourceSpecification[0] contains { name : 'vFW-vSINK', resourceInstanceName : 'vFW-vSINK 0', resourceType : 'VF' , resourceInvariantUUID : '18b90934-aa82-456f-938e-e74a07a426f3' , @type : 'ONAPresource', modelCustomizationName : 'vFW-vSINK 0' } And match $.resourceSpecification == '#[2]' And match $.attachment == '#[5]' Scenario: findServiceCatalog Given path 'serviceSpecification' When method get Then status 200 And assert response.length == 21 And match $[0] contains { id : '446afaf6-79b5-420e-aff8-7551b00bb510' , name : 'FreeRadius-service' , invariantUUID : '7e4781e8-6c6e-41c5-b889-6a321d5f2490' , category : 'Network L4+' , distributionStatus : 'DISTRIBUTED' , version : '1.0' , lifecycleStatus : 'CERTIFIED' } And match $[0].relatedParty contains { role : 'lastUpdater' } Scenario: findServiceCatalogWithFilter Given path 'serviceSpecification' And params {fields:'name'} When method get Then status 200 And assert response.length == 21 And match $[0] contains { name : 'FreeRadius-service' } Scenario: findServiceCatalogWithoutWiremock * call Context.stopWiremock(); Given path 'serviceSpecification','1e3feeb0-8e36-46c6-862c-236d9c626439' When method get Then status 500 * call Context.startServers();