.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. Copyright 2018 ORANGE Installation ============ This document describes local installation for development purpose It also describes some keypoints for understanding NBI in OOM context Build ----- Requirements * Java 11 * Maven * free port 8080, used by tests Build:: mvn clean package Alternative 1 run SpringBoot application ---------------------------------------- Requirements * Java 11 * Maven * MongoDB * MariaDB Review and edit *src/main/resources/application.properties* Defaults Mongo, host=localhost, port=27017, database=ServiceOrderDB Mariadb, url=jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/nbi, username=root, password=secret Run:: mvn spring-boot:run Alternative 2 run docker ------------------------ Requirements * Docker * Docker-compose * Free ports 8080 Edit *docker-compose.yml* to select previous generated local build, replace:: image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO}/onap/externalapi/nbi:latest by:: build: . Run:: docker-compose up -d mongo mariadb docker-compose up --build -d nbi Logs:: docker-compose logs -f nbi Local tests ----------- Status is available at http://localhost:8080/nbi/api/v4/status Running a standalone test:: curl "http://localhost:8080/nbi/api/v4/status" You should get:: { "name": "nbi", "status": "ok", "version": "v4" } Play with Postman ----------------- A full collection of requests is available in *docs/offeredapis/postman* for inspiration OOM Context ----------- **Healthcheck** Running a standalone test:: curl "https://nbi.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30274/nbi/api/v4/status" { "name": "nbi", "status": "ok", "version": "v4" } Running an integration test with SO, SDC, DMAAP, AAI:: curl "https://nbi.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30274/nbi/api/v4/status?fullStatus=true" { "name": "nbi", "status": "ok", "version": "v4", "components": [ { "name": "so connectivity", "status": "ok" }, { "name": "sdc connectivity", "status": "ok" }, { "name": "dmaap connectivity", "status": "ok" }, { "name": "aai connectivity", "status": "ok" } ] } **Understanding OOM deployment** NBI uses AAF init container to generate valid server certificate, signed by ONAP Root CA. This server certificate is used for TLS over HTTP. Passing specific JAVA_OPTS to NBI SpringBoot java app will enable HTTPS. Here are some OOM related files which could help to understand how HTTPS is set up. Search for JAVA_OPTS in https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/nbi/templates/deployment.yaml AAF values https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/nbi/values.yaml AAF init container https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/nbi/templates/configmap-aaf-add-config.yaml