API Designer
Model: serviceOrder
Version: 4.0.0_inProgress
Generated on: 2019-04-18T12:39:38.945Z
Generated by: Orange API Designer v2, model-v1
Application related code (as defined in the API or from a common list)
Text that explains the reason for error. This can be shown to a client user.
Text that provide more details and corrective actions related to the error. This can be shown to a client user
http error code extension like 400-2
url pointing to documentation describing the error
Linked Services to the one instantiate
nbi component used this relationship to sort request to ONAP.
Linked Services to the one instantiate
nbi component used this relationship to sort request to ONAP.
Relationship type. It can be : “reliesOn” if the Service needs another already owned Service to rely on (e.g. an option on an already owned mobile access Service) or “targets” or “isTargeted” (depending on the way of expressing the link) for any other kind of links that may be useful.
Only reliesOn is managed in Beijing release.
Service reference - id of the service targeted.
not managed in Beijing release.
Service references
Service references
Unique identifier of the service
Reference of the service
Name of characteristic
A related party defines party which are involved in this order and the role they are playing.
for Beijing release:
With the current version of APIs used from SO and AAI we need to manage a ‘customer’. This customer concept is confusing with Customer BSS concept. We took the following rules to manage the ‘customer’ information:
o It could be provided through a serviceOrder in the service Order a relatedParty with role ‘ONAPcustomer’ should be provided in the serviceOrder header (we will not consider in this release the party at item level); External API component will check if this customer exists and create it in AAI if not.
o If no relatedParty are provided the service will be affected to ‘generic’ customer (dummy customer) – we assume this ‘generic’ customer always exists.
A related party defines party which are involved in this order and the role they are playing.
for Beijing release:
With the current version of APIs used from SO and AAI we need to manage a ‘customer’. This customer concept is confusing with Customer BSS concept. We took the following rules to manage the ‘customer’ information:
o It could be provided through a serviceOrder in the service Order a relatedParty with role ‘ONAPcustomer’ should be provided in the serviceOrder header (we will not consider in this release the party at item level); External API component will check if this customer exists and create it in AAI if not.
o If no relatedParty are provided the service will be affected to ‘generic’ customer (dummy customer) – we assume this ‘generic’ customer always exists.
Unique identifier of a related party
An hyperlink to the party - not used in Beijnig release
The role of the related party (e.g. Owner, requester, fullfiller etc).
ONLY 'ONAPcustomer' is considered
Name of the related party
The service specification (these attributes are fetched from the catalogue).
The service specification (these attributes are fetched from the catalogue).
Unique identifier of the service specification
This information will be used to retrieve SDC information + mapped to SO ModelNameVersionIdin the request.
Reference of the service specification
Not used in Beijing release.
Name of the service specification
Not used in Beijing release
Version of the service Specification
Not used in Beijing release
This structure could be used to describe the service
Not used in Beijing release
Not used in Beijing release
Not used in Beijing release
Service (to be added, modified, deleted) description
Service (to be added, modified, deleted) description
Identifier of a service instance.
It must be valued if orderItem action is 'delete' and corresponds to a AAI service.id
Reference to the Service (useful for delete or modify command).
Not managed in Beijing release.
Name of the service - When orderItem action is 'add' this name will be used in ONAP/SO request as InstaceName.
The lifecycle state of the service requested;
Not managed in Beijing release.
To define the service type
Not managed in Beijing Release
The URL to get the resource schema.
Not managed in Beijing Release
A list of service characteristics .A name/value pair list used to store instance specific values of attributes. The behavior is equivalent to a MAP data structure where only one entry for any given value of "name" can exist
A list or service relationships (ServiceRelationship[*]). Linked Services to the one instantiate, it can be : “reliesOn” if the Service needs another already owned Service to rely on (e.g. an option on an already owned mobile access Service) or “targets” or “isTargeted” (depending on the way of expressing the link) for any other kind of links that may be useful.
Only reliesOn are considered in Beijnig release.
A list of related party parties linked at the Service level (it may be a User for example).
Not managed in Beijing release
A link to the service specification (catalog information)
This is required if orderItem action is add.
Linked order item to the one containing this attribute.
nbi component used this relationship to sort request to ONAP.
Linked order item to the one containing this attribute.
nbi component used this relationship to sort request to ONAP.
The type of related order item, can be : dependancy if the order item needs to be “not started” until another order item is complete
Unique identifier of an order item
An identified part of the order. A service order is decomposed into one or more order items.
An identified part of the order. A service order is decomposed into one or more order items.
Identifier of the line item (generally it is a sequence number 01, 02, 03, …)
The action to be carried out on the Service. Can be add, modify, delete, noChange
State of the order item (described in the state machine diagram)
Only Acknowledged, Rejected, InProgress, Completed, Failed will be managed for service order item state
Progress of the delivery in percentage.
Used to extend the order item.
not used in Beijing relase
not used in Beijing relase
not used in Beijing relase
Linked order item to the one containing this attribute
The Service to be acted on by the order item
A Service Order is a type of order which can be used to place an order between a customer and a service provider or between a service provider and a partner and vice versa
A Service Order is a type of order which can be used to place an order between a customer and a service provider or between a service provider and a partner and vice versa
ID created on repository side
Hyperlink to access the order
ID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches)
A way that can be used by consumers to prioritize orders in Service Order Management system (from 0 to 4 : 0 is the highest priority, and 4 the lowest)
A free-text description of the service order
Used to categorize the order that can be useful for the OM system (e.g. “broadband”, “TVOption”, ...)
State of the order : described in the state-machine diagram
Only Acknowledged, Rejected, InProgress, Completed, Failed, Partial will be managed for service order state (Held, Pending and Cancelled are not managed)
Date when the order was completed
Order start date wished by the requestor
Requested delivery date from the requestor perspective
Date when the order was started for processing
A list of related parties which are involved in this order and the role they are playing.
A list of related order references .Linked order to the one containing this attribute
A list of order items that have to be processed.
Linked order to the one containing this attribute.
This relationship is not used to sort ONAP request.
Linked order to the one containing this attribute.
This relationship is not used to sort ONAP request.
The type of related order, can be : “dependency” if the order needs to be “not started” until another order item is complete (a service order in this case) or “cross-ref” to keep track of the source order (a productOrder)
The id of the related order
A hyperlink to the related order
Type of the referred order.
Target to the schema describing the service spec resource
Target to the schema describing the service spec resource
Indicates the (class) type of resource.
This field provided a link to the schema describing this REST resource.
Value is a descriptive structure for service characteristic
Value is a descriptive structure for service characteristic
Value of the characteristic.
This structure is used in the operation POST for a serviceOrder request to describe an item.
Attribute description is not accurate and should be find in the serviceOrderItem class.
This structure is used in the operation POST for a serviceOrder request to describe an item.
Attribute description is not accurate and should be find in the serviceOrderItem class.
Identifier of the line item (generally it is a sequence number 01, 02, 03, …)
The action to be carried out on the Service. Can be add, modify, delete, noChange
Linked order item to the one containing this attribute
The Service to be acted on by the order item
This structure is used in the operation POST for a serviceOrder request.
Attribute description is not accurate and should be find in the serviceOrder class.
This structure is used in the operation POST for a serviceOrder request.
Attribute description is not accurate and should be find in the serviceOrder class.
ID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches)
A way that can be used by consumers to prioritize orders in Service Order Management system (from 0 to 4 : 0 is the highest priority, and 4 the lowest)
A free-text description of the service order
Used to categorize the order that can be useful for the OM system (e.g. “broadband”, “TVOption”, ...)
Order start date wished by the requestor
Requested delivery date from the requestor perspective
A list of related parties which are involved in this order and the role they are playing.
A list of related order references .Linked order to the one containing this attribute
A list of order items that have to be processed.
This structure is used to provide a subset of serviceOrder attributes to be provided in particular for notification messages
This structure is used to provide a subset of serviceOrder attributes to be provided in particular for notification messages
ID created on repository side
Hyperlink to access the order
ID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches)
State of the order : described in the state-machine diagram
Only Acknowledged, Rejected, InProgress, Completed, Failed, Partial will be managed for service order state (Held, Pending and Cancelled are not managed)
Date when the order was completed
Notification structure for a serviceOrdering notification
Notification structure for a serviceOrdering notification
Service Order item summary to be used for notification
Service Order item summary to be used for notification
Identifier of the line item (generally it is a sequence number 01, 02, 03, …)
The action to be carried out on the Service. Can be add, modify, delete, noChange
modify is not managed in Beijing release.
State of the order item (described in the state machine diagram)
Only Acknowledged, Rejected, InProgress, Completed, Failed will be managed for service order item state
The Service to be acted on by the order item
Service order item summary with item description
Service order item summary with item description
ID created on repository side
Hyperlink to access the order
ID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches)
State of the order : described in the state-machine diagram
Only Acknowledged, Rejected, InProgress, Completed, Failed, Partial will be managed for service order state (Held, Pending and Cancelled are not managed)
Date when the order was completed
A list of order items that have to be processed.
An optional array of messages associated with the Order
An optional array of messages associated with the Order
A code associated to this message
Service Order attribute related to this error message
Message related to this order
Gravity of this message
Indicator that an action is required to allow service order fullfilment to follow up