API Designer
Model: serviceInventory
Version: 4.0.0_inProgress
Generated on: 2019-03-12T16:45:37.288Z
Generated by: Orange API Designer v2, model-v1
This class is used to describe error.
This class is used to describe error.
Application related code (as defined in the API or from a common list)
Text that explains the reason for error. This can be shown to a client user.
Text that provide more details and corrective actions related to the error. This can be shown to a client user.
http error code extension like 400-2
url pointing to documentation describing the error
The class type of a REST resource.
it provides a link to the schema describing a REST resource.
Instantiated service (service_instance) in AAI
Instantiated service (service_instance) in AAI
Unique identifier of the service - Valued with service-instance-id
Reference of the service
Not managed in Beijing release
Name of the service - Valued with service-instance-name
Service type - valued with 'service-instance'
State of the service.
This attribute allows to dynamically extends TMF class. Not used in Beijing release.
Not managed in Beijing release
Not managed in Beijing release
A service specification reference required to realize a ProductSpecification
A list of service characteristics i.e. name/value pairs that define the service characteristics
A list of supporting resources
A supportingResource will be retrieved for each relationship of the relationship-list where related-link describe a vnf
A list of related party references . A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
Service specification reference: ServiceSpecification of this service (catalog information)
Service specification reference: ServiceSpecification of this service (catalog information)
Unique identifier of the service specification. valued to model-version-id
Reference of the service specification.
not managed in Beijing release.
Name of the required service specification
Service specification version.
Not managed in Beijing release
This attribute allows to dynamically extends TMF class. Valued with 'ONAPservice'. We used this features to add following attribute: invariantUUID
Not managed in Beijing release
Additional attribute (not in the TMF API) - extended through @referredType - model-invariant-id
A list of name value pairs that define the service characteristics
Not managed in Beijing release.
A list of name value pairs that define the service characteristics
Not managed in Beijing release.
Name of the characteristic
Not managed in Beijing release.
Type of value for this characteristic.
Not managed in Beijing release.
Value of the characteristic
Not managed in Beijing release.
Supporting resource - A supportingResource will be retrieved for each relationship of the relationship-list where related-link describe a vnf
Supporting resource - A supportingResource will be retrieved for each relationship of the relationship-list where related-link describe a vnf
Unique identifier of the supporting resource - Valued to vnf-id
Reference of the supporting resource
Not managed in Beijing release.
Name of the supporting resource - Valued with vnf_-name
This attribute allows to dynamically extends TMF class. Valued with 'ONAP resource'. We used this features to add following attributes:
Not managed in Beijing release.
Additional attribute (not in the TMF API) - extended through @referredType - valued with prov-status
Additional attribute (not in the TMF API) - extended through @referredType - valued with model-invariant-id
Additional attribute (not in the TMF API) - extended through @referredType - valued with model-verson-id
Additional attribute (not in the TMF API) - extended through @referredType - valued with model-customisation-id
RelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
RelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
Unique identifier of a related party
Reference of a related party.
Not filled in Beijing release.
Role played by the related party.
Filled with 'ONAPcustomer'
Not managed in the Beijing release.
Structure used to describe characteristic value.
Not managed in Beijing release.
Structure used to describe characteristic value.
Not managed in Beijing release.
Not managed in Beijing release.
Not managed in Beijing release.
Not managed in Beijing release.
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
Unique identifier of a related party
Role played by the related party - only role “ONAPcustomer” is managed in Beijing release.
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
Unique identifier of the service specification
Name of the required service specification
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
This class is used to structure list of service(s) retrieved
Unique identifier of the service
Name of the service
A service specification reference required to realize a ProductSpecification
Related Party to the service (only ONAP customer is managed)
Structure for a service inventory event notification
Structure for a service inventory event notification
The Service Instance Id
A reference to the service inventory
The name of the Service Instance
The type of event, service-instance
The state of the service instance
Notification structure for a service notification
Notification structure for a service notification